ITT: Pick a game you've played recently, give a random piece of advice for newfags...

ITT: Pick a game you've played recently, give a random piece of advice for newfags, then everyone else tries to guess them. Bonus points for something vague as fuck but still can't be applied to many other games

As examples, an easy one and a vague one:
>Build an underground house for the witch doctor before hardmode, so you can buy wings immediately it begins
>Pay attention to the floor plan, the secrets can only be in certain locations

Attached: Ignoring set bonuses.png (1440x613, 1.52M)


If you find yourself falling a lot, look at the ceiling.

Stop using shit ammo, even tracers are better than the dumpster tier you keep buying.

Raise your stats, win 40 battles, and don't forget to shit on the floor at least 10 times if you want that bone dragon.

You can grind the bonus games for star items in case you get to the end of the level and don't have full stars

best early game profession - skinning
best mid game profession - herbalism
best late game profession - fishing

Running backwards is faster and more practical, as well as saving you time.

Forget blood magic, use flies and meat chunks for best results.

just backdash bro

Attached: SUPER-FAGGOT.jpg (360x360, 54.31K)