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Some paypig pushed it past 2 million just now.

>first game that comes to mind when i hear the word "classic"? Wonderful 101.

No thanks you guys can pay for me I'll just sit back and relax haha

Say goodbye to your precious second Luka sidescrolling mission, Blunder Red.

>tfw you want the PC version but at the same time want the phyiscal switch version due to resale value

help me choose Yas Forums I would get the phyiscal PC version if it was DRM free

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>openly admitted that they don't need the money at all and it's just a publicity stunt
>retards still pay tons of cash just so daddy Kamiya would notice them
This is peak Kickstarter.

god dammit

Platinum stated that they don't even need the funding and that the Kickstarter was just to gauge interest. Thus, I'm not giving money to something that has already surpassed its goal.

Giving money for a game that's about to release.

Giving money for a BAD game that's about to release.

And it's a PORT.


You forgot your meme arrows, scamp.

Yeah it's pathetic. The money seems to be going into their self publishing endeavors, which include mobile games.

You fucks are literally giving them money for microtransactions.

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Do backers get the dlc for free?

I might pledge a physical switch version if so.

Look at him go

There is literally a goal to be blocked on Twitter. Seriously? That's some cringy shit right there.


This is so scummy you'd think platinum would be above this shit


More details about the microtransactions.

Why would I donate? I own this game for the wii u already.

>please give all your money to platinum to fund their tencent mobile games

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Platinum would never side with Tencent you Nincel.

Can't wait to buy W101 and Bayo 2 on my PS4. ;)

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I heard that their next kickstarter will include a 1M donation where you can visit Kamiya (your money) for him to piss in your mouth.

Nice, can't wait to pirate this day 1.

Keep waiting

Platinum are the second worst Devs in history just after kojima.

Fuck off, astroturfer.
Game is shit and the only good platinum game worth their hype is viewtiful joe.

I already backed for my copy. If they don't hit any more milestones it's their own fault for having terrible stretch goals and hiding the rest until the terrible ones are filled.

Just having a xb1 gamepass stretchgoal as middle tier would have been enough.

>two MILLION dollary-doos to upscale an old game

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>still playing games on the snoycensored 4

>viewtiful joe
Literal trash that only got noticed because of its then peculiar artstyle (which has since been overdone to the point where it's now synonymous with shovelware). Get some taste you fucking mongloid.

>2.5 mil stretch goal is new dubs

Good if you're a hopeless ESL I guess but that's pretty fucking nothing considering the english audio is already wonderful.

>most non-english speaking countries are poverty ridden shitholes
Guess they don't want any more money.

>Kickstarter doesn't take visa electron
I hope the DLC isn't too expensive separately

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lmao why? this is one of their worst games, easily the one I played the least.

ironically it's probably one of the better stretch goals if they want money because they can get china to fund a china dub for them.

Everyone in China not dead is busy cremating bodies, user.

What's the fucking problem? People who want to give them more money can give them more money. Normal fans can buy the game at regulaf price. I paid the minimum amount just so I can get a digital copy and all the DLC for ko extra charge.

Fuck off shill, this was obviously a stunt and everything has already been done. The fucking thing is shipping in april for fuck sake

Now they can have a wonderful time doing it.

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>we aren't getting the orchestra recordings

Feels bad man

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I wonder if Hideki will be doing the remix album


Buy the switch version, pirate on pc

I've never seen a worse stretch goal

Tbf it's only bad because any game with forced Wii U Gamepad controls is unplayable garbage. If it had a regular controller it would be fine.

Fuck off kamia.


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Saw some gameplay and this game looks and plays like shit

Sorry, I already backed Russian kino instead of Jap capeshit kusoge

you have no idea until you actually try playing it.

I'm sure for some people there was a kind of perverse joy in playing a game so bad and unintuitive that it makes you feel like you've never even held a controller in your hands before but I am just not one of those people.

Its going to annoy me that mission 7 will never be counted as completed

I'm just happy we didn't get stuck on Mission 7 for the rest of the campaign.

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Is the physical PC release going to be available outside the kickstarter?
Or any physical version at all?

Probably but it will always be tied to steam so it's stupid to buy the physical on pc.

There isn't a single thing about this post that makes sense.

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Im glad we made 2mil

Sucks we won't get the orchestral version but the fact that we get a remix soundtrack already is fucking great, looking forward to hearing it

All my friends on reddit think it’s hilarious.

I would, but kickstarter keeps declining my debit card despite being perfectly fine, so meh......i wanted the physical edition with the special cover but i suppose i will buy the normal one in amazon when it comes out.

Somebody knows why this happens? Again, the card works fine everywhere else and it has money.

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All of that for a measly 2 millions

At least we still got the reward upgrade, just at a different tier.

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Post what tier you backed Wonder bros

I backed just physical but thinking of upgrading for Wonderful Physical for the keychain, digital comic and soundtrack

Just physical, too, for Switch. I might have to buy a controller for this 'cause my joycons have slight drift.

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