Kojima says Americans don't get Death Stranding

>Death Stranding creator Hideo Kojima has shared his thoughts on the game's review scores. He observed that the game was rated differently by US and European outlets, and he has an idea about why that might be.

>He told The New York Times Magazine that the American audience is more accustomed to shooter games. Death Stranding does have guns and some shooting elements, but it is primarily a game about exploration and traversal

>"In America, they're used to shooters, so they don't gulp it down," Kojima said. "It's OK; everyone can evaluate what they want."

>Kojima added that some part of the audience for his Metal Gear Solid games resisted the way in which those games used stealth, but eventually people came around. He said he's keen to see what people think about Death Stranding over the next few years.

>"In three to five years, we will see what people will say," he said.

>Also in the interview, Kojima shared that he enjoys making video games because he himself feels lonely. "That's why I create these things in the first place," he said. When he was a child and returned home before his family was there, he would turn on the lights and the TV for a sense of company, he said.

>Kojima also shared that the first idea for Death Stranding came to him about 10 years ago after he learned about the phenomenon where dolphins and whales beach themselves, which is called mass stranding.


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Sam Lake > Hidumbass Kojimoron

Americans are stupid.
This statement has nothing to do with their ability to understand DS, btw.

I'm British as fuck and I didn't like DS. Fuck this sore loser.

Is this the European obsession thread?

The Japanese have a real problem with idealizing Europeans based off of dated stereotypes. But what gets me is that they're regurgitating stereotypes that WE gave them. Why do the Japanese believe that Paris is a fairy tale land of romance and that Italians are artistic and high-minded? Because that's how Americans portrayed them in our art, and we exported that art to Japan. The Japanese are so childish they bought a lie we sold them through Hollywood movies.

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I mean I think it's silly to generalize in that way, the game was just not something that has widespread appeal. I guess it's possible to draw lines based on sales/approval based on geographic location but that seems pointless. He made a niche product, but marketed as something with much more widespread appeal it didn't actually have. I think that's far more of a reason it got poor reception. Playing up the boss fights, playing up the BTs, and the mystery rather than the actual gameplay you partake in (avoiding that shit) just made it so lots of people bought it, and got pissed off and shit all over it due to it.

I liked it, but I also expected it to be mgs5 tier barren so I got a nice surprise and a story I liked.

He said this months ago, I'm a europoor and I still think it's shit. An annoying walking simulator is still a walking simulator.

but the biggest games in US right now are open world games

Shut the fuck up, don't you dare call the master Kojima-sama a liar! Americans are knucklehead gun-toting dumbasses who don't appreciate meaningful ART and the GENIUS of Death Stranding. This game is only doing poorly because Americans are dumb philistines who only care about "muh guuns, hurra" and all that shit. Master Kojima-sama did everything right, it's the world that is wrong, fuck Americans!

So THAT'S why its so divisive; Amerimutt can't into non-shootytooty bangbang vidya anymore.

Don't you dare to use Sami Järvi's name to slur on Kojima, you burger faggot.

this but completely unironically down to every word tbqh famalam

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it's weird, only boomers have that idealized versions of these nations anymore (literal boomers, not meme boomers). It like Japan is always 10 to 15 years behind the times in some respects.

It's a game about people connecting.
Americans are generally coming to hate one another more and more; they're dis-connecting.
it's also sort of a pretentious, tedious game with in-your-face product marketing of Boomer Energy Drink.

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>Its America's fault my game utter shite!

What a pathetic loser. I'm honestly glad the world has had their eyes open to what a complete laughable hack Kojima is.

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I guess you don't get an ego this big if you don't know how to ~cope~ with people calling you a hack, even if it's a nonsensical cope like that the reason people don't like your game that has guns in it is because it doesn't have guns in it.

Subnautica outsold Death Stranding 10 fold and doesn't have guns in it but nah I'm sure the lack of shooting is why people just don't get it

>in three to five years

in three to five years your company will be bankrupt

Hideo "you just don't get it" Kojima

America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America

The only reason Subnautica has no guns is because the dev is a cuck who thinks guns are two dangerous.

No, he's just saying Americans are stupid, which they are.
I mean, have you looked at their political activism?
They unironically think discussing the box office of capeshit is the key to saving the world.
Americans are retarded, not to mention they are all nigger apologists, the left doing their typical SJW shit, and the "right" drooling over nigger females.

