Play Diabotical

Play Diabotical

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The beta is down

Anyway hitscan feels too strong. The hitboxes are round (not thin like in quake) so you can't even strafe against LG. Good player can easily hit like 60%+ LG.

>kiddies first afps
no thanks shill

the hitboxes are literally about the same width as Quake Live

it would be your first I know

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>zoomers will never know this level of fun

>you can't even strafe against LG. Good player can easily hit like 60%+ LG.
ask me how do i know you didnt play the game nor watched good players play it

diaboticle child game.... look to raven firefrog animal name developer to make kid player happy like children show.. diaboticle cartoon world with rainbow unlike quake champion with dark corridorr and tunnel like castle.. diaboticle like playhouse. diabotical playor run from champons fear of dark world and lovecraft so need child game to relax


>the hitboxes are literally about the same width as Quake Live
No they very much are not, lol.

It's just a Quake clone, god knows how many Quake clones exists, I don't want another Quake clone, I want UT clones, I want TA clones, I want Battlefront clones, I want Planetside clones, I want Quake Wars clone, I want AVP2 clones, I want SWAT4 clones, fuck Quake clones, I'm tired of Quake clones, you kick a tree and a new quake clone falls in your head.

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as someone who actually still plays QL I find it harder to hit shaft in DBT

probably because you're not used to the engine, the hitbox is much more favorable for LG in diabotical. wide hitbox = sidestrafing LG does very little

This is the first Quake clone to actually be better than Quake though.

I was out-LGing most people, honestly it's the lack of knockback that makes it harder to use but if the hitbox was bigger like you claim it would negate this


>Quake with Overwatch Graphics.
Kinda gross.

it has nothing to do with hitbox "size", just the proportions. quake = long and thin, diabotical = perfect sphere. because of that in quake, ADADADAD massively disrupts LG aim, while in diabotical not so much

Sorry i dont play pvp trash

>epic shit

why do these games still have LG when it isn't fun at all for either player
you just mash the A and D keys until one of you dies

Overwatch dont look like that at all, you thinking fortnite

>Another QL clone
And then everyone clapped

For me it looks like a fucking chinese mobile game.
Go take a look at those COD or Overwatch phone rip-offs and they look exactly the same.

Doesn't change the fact It's fucking Quake clone with a new skin, it's just fucking Quake, I don't want Quake, I'm tired of Quake clones.

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the diabotical hitbox isn't actually a perfect sphere though, it's a cylinder, becomes obvious when you aim at the legs


LG is fun when you can aim

Because choosing to duel with LG is conscious decision you're making.

Good players recognize when they can't afford to fight with LG in close range and either disengage or avoid the fucking LG duel.

Does anyone want a key that will play with me

add blood and gibs and i will.
Woops can't do that in China or Germany lol

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that's... pretty disgusting

>50% of the hitbox is open air
>50% of the player model is outside the hitbox

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the proportion doesnt mean shit, only the ratio of width to movement speed matter for adadadad

lg is the weakest gun in the game though.
and this is coming from someone who plays with 10 damage lg.
the shotgun in diabotical is just a straight upgrade over lg, especially in wipeout where you have 40 shells on spawn

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james, put the game back on. right now.
i know you're reading this.

Does anyone know what modes we're getting tomorrow?

yes. Duel and MacGuffin(the child word for deathmatch)


this has to be fake? I've been mussing so much thanks to those arms then

When's the open beta?

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>tfw 30% LG in DBT
>tfw retards still saying LG is OP in this game
seriously how bad are you if you can't win vs. some1 only using LG and you're using shotgun rocket or plasma, all of them do more dps and take considerably less skill

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>Local child who isn't a fan of genre complains about game in said genre

>inb4 how do you know its those exactly
alpha key.
Duel is really neat, dynamic time limit + golden frag makes it exciting as fuck.

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Can't say I'm interested in diabotical but launch is the only time I can play afps so fuck it
I miss warsow

I will. When is the next beta starting?


>MacGuffin(the child word for deathmatch)
these don't sound like deathmatch

his dad works at Epic

2gd is nerfing LG anyway

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I'm angry and sad because no one is trying to copy UT or TA.

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>epic killed UT to work on fortnite

There was a TA clone that went through developer hell

UT is casual pleb shit for people too stupid to play Quake. Fortnite is unironically higher skill than any UT game.

I'll play it if and when it comes out on something other than EGS

is it sacrifice?

Midair copied tribes, but it flopped massively. Didn't even get 1k players peak and now has like 15 players playing any given day.

>waaa my pc will get corona virus!!!!
god, you're pathetic. you can't name one reason not to install EGS that is not
>le chink botnet xd

user pls

It's time for you faggots to accept that Arena shooters are a dead genre.
Diabotical won't last a month after it's release

Because it wasn't TA, it was just Tribes1/2 with ugly pixar looking characters, the devs hated ascend.

>first good arena shooter to be released in 10-20 years
>"It's time for you faggots to accept that Arena shooters are a dead genre."
can't make this shit up

>2gd is nerfing LG anyway

you said the same thing about QC, and here we are 3 years later, and they aren't even updating or actively working on the game

Even though i downloaded EGS to play this it really does need to come out on more platforms, just for the sake staying alive. Also steam workshop would be really nice.
Because epic is a shit company with shitty business practices trying to bring exclusivity bullshit to PC. They also killed off UT for fortnite. Some people like to make moral stances and vote with their wallet or even boycott something completely instead of just consuming and some people don't want to deal with a shitty barebones launcher in order to play 1 game.

So... It's dead?

>Because steam is a shit company with shitty business practices trying to milk as much money out of indie developers as possible before their game flops because of no funds.

>They also killed off UT for fortnite. Some people like to make moral stances and vote with their wallet or even boycott something completely instead of just consuming and
this one, i'll give it to you. they only had to leave a small team on it to implement everything the community made, but no. it was killed off. fuck fortnite

>some people don't want to deal with a shitty barebones launcher in order to play 1 game.
if you have more than a single launcher installed (origin,steam,uplay,battlenet,bethesdanet, wharever else) this argument is retarded.

Take it off the Epic Games store :)

took me 1min to find games when I played earlier today, @morning/early afternoon EU time

>arena shooter
no thanks

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Updating yes. Actively? The last time I played it took them retarded amounts to do any changes. Just nerfing the tribolt took what 6 months. Like they're doing it intentionally.