Smash Bros Ultimate

it is 11PM and there is literally no Smash threads. What the fuck is going on, Yas Forums? Time to fix that. Post that one character who should have been in a long time ago. The kind of character that makes way too much sense because of popularity or historical significance. The first character that pops into your head.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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already got mine

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Steve was never even that popular of a pick for Smash prior to the "Minecraft in base game" bullshit Vergeben made up. Literally no one was talking about the fucker before then.


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I believe OP says that the pick has to "make way too much sense". How can Steve-tards be so brainless?

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ass and doomcunt are the only characters that are both massive standouts and the only characters i really want left (that haven't gotten spiritcucked, that is)
wouldn't be opposed to some kind of GTA rep either but fuck if i know how you'd implement it, racist jokes aside the only moveset i could think up is pretty much CJ as a semi clone of fucking diddy kong

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it's been six games and he's still not in
honestly not sure why i'd get my hopes up now

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and yet they ruin it by continuously making biker Wario the default for literally no reason. Just market Wario as a brand instead of just labeling him as part of the Warioware franchise. His original outfit is literally the most iconic version for the character that everyone knows about. That's like making Advent Cloud the default. Makes no sense. It still doesn't make sense that Android 17 is the default and is the one on the Smash mural when it clearly should be Erdrick.

Earthworm, Conker and Crash
I feel they are a perfect fit for smash and they could bring interesting moveset and excellent music
But that’s just my opinion

these are Yas Forums's most expected (not most wanted) characters to be in fighter pass 2

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>love wario
>representation outside of the character is fucking ass
>music picks are terrible
>no fucking warioland stage
>don't like the moveset that much either
glad he's still around but god i wish sakurai at least tolerated the character a little more

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>Try hard
Smashtards really changed their perspective after one game.

>Master chief
Say Whaaaaaaat?

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Never said yes or no. Just vaguely dancing around it

>"Minecraft in base game" bullshit Vergeben made up
He didn't make that up, his source did.

>Master Chief
>Shin Megami Tensei
>Master Chief
>fucking Geno
>Somehow more likely than a Tekken rep
I know this statistics are bullshit and obviously made up but it's still absolutely retarded nevertheless.

Nintendo doesn't own doom retard. See they have to do this thing called negotiating with other companies in order to use their characters

>He didn't make that up, his source did.
He is his own source because he's a fraud that doesn't know anything.

And because of him this piece of shit exists

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Smash sucks.
Nintendo is on the decline.
The Switch is literally half a step away from an android tablet, which is why several people have just fucking installed an android OS on it. Don't you fucking people have a general for this dumb shit?

>Don't you fucking people have a general for this dumb shit?
It's not even a general Smash thread you autist. How can you be this upset about one thread that you actively searched for and decided to participate in.

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Remember not to listen to resetera trannies
Zippo is a hack

theres few things i regret more than buying a switch

>The kind of character that makes way too much sense because of popularity or historical significance
Smash isn't a showcase for your favorite games user. Nintendo doesn't give a shit about fps games, Sakurai doesn't give a shit about fps games, neither give a shit about western games and doomguy doesn't fit in smash in the slightest. Stop hoping for him because you are just going to be disappointed in the end.

>Gets in to shill BFBB rehydrated

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these numbers are based on a ridiculously small sample of Yas Forums users, it should be remade with more threads dedicated to it

To be fair, this is the most popular Crash has been in a long time with the remasters

The series was basically dead throughout Brawl and Smash 4

Mortal Kombat is banned in Japan.

Wasn’t a guy doing that?

>Doomguy and Travis
How retarded do you have to be to genuinely expect Mr. Blood and Gore and Mr. Masturbation Sword to actually get added.

How did bayonetta and snake get added? Not to mention ridley literally kills mario and mega man in his own trailer

Hhmmm fair point on Bayo and Snake, but their characters are still the same without the adult parts of their games, so Travis could be done but Sakurai straight up refused to do so. But even though violence isn't the entire thing about Doom, Doomguy wouldn't be the same with the lack of blood and gore so still don't think he has a chance.


>projectile-spamming Simon user
>honest player

and yet the Mortal Kombat Kollection is coming to the Switch. Explain yourself?

>we got no new wario music
>not even some wario land tracks
why the fuck does nintendo have shit taste

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What ultimately made the crusade of Stevefags so retarded is that everything they used to push their dead meme was made up or complete lies. Not only did their golden God Vergeben betray them, but it was all pointless since Minecraft itself paved the way for BK to get in. Stevefags constantly called Banjobros delusional, yet they themselves were truly delusional from the start.

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>no body rock

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They put joker and byleth in the game
That should tell you how much of a shit taste they have
Also why the fuck aren’t eggman and the ghost gang playable characters when they are easily some of the most popular videogame villains of all time

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>They put joker and byleth in the game
>That should tell you how much of a shit taste they have
Why can't all the zoomer retards understand something like this? Sure everyone hates Bylet but there are legitimate living people right nwo who unironically think generic anime protag Joker is a cool character.

and Japs still review the game on certain sites too

Those fags never cease to amaze me. It's like a dude who actively goes to a water park and complained about getting wet while he's in the wave pool. These idiots must truly think that everyone reading their post will have some kind of revelation and immediately sell their switch. Fucking morons.


Yas Forums is garbage tonight.

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Bandwagon twitter pick. The series is popular but Sora is such a boring pick. Not only would he be mediocre in terms of moveset, but the character just isn't interesting both personality wise and aesthetically. Sora may be the main character of the series but he's the least interesting character in the franchise. People like the other characters and especially the Disney content (which would never be in Smash anyway thus making Sora's inclusion even more retarded). I'm glad this faggot was hard deconfirmed and wont waste a slot. Keep in mind this is coming from Someone who grew up and enjoyed playing KH1 & 2.

>Doomguy wouldn't be the same with the lack of blood and gore so still don't think he has a chance.
bruh you don't need blood and gore to work in Smash. It's called knockback. It's not that hard to understand. When he shoots his super shotgun, instead of blowing brains out, it sends your enemy flying. It's very very simple.

I am considering killing myself over this game. I used to sit around 4 - 5mil GSP and gets wins regularly but now I'm stuck at 2mil and losing to the dumbest gimmick shit that no matter how much I play I still lose to players who just spam the same shit over and over it seriously is infuriating and I'm considering hurting myself over this

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>considering killing yourself over any game
user I get getting mad over games, because if you don't feel anything why even play them. I've punched stuff and screamed over vidya but why would you even consider suicide?

so long

I love how you can tell this was made by a falcon main

you're also not really obligated to tell people what you know

>I am considering killing myself over this game.
Do it you fucking coward.

>ghost gang
You know what, I like your way of thinking. Smash at this point should be a Heroes vs. Villains mashup. Pac-Man comes in Smash Four, get the Ghosts as his rivals and bring in Ms. as an echo to top it off. Like you said, the ghosts are so iconic with forty years of history that a mere cameo won't suffice. Add on to your point, we only got K. Rool and Ridley with this game too. Captain Syrup is AWOL, Wario didn't get in Melee, Little Mac was an assist trophy, King Hippo didn't come alongside him when he did get to be playable, the list goes on.

>Quote/Curly are literal never evers thanks to Nicallis.

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because even when I try to escape my shitty life I'm a loser
you really shouldn't say things like that user, what if I was serious???

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>Quote/Curly are literal never evers thanks to Nicallis.
and because literal who shit are not obvious choices.