Attached: 600360 astolfo_(fate) chural-an fate_grand_order feet naturalton tagme trap.jpg (1571x2191, 1.22M)

Attached: 1555603030197.png (645x720, 178.93K)

based fucking artist

Attached: d3894bae65d160991e2157cef850d8bb.jpg (1425x1842, 267.08K)

How does this relate to video games?

Fate is a video game

>has tits
sorry i wont be licking your toes anymore


>want to appreciate the legs tits and hair
>feet shoved right in my face
kill all footfags

he should do more tickling stuff



Attached: foot_worship_by_wtfeather_dav3fto.png (1231x1002, 562.01K)

>posts a video game character
>How does this relate to video games?
Next time, think before you post.

I want to fill that boyslut with my cum

And I'm not talking about Astolfo

Attached: aa42275ea0f143c3bdeeec833fc4a849.jpg (858x1200, 140.46K)

this image makes me want to be a footfag but all footfag stuff is so disgusting

its a girl astolfo

i am deeply alone and long for the touch of another human

Why in the world does Astolfo have tits here

>actual boobs on Astolfo

Attached: witcf.jpg (576x551, 37.55K)

life is so hard, sometimes i just wish i could die, i don't know why i haven't killed myself except for the fact that i'd be a burden to those who have to clean up the mess

Attached: 1576210379299.jpg (512x384, 19.35K)

because the artist is based

Hate it when female nips get 404'd ASAP but male nips like OPs stay up on air forever

don't kill yourself please, atleast live to eat nice food

ill lick your feet if it makes you feel any better.

What a fag

tits or no tits i still want to fuck astolfos ass

Attached: __astolfo_and_astolfo_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_hero_neisan__sample-59912cf235d4fe0f932de91941f64c59.jpg (850x1174, 211.23K)


don't be gay user

Attached: 1558074741861.jpg (1237x3010, 1.71M)

thank you anons
i'll only kill myself if things get worse

Attached: carlos tricks you twice.jpg (125x100, 2.17K)

>video game character
dumb tertiary(+)

Why do whiteboys wanna get fucked by superior men so badly?

Attached: 1580823823063.jpg (850x1119, 176.27K)

Shut up and post more feet


Attached: 1581483250727.png (1280x1785, 774.21K)

how do feet feel on your dick anyways?
I've accepted I will never have sex so I just need to know if footjobs feel good

if she's wearing socks, bad
if not, it's like a weaker handjob but it's still interesting and 100% hot as fuck if you like feet

a weird uncoordinated handjob is the best description i have for a footjob.

Hey, as long as there's still a penis it's alright... if not better.

hire a hooker and pay her to give you one

Attached: cutefeet.png (800x800, 626.42K)

Not as great as it looks. blowjob is probably the best simulation your dick gets, then vaginal intercourse. Anal is shit-tier and anyone who disagrees has shit-tier opinions and should be ignored.

You can always hire a prostitute to give you a footjob, user.

Depends on who's feet are you putting on your dick, sometimes it feels nice but some other times not so much

Doesn’t feel that great tbqh. If you enjoy feet though it’s hot as fuck and that’s enough to get the job done.

I see.
How do handjobs feel on your dick anyways?

Hey hey hey, traps are gay.

Attached: 1572472092806.png (400x580, 619.93K)

Not much better than masturbation but someone else touching your dick feels pretty good.

Literally the same as jerking off except no woman I've ever slept with has ever had any idea how to do it

Seriously I've had to teach each one of them how to even perform the basic function

>doesn't like small boy tiddies

Attached: 1417906856283.jpg (442x304, 14.48K)

>breasts on Astolfo
absolute shit taste

Give in to your heterosexuality user

Attached: 80683d8600cee4c9081e3e11951c2f31ff9ffb52b6885e29a30e36d4cc9f0d87.png (850x1203, 920.48K)

Clean and soft feetfags can stay
Dirty and musky feetfags however need to fuck off right now

Attached: 1560707254643.jpg (720x720, 64.65K)

Hey, fuck you asshole!

Astolfo is beautiful no matter how he looks

Attached: a6ce84f82287633fb53a9e24c25e1e41.png (1500x1500, 295.04K)

This. There has to be a balance between the feet and the rest of the girl.

Never! Astolfo is meant to have a flat chest and toned and!

damn, he do be restin doe


>inverted nipples

Attached: Cooming.jpg (720x614, 313.51K)

You know what, you deserve to know I'm mad at you.

>boy nipple play
literally my #1 fetish and I'm happy that there's on trap artist that does this shit a lot

Attached: 1572100099159.jpg (500x750, 106.32K)

I wish tickling wasn't so underrated.

Attached: dcz5s4k-574223e0-0858-47bd-937a-f9e677e98d98.jpg (1100x680, 617.03K)


Attached: 1513160943757.jpg (612x612, 66.21K)

Agreed. Literal niggerspeak

I'm monitoring this thread

lurk moar


Attached: tolf.png (850x1166, 1.49M)

>asian chink artist krek

Your words are full of wisdom user

Attached: 1566115926066.jpg (3641x3200, 1.71M)

Attached: footfags.webm (360x640, 2.56M)

those legs and feet look amazing

What's he doing with that sandwich??

I gotta say I like dominate women but I don't know if i could survive tickle torture. too sensitive.

he hungry but has no teeth

he's a boy in the image according to Gelbooru.

GOD TIER: Cute image of cute girls who happen to be barefoot

SHIT TIER: Images of girls shoving their feet in your face like they got hot and bothered during their podiatry exam

Attached: 1568775080348.jpg (1342x1899, 894.94K)


I want Astolfo to shrink me down and force me to be his tiny footslave for the rest of my life!

>gelbooru tags

Attached: 1547210232822.png (1283x1600, 1.64M)

so your one is still shit tier


Attached: 1581223667370.webm (960x1120, 2.87M)

Attached: 1545169510348.png (492x328, 11.15K)

Based futachad

Go ahead and power through it user. You're not a pussy, are you?

Attached: ryu_submits_to_juri_by_bad_pierrot_d9ysw14-fullview.jpg (1600x1244, 190.66K)

>like sweat/slight smell/steamy clouds
>hate it when they draw shit like stink lines or talk about cheese or that the feet smell bad


Attached: 1581719392550.jpg (500x1200, 85.42K)

You're a fool, Joe. A fool!


Attached: d012d1c8ea22b918f9e89f31ce471d3c.png (900x1182, 656.24K)

GOD TIER: Feet in pictures, but not taking up 20% or more of the image
SHIT TIER: Everyone knows you have a foot fetish now.

Attached: DW8ulF2VQAAx9GB.jpg (1000x1200, 138.68K)


>Scroll through catalog.
>For the first time since I started browsing over a decade ago, I don't recognize this place.
>Feel a deep sense of discomfort and unease.
>Literally nowhere else to fucking go.

I'm gonna take the seventy-two hour ban for posting this and actually ride it out. Don't bother begging Pete. He doesn't do shit.

Attached: 1559664226981.jpg (900x900, 99.81K)