America is just pathetic.

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I can't believe that this would be some kind of shocking revelation to Kojima after 30 years of making Metal Gear games.

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2020 and America still continues to live in the rest of the world's head rent free.

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Reminder that he insta-fired his sound designer because resetera got triggered by a single anti-immigration tweet.

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the shooting portions were the worst part of DS felt shoehorned in.

wait what

>gay westaboo makes game inspired by American politics without actually knowing anything about American politics
>continues to complain that Americans don't get it

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Exactly what I said, the sound designer's name is Simon Chylinski. Resetera had one of its typical witch hunting threads because they found an old tweet shitting on open borders policies and the Subnautica dev immediately fired him.

It's also because Japan is an endstage commercialized society. Just look at how all their prefectures have a specialty in food / mascot and merch that you HAVE to buy when you visit there.

The Japanese love to assign certain characteristics to regions and their people. They do this to people outside of Japan too of course.

Oh he's English? He must be a gentleman, oh he's Italian? Oh he must be so romantic and good with women. It's literally like this when dating in Japan.

Japanese people will go out of their way to visit Belgium / Brussels to specifically buy chocolate there because 'that's where it came from', even though you can buy the same shit in most of Northern Europe for example. It's insane but they are obsessed with it.

But also physically in military bases they installed in every country including Japan. So I guess it's not that weird if you think about it huh. If Japan had military presence in US, you'd be thinking about it a lot too

It's actually about Japanese politics but wrapped into the appearance of US politics for brainlets

calm down Ahmed

>you dumb AMERICANS just don't get art like us refined artistic Europeans do! All you AMERICANS want is just rooty tooty point and shooty games! How silly and base you AMERICANS truly are!
>now if you'll excuse us we must be off so that we may purchase millions of copies of Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, and FIFA

Its clear Kojima has swallowed the propaganda from Hollywood movies. America bad and stupid.

What's to get?
The game isn't deep, its nonsensical. Pretty much like all of his writing even in MGS.

On top of being a hack fraud, Ego Hugeman turns out to be a sore loser too. Not a surprising development really.

>Kojima also shared that the first idea for Death Stranding came to him about 10 years ago after he learned about the phenomenon where dolphins and whales beach themselves, which is called mass stranding.

is he fucking real? this man i a complete clown

What a faggot, so glad he's done making "video games"

he's right, americans are stupid. just look at us, we voted Drumpf into power but if we voted Bernie he would give us free games

I expect discussion on this game to improve once PC players get it. Most of the complaints come from brainlets thinking stories require subtlety.

Wasn’t kojimbo obsessed with america not too long ago?

2 Deepu fo yu

No, I get it. For my name is...GET GAMESMAN.

When the game spells everything out in exposition laden cutscenes, then its not about people not getting it. He has done this with every game and people think he is a genius. Suddenly with DS its "oh no, my game is too much for Americans".

The game sucked ass, no amount if star power can make it good. Its fucking phantom pain without combat or anything that makes it remotely engaging.

Man, you are all such hypocrites. Every time something you do fails, you blame everything and everyone except yourselves. You're only angry because his comments remind you of yourself.


>simp reasoning

what is wrong with that?

This. People who think this game have anything to do with muh Brexit or muh Trump based on that single interview really didn't played it.

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my name is Fariz, and I'm Swedish

Haha no, Kojimer will start a kickstarter next year and his moron fans will give him 6 million dollars to make a watch grass grow simulator

EU getting overrun by corona and turks should be the last to start trying to talk shit. EU's biggest achievement is the mass slaying of jews. Let that sink in.

>two dangerous
That wasn't a fatfinger. That was intent. KEK

Kojibro is just salty the world wasn't kissing his feet for his next showreel to venture into directing movies.

Hasn't Paris syndrome basically disappeared now that even Japan knows that France is packed full of black people?


His drooling fanbase will swallow anything he serves them. He could literally release a game with only a title screen with just his name and millions of his drones would buy that shit.

not american and still don't get it.

Fuck off, leaf. You ARE american whether you like it or not.

No? Why would I want to buy that?

The gameplay of Death Stranding looks so damn boring.

Plus a bit of an existential crisis since I work as a delivery person. It would be like this comic

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El poder de la creatividad extinguido.

Americans are lardass stupid mouthbreathers, but that doesn't change the fact that DS is still shit.