BFV reverting changes

So DICE reverted changes to BFV they made through the holidays.

This includes stupid shit like arbitrary gameplay shit like TTK etc. This is somehow a big deal.

Why the fuck do these devs even listen to autists on R*ddit? They are like 3 thousand and suddenly they are the "community" now. When the fuck has mechanics ever trumped player skill? These fucking crippled autists think that "balance" will somehow make them better at the game and will cry endlessly online until they can look at numbers without having panic attacks.

How the fuck do developers even deal with these backseat driving loud mentally unstable retards?

Attached: WediditReddit.jpg (1200x675, 147.2K)

I'm more curious as to why you care about Battlefield post Bad Company 2.

Because I have sex!

why have they had such a hard time with this lol.
it's the easiest solution

i honestly like the faster TTK, but it's shitter repellent. and guess who uses reddit.

Dumb question but is it better to have low TTK or high TTK? For me I love playing quake champions in instagib mode, so I guess low TTK is better in my own opinion.

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imagine unironically playing EAshit in 2020

Depends on the game for me. I think in a Battle Royale the time to kill should be high so that you can actually retaliate or stand some kind of chance if you're being shot at first, especially if it took 15+ minutes to get to where you are.
Same might be said for Battlefield, if you have to run a decent distance to get to the fight, but I don't play Battlefield so I don't know

Stfu and play the game. All you faggots do is whine and bitch but at the end of the day you keep playing so just suck it up and go back.

Call me when every game doesn't have somebody hacking