>When your trans friend plays bad on purpose because that makes him feel like female
I fucking hate bringing this person in my MH runs but I'd feel bad for ignoring and declining invites.
What do I do, Yas Forums?
>When your trans friend plays bad on purpose because that makes him feel like female
I fucking hate bringing this person in my MH runs but I'd feel bad for ignoring and declining invites.
What do I do, Yas Forums?
disown them.
kill yourself.
maybe she's just bad
Say "I'll join you later" then don't.
>when you hear trannies who try to sound feminine and disguise their voice
Fuck him in the ass
Just say his mental illness is getting in the way of your enjoyment. I distance myself from any mentally ill people and its significantly increased my happiness. It's no wonder why they were locked up in institutions until Republicans fucked it all by releasing them.
Fucking hate it too when his voice modulator has like a 500ms lag and makes his entire room noise sound high pitched but without it he sounds like a fucking parrot.
Well he wants to be treated as a female, so fuck his bussy.
I don't swing that way and he's from Utah or somewhere else in the Bible belt
hello gamer
Just tell him there's plenty of women at all levels of play for all kinds of games.
kill him then kill yourself
Is that you Erin? sorry for posting your pic and I just had to let out steam. Doubt you'd know who I really am though.
>when you post super low-effort bait on Yas Forums but still get a 500 thread and 50+ (You)s
It's not a low effort bait, I'm being serious.
Just remember that trannies > females. He is still less cancerous than a female.
tfw not a tranny and sound like a tranny but wanna be a guy
remove them as a friend and block them
unironically, it's the best way of dealing with situations like this. he comes to you for attention and playing because you're probably one of the only people that put up with it, end the cycle or at least pull yourself out of it by removing yourself from the situation
T. Never fucked a real woman
Sauce on image?
That's him he uses the name Erin or Printemps depending on the game.
You saved the picture from Yas Forums
back to resetEra you silly faggot
I have file randomizer on.
>tfw been here on Yas Forums for 12 years
>have two trans friends
tfw had 4
blocked 1
ignored the other 1 after he sent me nudes
now only 2 remains...
how to acquire trans friends user?
unironically join discords for MMOs, MH, rhythm and mobile games.
Usually there's a lot in non-competitive game discords.
Once Animal Crossing New Horizons come out, discord servers will probably have them.
The same way you make any friends
>having an homossexual friend
Just end yourself, you human filthy
I wish I had some trans friends, as long as they dont go nuclear about pronouns
thank you user.
>having trans friends
>having friends
Never going to make it
why are you faggot fuckers so damn obsessed with trannies?? this board is such pure fucking garbage
You cut ties, you cannot help them and they will try to drag you down if you try.
If you try to save someone from drowning you will end up dying.
You don't acquire them on purpose, 90% of the time it's more like you have a normal friend then outta the blue they catch the tranny flu and destroy the person you knew as a friend out of dissociation.
I've had this happen twice. Twice I lost 2 friends to that fucking social disease. There's a reason I hate trannies with a passion.
Treat him like a woman and stop playing videogames with him
I did, we aren't talking about their hole, but their cancerousness.
I had sex with a trap, AMA
How is your asshole now?
my knowledge on trannies has grown quite a bit today, thank you for the knowledge user.
uh huh
suuuure you did
weird, I only knew mine after they took the pill
But we're talking about trannies here, user.
Thank God I was browsing the catalogue for a solid half hour and didn't see a tranny thread I thought Yas Forums was lost for a minute I was losing my mind. And remember fags if you wanna talk about videogames D I L A T E
Yep, I'm thinkin' BASED
Like shit
what happened to femboys, tomboys and trap threads? did tranny shitposting just replaced them?
Was he cute?
Tell him that’s sexist as hell
Because it is wtf
>What do I do, Yas Forums?
Stop playing GU.
>outta the blue they catch the tranny flu
i suggest raping him
The fuck? Can't tell if it's just because of the picture quality but he looks pretty damn cute
Sorry to hear about though OP
Maybe only do a few runs and then take off to do your own stuff
You should honestly be truthful with them though and let them know it's hard to play with them when they keep playing stupidly on purpose
Why is it sexist? He wants to be female, so he acts like a female.
I cannot express the sheer joy I experienced one night when I realised I hadn't heard anyone talk about trannies for a whole day. How the fuck did my existence get to this point? I don't think I've ever met one IRL but they're so ubiquitous here and in conversation.
>when your trans friend embraces her male features and belittles you on how unmasculine you are compared to her
or it commits suicide, either way win win.
have sex
Yes. Yas Forums has ascended above cringe 2017-core trapniggery to cunny and literal furfaggotry. Femboys are now essentially normalfaggotry on the internet level, so it's lost any and all of its mystique forbiddeness.
Double yikes if an e-buddy, there are no girls on the internet.
That's rape, user.
It's another boogeyman to blame for all of user's problems, you bet your ass they're going to scream it.