The wait is LITERALLY killing me...
The wait is LITERALLY killing me
Which theater will you be seeing it at?
I could honestly care less. The game is just gonna be a fancier animation showcase than 1 was, except now I'd have to swallow my suspension of disbelief over some 120lb girl taking out groups of hardened men who've spent 30 years surviving the zombie apocalypse
Maybe go see a doctor
96 on metacritic incoming
You'd really think sexual preference would go out the door when the world ends. I don't know if it would matter if you were gay, lesbian, asexual, memesexual or whatever: if the very fate of humanity is on the line, then everyone breeds.
imagine being this retarded
Why? Are you gay?
Check your privilege, dumb fascist.
Is this basically a liberal’s idea of high art?
>the longer you wait the closer you are to the date of your death, whatever it may be
>yfw he wasn't factually wrong
Gamerslittleplayground with uorigin so they get zero adbux.
>The wait is LITERALLY killing me
We can only hope the waiting continues then
Bruh, we don't even have zombies in real life and women are STILL trying to end the species
no, if that were the case Ellie would be with a black man
chad Joel isn't the protag anymore so I don't care
We're definitely going to play as him at some point in the game.
The right can't make games.
How come?
Righties make games because they want to make a game, you wouldn't know if they made a game because they keep their politics out of it. (twitter not withstanding)
Leftoids make games because they want something popular to insert their propaganda into
>implying the Twitter bait is not half the reason Yas Forums even remembers Kingdom Come
It was a half finished, half-assed game on release with a couple of neat ideas that drew the Yas Forums-tards in with some delicious (and dumb) twitter rants about how the devs were so concerned about period realism there are no black people in the game (which is objectively false, black people existed and were sparse in Medieval Europe) but didn't bat an eye at the fact you literally use drink potions to save the game. Very realistic.
Ellie dies at the end
Nah, Joel.
Top concern would be neutralizing--in the case of TLoU---the zombie plague and rebuilding society. Realistically---even if a quarter of the population was gay---we'd be fine as a species if more than 100,000 or so humans survived.
>but didn't bat an eye at the fact you literally use drink potions to save the game
Oh wow, you're that same guy who shows up whenever KC is brought up
Joel dies at the beginning
Ellie dies at the beginning and you play as Joel as he rampages his way across the country again to avenge her. Basically a darker and more brutal rehash of the first game without a companion
they're gonna make you play as the dyke the whole game and knowing that kills my desire to play it
Yeah no, glad you're not the writer. Tlou 2 is Ellie's story and Joel is merely a side character here.
>Joel dies at the beginning
>Ellie dies at the beginning
I will never understand the appeal of this game. It boggles my mind, it's just a fucking movie! WHAT IS THE GODDAMN POINT?!
You must be a degenerate dyke. If should still kill yourself.
>Tlou 2 is Ellie's story
who and why would somebody want this, I will never know
Whatever dude, I cringe at the existence of this game, fucking nonsensical on every level.
No. The lefty hierarchy goes:
colored woman>white woman>gay colored man>colored man>gay white man>white man
Not only is a shitty movie but also a degenerate one that promotes repulsive dykery. The retarded subhumans who like that dogshit should stop wasting oxygen.
this, I like
I know a lot of of people will reply to your post with "based" this would legitimately disappoint me. Even of I like Joel more I think Ellie is more enjoyable to play as
I'm not sure if there's a single person on Yas Forums hyped for this game. Even fans of the first game have turned their backs on it.
>I could honestly care less
You mean you couldn’t care less
>it's just a movie
what are you stupid
>Ellie is more enjoyable to play as
Yes, after playing the entire first game as Joel, and a small section as Ellie where melee was reduced to only being able to use her switchblade I really hoped that the sequel would get rid of the brutal hand-to-hand combat that the first had, and make it more like that small section where you play as Ellie. And from the gameplay videos released it looks like we will get exactly that, with still being able to use melee weapons! Yay so grate
He’s right though, the single player is shit, I never understood why people liked it as a game, the story is good though
i am
>it's gonna sell shit-loads
>Yas Forums will seethe shit-loads
I'm looking forward to it too, user
Playing as Ellie actually actually turns it into more of a stealth game because you can't just punch your way out of situations like Joel could. That's why I like Ellies Winter chapter most in the first game, because you actually had to be careful if what you're doing.
Unless of course they go full retard and give Ellie the same punching ability as Joel
This is gonna be the game of the decade just like the first. Can't wait to see you incels malding and raging when the actual scores come in ahahah
I know box art doesn't really matter in 2020 but fuck I hate that they went with that
Not really, Yas Forums know snoys eat up movie games
Yas Forums also know tendies seethe at well received games
I'll be watching it on youtube like I do with all games like this
gameplay videos already confirmed Ellie can't punch. she just uses her switchblade. it's not how it was in the first game, but they pretty much got rid of the nice melee combat the first had
and sure, since you're playing as ellie you're sort of forced into stealth, but at least in the first one you had the option of being stealthy or not
but hey, people who play video games aren't a fan of having options
If they let her punch we'd have a bunch of people upset a little girl could out punch a man. You can't win everything m8
They both do, and you play as the jewess from the e3 tent trailer
1st game was alright but nothing revolutionary or special. way overated by normies who play like 3 games a year.
Second game gonna be medicore at best, like every game from the last 3 years gonna have political comments and muh diversity and women power, and will just make even normies roll they will sell well because of the hype around the 1st game. probably will create more 3d pornstars for degenerates to fap to.........
>and you play as the jewess from the e3 tent trailer
No you don't.
41% chance it actually does
Nigga, you dumbasses are already seething and the game isn't even out yet.
I think I'll do that too. Watch a movie cut on YouTube of it.
Another "women strong because the script say so" cinematic experience
Women are strong though?
im gonna watch a lets play and not buy the game.
If Yas Forums hates this game so much then why are there so many threads about it
Not really, I “played” the first game an have a pro but I won’t be touching that trash with a 10 foot pole
Why Joels face is so fucking uncanny
Literally the creepiest shit i've seen in vidya
what the hell
His point is that is something that comes with modern life level of comfort.