What to do when nothing feels right?

What to do when nothing feels right?

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Engineer was the most fun I had out of all the classes. It's amazing to throw a bazillion drones

But you can have only one at a time

Tali can shit out another

Play vanguard

For me, it's Vanguard and Adept, but on hardcore difficulty.


Engineer was only good in ME1. They fucked it up, along with Adept, so now they are fucking awful on anything higher than veteran.

Play Vanguard for fun zoomzoom action or Sentinel to become literally unkillable.
On Insanity though, you either play Soldier or Infiltrator.

Vanguard is buggy as fuck, I'm glad ME3 refined it
if I have to hear that line again I will kms

Vanguard is the most fun you can have in ME3. Its so damn good, I cant play it without charge.

Does all upgrades transfers in NG+?

I don't know what you're talking about, engineer was boring shit in 1, and 2 made it good.

>nova explosion

all other classes are pretty much trash compared to Vanguard.

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Soldier + adrenaline spam + Mattock headshots might not be the most exciting or inventive strategy, but it's so damn satisfying.

Personally, i'd say slow-mo sniping people in the eyeballs is way more satisfying than that.

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In one its a tech damage machine, your basically a black mage firing off explosions. Plus there are enough Geth to hack you dont have to worry, pick your favorite juggernaut and have a nice 4th party member.

Combat drone is fucking awful in 2 because of the shooting gallery design of the game. They are fine at damaging enemies still, but much less so since your powers share a cool-down. Also hacking was severely nerfed.
Engineer's only use in 2 is Overload and Incinerate, which you can just get from squaddies.

The final redpill in games is realising they're meant to be won by 10 year olds, so just pick whatever looks/sounds the coolest.

>where the stats are made-up and the classes don't matter

There is no reason to pick engineer in 1, might as well be an infiltrator and make use of that sniper rifle in those wide open spaces.

her's and legion's are weaker


Adept takes a long time to build up, but towards the end the CDs are so short you can replace your guns with push/pull/warp. Even against shields they do considerable damage.

If nothing feels right, do nothing.
delete me2, install back me1

Which is why you make them admiral ackbar explosive drones

I haven't gotten very far with one before I was completely bored of not being able to affect them, maybe ill give it another chance then.

you have to upgrade the drone to level 4 first, then it stunlocks one enemy.

also Drone got nerfed as fuck in me3, pretty much they gave it taunt. i only use it on the guys with the big shields. Sabotage is king in me3

Just go left

>good combat

Does NG+ exists in Mass Effect?

On higher difficulties of ME2 where everyone has the condom layers, the only useful biotic effect is that tiny .5 sec stagger. You drop singularity at chokepoints to stagger anyone passing through, you curve push/pull over cover to stagger enemies into standing up then have your mates focus fire.

ME2, yes

>playing anything other than a Infiltrator glass cannon
the game is already too easy, at least let there be some challange

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better than ME2

every ME has newgame+, ME2 babby

>better than ME2

>chest high walls
>thermal clips
>corridor shooter
>having to wait for enemies to pop out of cover
>that slow ass sprinting
>less powers
>less ammo types
>no weapon upgrades
>teammates useless
why would you pick the combat to say ME2 is better than the other two? its the weakest there

Infiltrator is one time run.
However Widow reload animation...


>>corridor shooter
>says he in defense of ME1
ME1 had only 3 places where it wasn't corridor fight half of mission with crazy biotics and hostages, Ilos and final Citadel Run

Sniper Infiltrator was too safe that it's boring, Cloaking Infiltrator is like a paper vanguard, never could find the right balance with the class.

maybe replay the game before making objectively wrong statements
ME1 has the most open fighting locations of the 3 games


>ME1 has the most open fighting locations of the 3 games
Noveria? Only corridor fight with geth and rachni
Vermire? Mostly fights in corridors or catwalk
Feros? Tunnels or stairs
Therum? One battle with colossus where you usually pinned down to single cover
First game was great for planet visual environment and world building, but gameplay-wise it was most clunky game

>or Sentinel to become literally unkillable.

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Therum before the colossus fight is quite open

and every map you just listed is more open than any in ME2 and doesnt have crates for cover every 5 meters

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you're much sturdier in ME1, in 2 and 3 you go down way to easily like in Gears of War, it's not really satisfying

>Therum before the colossus fight is quite open
Therum before Colossus is MAKO 98%
>and every map you just listed is more open than any in ME2


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Oh god this fucking fight.

I played as a chad soldier in all three games

>Mass Effect 1 engineer aka Soldier and Engineer mashup with nothing unique to it

I'd rather take this fight than the ME2 hide-behind-shit gameplay

no, as soon as you get out of the mako there are sections where you have to deal with snipers and the area is quite large

whats open about them?
the bigger rooms in purgatory are still just corridor shooters, horizon has only the battle against the mech which is still dwarfed by ME1 open areas


Wew lad, actually replay the games instead of living off your nostalgia.

manguard as femshep

Engie, all game erry game.

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immunity is based

>letting enemies use immunity
you just suck, thats why you need ME2 babby tier combat
also playing on console lmaoing@ur life

>the bigger rooms in purgatory are still just corridor shooters
>horizon has only the battle against the mech which All open areas in ME1 are also empty except Ilos and Citadel

adapt master race

>also playing on console lmaoing@ur life
You realise ME1 was designed for X-box?

tough fight on insanity

late game ME1 with all the power spam is much funnier to play than the sequels where you have to constantly hide behind a box. Vanguard is fun though