Video game buyfag thread

Video game buyfag thread.

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That's nice, if you made it any blurrier we could use it as a smash leak though.

>Funko pop

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>top left corner isn't even the actual Ann Pop
Try harder when starting your thread off with bait. I don't get why Yas Forums is so anal about Pops though.

It looks better than the one we got, sadly there is no chase without the mask.

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Some pops look okay. The problem is that most use the stupid big heads and black eyes

They're cheap, and based off of easily consumed pop culture franchises while also being extremely ugly.
They seem to be collected by people who have so little going on in their life they literally don't know where else to spend their money.
I really want to avoid buzzwords but really they just encapsulate thoughtless consumerism.

you could count the amount of good looking funko's on one hand and still have spare fingers
ironically one of the few ones that looks decent is a fucking overwatch one, but its mostly because it has a completely different body than the normal ones and the mask just makes it look like a normal chibi head

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Pops are soulless, interchangeable, unremarkable figures that only exist to profit off of people who want collectibles for characters who don’t have any actual worthwhile merchandise. The reason they make Pops is completely mercenary- it’s all for profit and not a single ounce of care or attention to detail is spared in their making as a result.

>Funko pop
nice bait thread

I wanna buy the new Doom figures but had a near $800 vet bill

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What about it is bait? Even if you dislike them, this thread is purely about users and what they like. You have the chance to contribute with whatever the fuck you want, but instead you are getting mad at what other people like. It's not as much bait as it is your personal autism.

t. proud owner of several dozen funko pops

You know what are you doing stop pretending go try to make this thread on Yas Forums or /toy/ and your shit will get deleted on sight

tbf that one looks kinda decent in comparaison to the other loaf bread shit
that roadhog looks good too

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Yas Forums has a buyfagging thread up pretty much 24/7.

still waiting

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nice feet

but no funko

Yas Forums literally has these kind of threads

I got mine last week

Oh my god who fucking cares. You are free to post whatever you want, the OP is literally just an invitation to talk about a topic, it's not supposed to be the center piece of your autismo rage that you can't get over for 500 posts. Look at the guy 2 posts above you, he's contributing like a normal human being. You however are just sperging out.

Be honest: do you own at least one Funko? doesn't matter how did you got it.

I won 2 Dragon Ball funkos as a prize for a DBFZ tournament at a local con, and because i didn't want them, i found the closest child with a parent and gave them to him.

i know since you re craving so much for attention why dont you go to these threads and post your funko shit youll get lots of replies telling you to fuck off or killyourself anyway to distasceful tourists redditors with no taste or quality standards like you see that as reddit gold or upvotes

Just Canti and Reinhardt

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>hobby janitor spergs out
Do us all a favor and an hero.

Iirc a Bilbo Baggins from a secret santa in high school and a Revelations Ezio from a family member, both tucked away in some storage bin in the basement where I don't need to think about them

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Got these they pretty badass

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>$800 Vet bill
Glad I moved out of that shithole known as America.

Where do you live that pets get free emergency room treatment and 14 hour observation?.

I've paid the same thing in Canada......

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I was baiting because I had a bad day

The only Vidya merch I ever bought was a Marth nendroid.

I don't even like Fire Emblem.

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I hope tomorrow is better

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Someone post the Dory one already

It will, I plan on going out to the gym in the morning.

Pic related is the only non-amiibo figure I own. Only because it was prize-fig tier cheap. Maybe if I finally become a wagie I can afford most of the other figs I want.

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When the Persona characters are done in a different style like Funkoshit, you notice how the designs literally look like barbie dolls with those hairstyles and outfits. It's such a faggot series. No wonder sjws love it.

You guys are gonna get coronavirus all over some lame ass plastic figures.

I got this a while ago.
I like it.

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I can respect that a whole lot more than anime girl figures.

I hope you can find the help you need for your parkinson's.

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should have got the riobot one
not naked but it's hands down the best jehuty and anubis

Why he orange

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i just have the spike spiegel one

isaac looks cool but I don't recall any enemies in the game looking like that.

>but its mostly because it has a completely different body than the normal ones
Ya that's why i got this 2. I only buy funkos from childhood cartoons desu since they don't have any merch at all.

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I was gifted a Spiderman Funko. I don't know where I put it, and I don't care. I remember the boxart had regular Spiderman eyes, except the figure has just those button eyes. I did buy a Deadpool doll which is based on Funko Pops, which I didn't know. The doll itself just doesn't look much like a Pop figure.

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>Somebody's job is to paint toenails on figurines
Living the dream

>No wonder sjws love it.
Didn’t they literally try to dox the director and get him blacklisted because P5 had a gay joke?


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It looks good but definitely not worth that much

yeah, and with those platform shoes you can't even fit the feet inside your dickhole
what a waste
gonna save my money

All Might has some good looking ones.
His weakened ones are good since he doesn't have the same eyes as all the others.

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