"Don't worry Cloud I'll watch your sweet sweet ass"

>"Don't worry Cloud I'll watch your sweet sweet ass"

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Dumb breastplate

she's great in the Demo

all her dialogue in the demo is atrocious
i cannot get over how she had to say something every time you passed a laser

U mad cause she made fun of you for walking into the them?

Don't you have a blog post to write or something?

she's funny if you walk into the lasers
>you have a fetish or something?

How does a girl get so thirsty?

uhh, she didn't? the one time i walked into the last one she said "are you ok?"
yeah you're right man. how could i talk about the game in the thread about the game

She laughed at you failing to do it didn't she?

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you guys are being are really weird about this. like it's so impossible for her awful quips to be annoying? like i have to be insecure or something? what's wrong with you

Wearing regular plate armor would be extremely painful

mad female or tranny, take your pick, folks

why couldn't they just call the boss Guard Scorpion
nobody is gonna call it "Scorpion Sentinel" or whatever

imagine they made her playable

>like it's so impossible for her awful quips to be annoying?
It's not, you clearly are the minority. If I could monitor you I bet you're also the idiot who keeps making those remake hate threads all day.

Get a life.

ok dude. i think you need to take a look at yourself and ask why it bothers you so much if someone doesn't like a video game
i didn't even mention hating the demo as a whole, just one aspect of it. that's really out there. you must love this demo a lot

Shes a cute girl

to make fun of you

This, thirsty as fuck Jessie and I love it

So will we get any Jessie fanservice before she bites the dust?

>pretty girl making fun of me
Life continues on the same I see.

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why are yall talking about Jessie when this big dick chad exists

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because he barely does or says anything

I really like his voice

Me too. Stole the show without even trying.

As much as I hate the whole episodic stuff, the attention to detail is great. Love the banter between party members too, I was worried they'd sanitise the whole thing so that everyone is best friends right off the bat. Will definitely be picking this up when it's $20 or less

Jessie flirting a bit with Cloud is true to the original but the remake just seems like it wants to beat you over the head with it so it can pull some of that shitty modern SE melodrama later when she dies. I'm sure it'll be an excuse to have Cloud act as emo as he does in Kingdom Hearts. They're already pulling the black feather/wing Sephiroth imagery from there anyway.

Imagine a woman finding a pasty fuccboi like remake Cloud more attractive than this giga chad. He looks like the motherfucking shopped chad memes that always posted like pic related.

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Cause it's Balthier

So why wasn't this the attitude for Tifas design

you know tests have been done on these kind of boobed chest plates and the fact is that it could actually kill you. A strong enough impact from the front could destroy the heart and lungs.

I played through the demo late last night and it was fun as fuck. Now, I'm actually interested in the game.

she wont make it

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has anyone done tests on whether cloud's hair is possible in real life

we're finally going to get more than thirty pieces of fanart jessiebros

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We guessing which one you are? Cause trannies and women seem to be the ones shilling this game the most

With enough wax any hairstyle is possible.

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Tifa is really going to have to step her game up if she wants to compete with Jessie for best girl now.

No Way Fag

Why is the combat so bad? It feels way too heavy and clunky. And whats the point of a dodge if you cant use it to avoid attacks? For example when the boss slams down on you the dodge isnt quick enough, and it doesnt send you far enough to avoud the attack, even if you follow the telegraphs.

This demo kinda killed my interests

>Glad I wore this massive amount of makeup to the mission, cloud is cute teehee

Who gives an actual shit when the skinny dude is swinger a sword bigger than him.

What the fuck are you talking about? Did you only mash the whole time?

>tests have been done
No they haven't, That Kid.

Dodge is ass, and that and the camera need serious work, but other than that the combat was much better than I expected. Learn to switch styles and characters and don't be afraid to use items and magic.

I used the tools available to me

Do you think we’ll be able to change controls in the full game? I dunno if I’ll get it, but I’d like to switch it to more like KH. Square to attack feels odd.

Then block. Dodging is for repositioning and doesn't have i-frames on it. I don't know how you can call the combat clunky, either. The whole thing between the command menu and switching characters in real time feels very intuitive.

Umm, that breastplate is extremely problematic. How did that clear the ethics department?

cast her

>"street smart" boy vs genetic ubermench boi toy that can jump several stories in the air and has Gutts tier strength/swordsmanship

There's no contest user also it's clear she's got a thing for those baby blue eyes.

I'd let him gay sex me stupid.

Dodging in this game is both ineffective at avoiding damage, and repositioning.

When you're in the punisher stance with Cloud, dodging is your most optimal form of movement.

plate is round. it wouldnt be painful. all the effort to make tits could be turned into a more rounded single plate that doesnt compromise strength or direct impacts towards the center of their chest.

>suffers PTSD about his ex boyfriend every 10 minutes
>crossdresses yet won't put out
>mumbling coward who kills people for money

>6'4" pure muscle, hairy chest
>HUEG arms, can carry obese fucks like it's no deal
>responsible single father who cares about his daughters future

Who do you think women will go for?

the non nigger

people have died in little league baseball from a baseball hitting them in the chest.

google "13-year-old Little Leaguer Hayden Walton dies after being hit in the chest with ball"

armor is designed to deflect impacts away from the wearer, but having two cones that deflect impacts into the wearer's chest isnt a good move.

Imagine the sfm

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I want to see her armpits

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>remaking a game
>but instead of just doing something like a texture overhaul ala Fable Anniversary, decide to make it a reskin of FFXV
>then cut the story content into episodic slices instead of just one big game
>expect people to applaud you because of nostalgia.
When did Square enix get so fucking jewish?
What's so wrong with just releasing a fully finished game, especially if it's a remake of an already existing title?

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Is it just me or did they overdo Barrett's voice? There's black but then there's BLACK

For you

The man's a giganigga Wesley Snipes, it's impossible to overdo

His best friends daughter, don't you mean?

Jessie will die when the pizza plate falls on Sector 7

When was it again? The second bomb mission, right?

I thought so initially, but the rant with Jessie shrugging at Cloud made me love him. Plus, his VA has such an infectious enthusiasm for the game on Aerith's VA's playthrough of the original it's hard for me to not love him completely.

From what, a truck?

>has a kid

She's so fucking cute. Will make her my wife.



who dis qt?