Miyamoto Has Broken His Habit Of "Completely" Reworking Games Mid-Development

>Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto currently acts as a 'Creative Fellow' at the Japanese video game giant – passing on his ideas and knowledge to the next generation of game designers. As a result, he's not quite as involved as he used to be.
Fucking finally. Paper Mario and Star Fox have chances of being good again.

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>we're gonna live to see genuine Mario lore once this guy croaks

Is this why Pikmin 4 is vaporware?



‘Bout time.

Star fox always was garbage though?

he made mario 64 which has the best lore tho

>miyamoto dies
>mario character dies canonically for good

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Pikmin 4 is only taking so long because Miyamoto is the only one who truly gives a shit about it but he's too busy with Nintendo World and the Mario Movie

Miyamoto would rather die than giving Main Series Pikmin to someone else

Glad to hear it. Its too late for dinosaur planet but those other franchises should be able to recover. Guess he mellowed out as he got older.

>Star Fox have chances of being good again.
After Command & Zero I ain't getting my hopes up.

he looks so fucking dead inside in that pic.

Its gonna be based

Rosalina Mario family ties game when

the mario movie we havent heard any news or trailers not even a fucking picture or comment in like what 4 years?

Do you people actually know what you're talking about? At most his input can have developers go back to the drawing board, but he's not the only one with that sort of authority at Nintendo . Paper Mario turning to shit is 100% on Intelligent Systems and the director of SS and CS. But I guess Miyamoto was the reason for its downfall because he recommended they use more Mario-based characters, and they went and took that as just copy and paste Toad everywhere.

I hope all you retarded niggers realize Miyamoto was not the one who sabotaged Paper Mario, it was fucking Tanabe. This guy has been 10x times worse and more damaging than he ever was. It's insane to think how much he's gotten away with scot free.

Sounds like the same excuse people use for the beyond good and evil 2 guy and that "something Wild" game by him too.

I hope this means we can get a new F-Zero one day.

it's going to be a HUGELY mixed bag once he dies/leaves Nintendo along with the rest of the old guard.

wow imagine all the good game's he's completely reversed the development on

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He has irreversibly damaged so many games though

Maybe we can get more Rosalina involvement with him out of the way.

what happened to "a delayed game is eventually good"?

Tbh imagine all the bad games he's reversed.
Think less about the shit games we see and more about the ahit games we don't see.

MM was Iwata. And he only had like a year to make it.
Just Sayian.

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the constant thought of dying made him reevaluate things.

Rosalina appearing more will only be a bad thing and will devalue her original appearance.
People already forget what an interesting character she was in Galaxy and instead just jerk off to her, thinking of her only as space peach.

>Paper Mario, the series under Tanabe's foot, the series confirmed by Tanabe and Tabata to never be returning to form as its future will be experimental, and Star Fox, the series they've repeatedly attempted to pointlessly reboot since its inception, have chances of being good again
Wake the fuck up, you retarded Paper Mariofags and furfags.

I imagine he'll let Aonuma or Koizumi take control of future projects.

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Do you really want that though? There's a fine line to make sure your series doesn't end up like Kingdom Hearts or Metal Gear with it's 3 Sora's and 2 Snakes

Aonuma should fuck off
Koizumi does both Mario and Zelda better

As if zelda wasn't already doomed forever

So he's still going to inject his retarded ideas into the game from it's inception and instead of trying to overhaul the whole thing to be not a complete mess at the end they're just going to release it in it's retarded state.

give me pikmin you gook

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Don't forget a coherent Zelda story and timeline. Looks like that is already beginning with botw and botw2

This. Nintendo would be in good hands with Koizumi. Aonuma would fucking ruin goddamn everything.

Thankfully Koizumi is more likely to get the torch passed down to him. He's worked alongside Miyamoto since the damn Famicom.

This. Where is it?

Imagine thinking botw is the first zelda game with a direct sequel

Ah, yes. Finally. Miyamoto was the issue. Not IntelligentSystems' original Paper Mario staff disbanding years ago and most of them moving on to work on Fire Emblem. Not the early development plans revealing sticker-based combat was always going to be part of Paper Mario 3DS. Not the fact that development of Color Splash immediately started after finishing Sticker Star. Not the current Paper Mario staff revealing they ditched series staples because they wanted to focus on a different direction for the series, emphasizing light puzzle solving and the paper aesthetic. Not one series completely parting with its roots because another similar one existed (and is now dead). Not the fact that Tanabe has killed off multiple series like Chibi Robo and Dillon.

