Still butthurt? For someone who didn't play infinity games, what exactly is wrong with it?

Still butthurt? For someone who didn't play infinity games, what exactly is wrong with it?

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More like what's not wrong with it.

It's not copy pasting a game from 20 years ago. Add autism and shit posting on top of that and now you understand.

nothing is wrong with it, combat was the key issue of those games

I just hate nuLore

Attached: heres your bg3 bro.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

It's turnbased and Larian is making it. That's literally the only complaints contrarian faggots have about it, it looks great

I don't give a shit about RTWP vs turn based, i love both.
My problem is that it looks like a carbon copy of OS2, a game i fucking despised.
4 party member limit, lack of classes, the fact they are still using OS2 party management, combat animations stolen directly from OS2 with warriors looking like they are about to release kamehameha every time they attack, utterly abhorrent NPC design, i don't want to play OS2 again, now with 5e paint sprayed around it.

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>prealpha footage looks janky
>a halfling looks like a weird mutant in a D&D setting

>lack of classes
It does have classes though?

>4 party member limit
Wait what?

>It's not copy pasting a game from 20 years ago
They are copypasting a 3 years old game of vastly inferior quality instead

It's too close to Original Sin 2. If you haven't played the originals you have no point of reference for what they were.

>utterly abhorrent NPC design

Attached: balders-gate-3-feb-preview-23.jpg (3840x2160, 442.77K)

Vastly superior*

Real-time with pause is for brainlets that desperately want to feel smart. Either go full real-time or shut the fuck up.

Something vital was lost in the transition to more complex graphics. Now these top down games all look the same. The demo I saw looks exactly like PoE and all it's clones.

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This shit is already forgotten while BG2 still reigns as the king of the genre 20 years later
Cry me a river

Literally who gives a fuck? If it were 8 party members you retards would be just as mad

D&D's been built around having a 4 man party for 20 years now.

She looks like fucking Serah from cisquisition

Nostalgiafags like you are literally the only ones crying about this, people like me (i.e. the majority) are excited for it

If it didn't resemble the godawful OS2 so much i wouldn't be mad

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BG is the most overrated series of all time. The gameplay sucks ass. It's simple as fuck. The story sucks even more ass. Paper thin characters and baby's first D&D campaign.

gay but then again
>DnD in 2020

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>getting excited over a pile of garbage
Fucking zoomers

>BG2 still reigns as the king of the genre 20 years later
Funny how many people keep calling Pathfinder the king of CRPGs then.

Even the normalfaggot shithole of Reddit hates it
They are shitposting it into the fucking oblivion for a week now

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>ugly overdone makeup
>helmet hair
>jewelry that looks like part of the plastic halloween costume
And this is the best they have to offer.

I think it looks pretty good desu. Didnt play the originals though cause I had sex instead.

>no argument
As expected, say larianiggers next

Is Pathfinder Kingmaker good?

It's comparable to bg actually, even better in some aspects. I hope they keep going in the same direction.

>redditor reports reddit's opinion of a game and uses it as an argument

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Awwww yesssss Biowares back baby!!

It's really showing, the only people I see genuinely excited for this game are the ones that haven't played the original.

I have no ill will toward Owlcat, I hope they keep doing their thing and people keep liking their games. But the amount of Pathfinderfags shitting on BG3 just because Larian is making it is hard to ignore

Ok, it's huge though but very copypasted

>claims that nostalgiafags are the only ones hating the game
>gets proven wrong by using the normalfag den as an example
>proceeds to cry about it
Take pills schizoid

BG never had good writing.
go for the eyes boo xd xd

This but unironically. Did everyone forget how ugly Dragon Age was? It still came through with the writing.

Ye, there's like 8 companions with all vastly different personalities and most of them are quite charming

If you ever get a conversation with Octavia and Tristian about killing the Technic league enslaver by the side of the road you can tell they tried hard to make the characters actual characters

So which is it then, smart guy? Either normalfags hate it or niche fans hate it, you established the fanbase for it as normalfags that didn't play the originals but if the subreddit you post in hates it too that kind of fucks with your goofy narrative

Wrath of the Righteous kickstarter got a pretty big boost on the days after bg3 announcement, I guess some people got overexcited to keep the momentum going.

>you established the fanbase for it as normalfags that didn't play the originals
The amount of shit you're pulling out of your ass is amusing

What do you mean? All of the areas are unique.

