Can we have a comfy Resident Evil thread?

Can we have a comfy Resident Evil thread?

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without the zombies and dogs and shit I would fucking love to live at the spencer mansion

can we just settle this first of all
tank controls = resident evil
everything else = not resident evil

Regardless of all that, it's still incredibly creepy.

Whats even worse is only one bathroom in the whole mansion

Even though, i vastly prefer classic resi games over re-4,I have never played the classic resident evil games more than once while i have played re-4 like 5 times.
The allure of the classics was the mystery and the puzzle aspect, which you once figure out, greatly diminishes the replayibility. RE4 is pure action, which doesnt get old on second playthroughs

To be perfectly honest, I think every single RE game is good. They're all pretty based. I don't get the "true" RE thing. Even in the PS1 era, RE3 radically diverged from 2.

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There's more games without tank controls so you're objectively wrong Boomer

No wonder Spencer was so full of shit.

Damn now I feel like replaying it

this is correct. RE 1, RE 2, and RE make.

A little 3, maybe 0, maybe CV if you're dying.

Everything else is dog shit, including the new remakes.

4 is fruity but fun yet not RE.


remake is still the best

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True but RE2make was decent too, hope i can say the same about RE3make.

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Remember to call clairespammers FAGGOTS.
They get pissed off when you point out that they roleplay and post to arouse other men.
Do not let those FAGGOTS ruin Resident Evil threads.

Both classic and action styles are good, but that doesn't mean each individual game is.

RE2 original is just an easy action game with shitty camera angles, for example, and 5 is worthless without another player.

yea they are pretty gay. dont worry, we will keep them out of this thread

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It's best to ignore them. I hate them as much as you do but all they want is attention. Hopefully with REmake 3 releasing soon they will fuck off.

RE4 has tank controls, user

Is resident evil 0 worth the buy?

Get it on sale because honestly you wont be clearing it more then once.


>tfw already pre ordered RE3make because a 27% discount is about the best you're going to get

Been a fan since RE3 was released and I never really played the first REmake all these years. I was pretty disappointed it was only available on Gamecube but I bought the HD Remaster on Steam a while back but haven't got around to playing it straight through. I might give it another go before REmake 3 is released.

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Thanks user

it's alright but, personally, I didn't find it to be much special
it was just a good RE game

It's great. Play with whatever control scheme you feel comfortable with. RE1 emphasizes greatly survival over power, so avoid being trigger happy. This game punishes recklessness on your first playthrough.
No puzzles are hard enough to warrant a guide, so don't use them. You'll be fine.
If you're willing to take a tip that will ease up the first part of the game, then:
Behead / burn every zombie in the two Mansion save rooms. Avoid the rest as much as practically possible. First half prioritizes ammo management over health, second half is the reverse.

It is ironically the epitome of the series. A formula so well done, they couldn't replicate it, only get close enough to it.
What's your favorite RE? RE1 and 7 are mine, and I'm fine with both flavors of RE2.

I like 3 and outbreak the most
file 2 may have had many mechanical upgrades over the first outbreak but the scenarios kinda sucked in comparison because of how gimmicky they could be


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Claire is the love of my life.

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If you fucked a zombie in the resident evil universe, would you become infected with the t virus?


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It's hard to find people with intelligence and culture nowdays, I'm glad Yas Forums is not dead yet.

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not if you wear a condom

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Where the fuck is RE3?

All Resident Evil threads are comfy threads.

What do you fags think about Code Veronica? Just finished it and thought it was really boring, every element for a great RE game seems to be there but for some reason there is zero soul. Also fuck the infinitely respawning moth monsters in antarctica.

I dunno man
some of them can be trashfires

Nah bring out the dogs

until the michael and clairefags show up

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the first half was pretty fun, like a slower placed RE3, but the antarctica sections were kinda lame and full of dumb bullshit

They are when they dont have Michael, Golem or Claireposters in them.

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I'm liking revelations 2 more than I thought I would

what do you like about it?

Just completed re0 what a pile of crap. Hardly want to replay it even with wesker mode or something. It had some cool moments. Just started re2make, this game RULES. I cant wait to play more tomorrow


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The gameplay mostly

this looks like it's from porn, user
is it from porn?

Say what you will about Alfred, but he has a max comfy office.

>tfw I’ll never sit on his lap at his desk

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I like how the ashfords being old nazi blood got cut but a lot of it still stayed in
like the tank model in the luger room that moves being a king tiger, the tiger tank that moves to reveal a secret passageway, the lugers themselves

it's from the game

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hes back

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It's just kinda whatever. Something about it is off and I can never really put my finger on it. It has quite possibly the best OST in the series, some of the spookiest moments as well, some cool enemies....yet I don't much care for it.

it fucking SUCKED. Worst classic RE by far

hey, wait a minute user
something's off here

Is there any way to get playstation move style controls for RE5? Re5 had PS move support that was actually really good. Similar to RE4’s Wii controls.

Sadly not even the pc controls are as good as either.

>it was actual PzkpfwVI ausf E Tiger in Gamecube
>its horrid Abrams lookalike on Tiger chassis

Why? They were so afraid with nazi parallels?

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i wanna see sherry armpits

I genuinely enjoyed 6, and I hope we get to see Jake and Helena again.

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