>Hey how much for ITEM?
>is ignoring you
idk 200 gold?
lol noob ignored
>make offer
>seller acts insulted
I pm and offer 1m gold
When we trade i only have 250k
lol my gf and I do this all the time because it's so intimate and freaks people out
now i remember.
>being annoyed about this
>not realising these players are all shitters
I pop them on my ignore and instaquit any groups with these players
It's funny how when you reach max level and the harder content these guy are no longer anywhere to be seen
If you're the first one to make an offer and they're not clinically retarded, you've won.
>Log out and log in with alt
>Type in chat that I sell the same item for [actual price]
>Log back in with main
>Whisper the first guy, tell him I would buy his for a little less than what the other guy wants
>"l-l-l-l-lol, ok"
>highball the offer because I want a fast trade
>"uhh I dont actually know what its worth so I'll msg u later"
>"I'll pay 500"
>"U-Uhm ackshually I'd like 50K"
>"The average on the market is 480-500. I'm not paying that much."
>User has blocked you
Of course they aren't.
They can't sell their trash to experienced players so they have to make their money on newbies.
>When they tell you it's worth way more, but don't wanna buy it from you to sell for that
What's wrong with asking for offers?
because they already have a price in mind and they're just wasting your time by asking
>Put some random item up on the AH that has no competition and people won't just have to hand for an obscene price
>Get on alt and spam BUYING ITEM for more than double the retarded price
>Someone buys the item off the AH looking to scam me
>When they bring it to me say "sorry just bought from some1 else :)"
Who /devilish/ here?
They are also seeing if new players will offer over the item's worth accidentally
Either you're waiting to see if I buy it for more than it's worth or you didn't actually research the item you're selling and its current price.
I did that once to a guy in flyff (back when it was alive). I only didnt buy it because the weapon wasnt fitting for my class and I didnt want him to feel bad if he sold it for way too low. He actually got a few million more than his original price. He gave me a small cut too.
Man, that reminds me of early day runescape before they added the Grand Exchange.
>Walk into store for some milk, no pricetag
>Take it to the counter
>How much is four pints of milk?
>Cashier squints his eyes at me
>Cashier laughs as I'm ejected from the store by security.
>the market price is usually 500k I'll do you a favor and give you 560k
>"lmao are you serious do me a favor? fuck yourself I don't need this item or your money."
>uhh ok
20 minutes later
>"hey sorry about that my brother was on my account are you still willing to buy 560k"
>nigger I got one myself in the time it took you to realize you're retarded
retard has been blocked
hate these faggots
it is literally retard bait. here's something your zoomer mind might understand it's like baiting for (You)s
who else literally learned how to make passive income on the stock market from shit like RS and market house bullshit
All I learned from RS was that having a fuckton of climbing boots suddenly got very profitable very sudden.
You just reminded me that the last time I logged in on habbo a few months ago someone added me out of the blue to buy a what was a rare item when I used to play a long time ago. Answered with what you said there and haven't gone back since then.
And no I hadn't put it up for sale.
>sell item privately
>get offers from people above market price
>deny them anyway
>Make merch clan
>Buy up item for a few days
>Tell people in clan to buy it
>Dump all of mine
>Crash the market, with no survivors.
>Game has no trade window
>Have to drop items on the floor to trade
>Every deal is like a fucking drug deal
sounds like the shittiest mmo on planet earth
Then just make an offer, you fucking faggot
S>Fame 10k
The ge ruined so many things
>login on silkroad online after nearly a decade
>my character still has some oldschool hat that used to be bought with premium currency but was removed ages ago from the store
>someone actually messages me and tells me it's pretty cool
felt funny inside
Some of the most fun I ever had in that game was dicking around trying to merchant in Varrock west bank and Fally.
Never got very good at it, but it sure was fun to try.
Bullshit, new players don't have money.
I got boned in PSO:BB once because of this. Lost some crappy rares I didn't care much about to some chink because I was dumb and did a drop trade. A friend of mine helped me out by giving me a 60 hit Red Sword that he wasn't using. I used that Red Sword for the next 5-6 years
Well it was Tibia so yes
TF2 Trade Servers
old tibia didnt have trade?
>ffxiv marketboard
>item sells consistently for x with little variance
>someone undercuts by huge margin because ME WANT MONEY NOW ME SELL LOW
>everyone tries to become the new low by undercutting the undercut
>one guy singlehandedly ruin the market for item
>item recovers
>cycle repeats
I fucking hate this shit
>haggling with poles, russians, filipinos and other shitfucks from hell
>they always try to scam
I miss Tibia
It had like some building you could go to and drop things in like a little shared area with another player so people couldn't just ninja your shit but other than that it was all drop trading
That's when you buy from the idiots undercutting each other, wait for the price to correct, then sell for profit.
>mfw I take a loss lead undercutting a market heavily
>Retards undercut me
>Buy them out
>Relist everything a week later at the stable price
>tfw good at vidya but too retarded to understand economics
Some games allow you to make decent money by carrying richfags and newbies through difficult content but I'm usually poor as shit.
You'd think so, but there's always more idiots than you have money.
>when you went to trade, dropped the item and everyone inside the depot started throwing thrash things on top of it
>you panic and start throwing the things out fast as fuck
>end up throwing your item on the floor
looking back on it it was funny as hell
I just can't be bothered with the buy low sell high autism
so I'm usually fucking poor unless I luck out and drop some rare item
Ah yes this is how i scammed some noob of his granite armor and weapon for a member's only frying pan worth nothing.
21 chaos? can't offer more because i am broke
>buy low sell high
That's risky unless you have a sizable sum of money to start off anyway.
>What are you trading?
this is why auction houses exist, to filter out retards and scalpers
> B> FAME 15K
> fame first
> don't pay them
>tfw my last days of WoW were just playing the auction house
>had more fun hitting the gold cap (back in WotlK it was like 250k) than 90% of the rest of my playtime