Paper Mario is saved. Let us post the same image every month where we force hype for something that will never happen. Come on, Yas Forumsros.

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The final 1.0 gold copy is hidden secretly up in his anus. To be released ONLY if Miyamoto dies in a VERY VERY specific way.

We're just pretending Zelda 2, Majora's Mask, Phantom Hourglass, and A Link Between Worlds didn't happen?
Oh, you're legitimately retarded.

Koizumi is fucking based. Go ahead, try your best to shitpost and call the games bad. You're a minority and playing the contrarian.

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Koizuma is based but his "lore" is fucking weird. He decided that Toads are actually talking mushrooms and not just little guys wearing turbans. Then there's New Donkers, which are more human than Mario but still aren't human. What the fuck. I liked NDC but it would've been much better if the residents were more similar to Mario

>He decided that Toads are actually talking mushrooms and not just little guys wearing turbans.
we got a dobson here

koizumi is based
aonuma sucks

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'bout time you should leave faggot

I for one welcome him, the paper mario autists just care about lore rather than the games being actually good. And lets be honest, they just fellate to literal mooks with hats.

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Is this why we have not seen Toadsworth since Iwata passed?

delet this you'll trigger TP and WW fags

wait he's only Odyssey's producer? Then who directed it? Or is "producer" just the same role with a changed title?

It's like that image showing Kojima and the other guy writing MGS1 and 2 then he left and it's just Kojima.

>He decided that Toads are actually talking mushrooms and not just little guys wearing turbans
The fuck are you on about? They were always mushroom people.

>Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
It is a good track record though

You forgot breath of the wild.

>shitting on Jungle Beat
>conveniently ignoring The Stretchers

Imagine thinking Majoras Mask is better than Wind Waker

Is he flipping me off?


it's miles better. wind waker and TP are just ocarina of time but shittier

damn. I really preferred the turban lore, but it's good to know this has always been Canon and he didn't just pull out the decision out of his ass

Kenta was Odyssey's director.

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I do but I still think WW is a 9/10

I only ignored it because I have never heard of it

Thank goodness it only took him until he was 86 to do so, he has many years of good games ahead of him now!

>. He decided that Toads are actually talking mushrooms and not just little guys wearing turbans
How is that not better?


As opposed to Majoras Mask?

Making a real game with the bongo controller was fucking rad. You're just mad you could never experience true kino.

67 actually. Nigga ain't that old.

>not liking Jungle Beat

67 is fucking old. Average male life expectancy is 76.

James Rolfe, is that you?

Still older than every American Presidential Candidate
>INB4 someone mentions Tulsi

Mario eats mushrooms right in front of Road's face. The entire premise is already nonsensical enough and I liked the idea of midgets who wear mushroom turbans more

It has better dungeons, world-building, music, bosses, and implementation of its new gameplay mechanics. Wind Waker is still good though.

People like to blame miyamoto for everything because of dinosaur planet.
Miyamoto saved splatoon,

Once you make it out of middle age you live until you're like 90 most of the time. Average is lower because of people getting worked to death by the Jews.

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>Mario eats mushrooms
Yeah, I get your point when you put it like that. I suppose it's kinda like how we eat meat and we're made out of meat? I don't know.

>none of us want to see that

He was right

>Mario will go through the same shit Sonic did since Adventure
>When you realize everything even down to the Sonic Team staff worked on Mario Odyssey, was like Sonic Adventure but with Mario in it, right down to the random humans
Well time for bing bing to end his career now, it was nice knowing it

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I'm convinced everyone who ignores Tanabe isn't a Paper Mario fan and they're just false-flagging to attract shitposting

That’s the point he’s trying make. Miyamoto said make a Zelda game in less than a year then left them to it. All the other games probably had a lot of his input

There is no plot to Mario beyond "plumber gets cucked by giant asshole demon turtle"

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uh, yes?

>the Stretchers
That sounds like a porn game

Did you mean younger, retard?