What's your thought on Ruby Weapon EX Yas Forums?
What's your thought on Ruby Weapon EX Yas Forums?
Second phase is boring and unnecessary with shitty music
Gotta agree, outside the initial shock factor it's pretty bland.
Why is Nael a girl now
None, since I still haven't grinded enough to raise my ilvl to unlock the normal fight.
I have enough gil to buy arms and armor, but I don't want to spend money.
Easier than Hades
Nael being a man was an english translation thing, original japanese script never had their gender disclosed until the reveal iirc.
It was hilarious seeing how many people couldn't clear normal mode at PAX. I think it had like a 40% win rate.
No one could beat the DPS check in the second phase.
I hope the other weapon fights do something more than a goo monster second phase. It was cool here but it will only work once.
those are people who never even played the game though, that's kinda to be expected.
I haven't played since Eden. Two headed leviathan was sick. What have I missed
it's 2020, everyone is a girl now sweaty
New Eden savage is melee unfriendly
Nael was always Nael Van Darnus' sister pretending to be him, and eventually got her mindwarped so bad by Dalamud that she truly believed herself Nael, and Japanese Coil reveals this. Koji fox is a retard who can't translate properly to save his life and as such fucked it up by calling Nael a man and completely rewriting the coil scene
>any raid
>melee unfriendly
I don't believe you
It's pretty front-loaded, I guess.
Mainly, I'm just wondering why the start of this webm looks like Nael just got a facial.
>queue for alliance roulette as tank
>20 min wait
what the fuck were they thinking when they switched from 6 tanks to 3
>buy out all the echo drops on the MB
>turns out you can just buy them from a vendor in any capital for less than i bought them for
fug :Dd
ah well, i need em
>Queue for literally any Alliance raid that isn't CT or CF
>Have to wait a week
>Ruby Weapon is Nael
>Nu-Eden is Ramuh/Ixion centaur, Ifrit/Garuda/E-Hero Phoenix Enforcer, a shit ton of birds, and Ryne
>Elidibus is LARPing as Ardbert and merely pretending to be a Warrior of Light
Also, you kill a pregnant lady in 5.2. That's about it.
Every raid is melee unfriendly.
Just make your own Echo Drops. The recipe is, like, Level 20 or some shit so they HQ easily.
Are they only useful in deep dungeon?
To make DPSs have shorter queue times.
just go as healer, you get your pick of content
You simply don't understand his methods
>you kill a pregnant lady
Wait what?
Same, but for reasons unrelated to XIV.
I tried that. No one wants to do anything but the most basic bitch crystal tower runs where they don't have to do any mechanics. God forbid we even get World of Darkness now and then.
XIV helps sometimes
Yes good
It's okay. It was a Sahagin.
Also, Ryne gets naked and almost destroys the world.
the work on most paralysis effects. probably not any raids though
I've been gone for about a month, how fucked am I with clear parties?
as far as i know, yeah. a good way to quickly remove silence is very valuable, accidentally kiting a mob into a silencing trap can pretty much be a run-ender
hold the fuck up, what's that white goo dripping off her?
>actually tankswapping in p2
>not having enough dps to make the add switch irrelevant
I've already gotten my 99 totems.
Utima sperm
You know exactly how bad the mouthbreathers who have yet to beat this are and I wish you luck
Bahamut's nut.
It took me about a day to learn E5S. It took me four more days to RNG my way through the human waste that plays this game to find a party capable of performing its mechanics.
I do not have high hopes for E6S.
who the hell thought it was a good idea to put black smokers in the first fight of a tier
E5S filters the plebs so you should fare much better luck afterwards.
t. pugged e5s in a week and e6s in 2.
Why you're so unlucky user..
there is no easy doorway fight, e5s is a pug smasher
cant even play this game properly because it's lagging all the time
pure bullshit
Two days, I hope. Don't scare me like that, user.
What role do you play? I'm a tank, and finding another tank that can handle E6S's bullshit might be hard.
Maybe get better Internet.
2 days, my bad yeah. I play Healer and Melee DPS on the side. I think E6S isn't as scary as most people make it out to be honestly, just gotta be a little more persistent.
The problem is that E5S doesn't filter the shit tanks. They have no responsibility there.
Nael was always a girl in japanese.
retarded "localizations" love to do retarded shit like this.
If there's a Hell, I'm pretty sure one of the punishments is healing PUG Savage groups.
I guess I still have to prove myself then.
fuck zenos and fuck hydaelyn
That, but the RDMs will never use Veraise.
What's a good low level WHM glam? Slut glams are fine
id assume its also because off tanks refused to actually do mechanics meant for them to do.
they sit back and say "You got this MT, we'll pretend were DPS and watch some netflix and ignore everything" back in LotA.
back when tanks had to alternate the skeletons on the 1st boss, id try my damnedest to solo an entire side of the field. mostly relying on stunning, and sprinting at the best of times.
but of course if the OT would just take a SINGLE skeleton, we could just swap whos turn it was, and there would be no problem...
nope, the idiots attacking the boss, ignoring adds like he were a 2.0 DRG or something.
I only saw the mount drop 3 times during the total time I spent on the fight, rolled anywhere between 10-30 for each time.
How low are we talking? The lv 50 artifact chest piece is classic White Mage and one of my favorites.
When will this elf finally admit her feelings for the WoL?
I died in a Dun Scaith earlier today as a SAM because the main tank died and the other two were too busy fucking around.
We also had a RDM talking major shit about people dying. She wasn't doing very hot DPS, but what do you expect from passive-aggressive shitheads who would rather sling insults than, you know, play.
If level 50, Ironworks is cool. I've been going back to it regularly since 2.4.
my longest queue was on my DRK, before roulette, trying to get into void ark.
was a 16 hour queue.
I made an alt WAR, at Lv50, went from Lv50, to Lv70, ONLY doing world of darkness, trying to get the body drop.
queues were roughly 3-5 hours long. the shortest queue was 2.5 hours.
was obnoxious having to do all the 2.1 patch quests all the way to SB ending, already being max level.
and never get the drop u need, cuz someone wants to sell it off for seals, rather than just solo a HW dungeon for 5 times the seals for what only takes 5mins.
What fucking part of Ramuh is black smokers?