>For someone who didn't play infinity games, what exactly is wrong with it?
That it's nothing like them yet acts like a sequel to them, complete with their name and everything.
The game does look good though. But it's look good in the DoS3 kind of way, not the BG3 kind of way.

Fuck the 3d scanning meme though. DoS2 was more beautiful than this. And especially fuck it being called BG3 to begin with.

I don't LOVE turn based after being reintroduced to RTWP with PF:KM. But my main issue is that its fucking divinity gameplay and tactics with the 5e coat as you said. Sure there's a spell called guiding bolt on a class called cleric, but that cleric is a premade lame ass character that has to ally with Githyanki and a vampire spawn (because of a complete lack of options) and there are convenient """"""""""""Homebrew"""""""""""" rules they are implementing, like grease being flammable, that will just make it divos2 gameplay a-fucking-gain

I don't know who the fuck you are retard, I'm going by the posts made in this thread

What's so bad about D:OS combat? I like it

No elf harem

his spastic movements remind me of that one Adam Sessler video where he's cranked up

It's not bad, just gimmicky and designed around classless system. I don't think that's a good fit for DnD combat.

You literally proven his point, congrats. Also good job on showing everyone on what level your mind is. Cringe waifu obsessed retard.


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>what exactly is wrong with it?

what isnt wrong with it?
The game looks and sounds like utter dogshit, just like every other Larian game - the concept of "art" seems to be completely alien to them.
All locations look like.... nothing. I cant even describe them in any other way, they're just.... nothing.
Larian games are the Justin Bieber or Ed Sheeran of RPG's.
You hear some sounds on the radio, but they dont even resemble music at all.

And if you want to touch the turn based subject - that also has to be the most retarded idea in the last decade.
Who in Larian came up with the idea that slowing the Baldurs Gate franchise down by 9000% will be "fun" in any way?

Are modern gamers such low IQ retards that you cant handle more than 1 thing happening at a time on the screen?
Does more than 1 thing moving slowly on the screen make you confused? Make your head hurt?

The only people defending turn based combat in Baldurs Gate are low IQ noobs who lost their entire team in Irenicus' dungeon to 5 goblins on easy difficulty.

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Give me Valerie!

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Why did you attach a selfie to this post?

Nobody cares what you think

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>pathfinder wrath of the righteous will probably be the last RTwP game in the foreseeable future

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apparently the thread proves otherwise.

>heh, a few epic 4channelers agree with me

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>everyone hates it just look at all these forum posts made by the same five hyper autists
>no don't look at actual numbers who cares if every ratio on every platform is vastly in favor of BG3
>I don't care if it sells well it'll still be shit

>DivOs enviromental interaction during combat
>DnD ruleset behind the scenes
It's the best outcome.
I see people complaining about the outcome of this game and it's like they never experienced true dissappointment or what a franchise being beaten to death is like. I fucking wish the franchises i loved received this treatment.

>"BG3 is just a cash cow"
>WotC literally called Larian and asked them to make BG3
If Larian really wanted a cash cow they'd be making Divinity:OS3

It's turn based like actual D&D and not RTwP like D&D vidya. Ignore that RTwP is the shittiest part of an action game mixed with the shittiest part of a turn-based game, it's the way it is!

>DivOs enviromental interaction during combat
I hope they tone it down actually. There's no point in the variety pnp ruleset offers if you can just break every fight by barricading an enemy with oil barrels and blowing him up.

It's DOS3 with a skin. DOS2 had a shitton of problems people don't want to be brought into BG. (To name some: Party management, small number of characters, game is built for their pet characters and not a custom character, janky transitions into combat, and slow combat that means less encounters that means once again xp progression is going to be on rails and in exactly the order Larian wants you to do it in.)

>WotC never even glanced at Beamdog or Obsidian
This will always be my favorite part about this whole situation.

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>carbon copy
>4 party member limit
one screenshot had 5, we only know its 4 player coop , we dont know about actual party size
>combat animaitons from OS2
Only two of them are, the cast animation for self buffs and jumps, aka shit that probably wont be in the game
>lack of classes
Maybe you just watched OS2 gameplay? cause theres fucking classes in this, theyve shown em, theres also subclasses and all that shit from the PHB

It's the sequel to an old game, this makes every single "OLD GOOD NEW BAD" contrarian snowflake come out of the woodwork to shit on it.

Swen himself said something in the lines of that he hopes BG3 reach makes more people want to play Divinity games. He doesn't approach this in the best way possible.

My God, it's Hitlers dog!