>considered the best in the series
>almost 20 years have passed and it still hasn't been topped
Was it kino?
Considered the best in the series
>considered best in the series
nigga what? by who?
no one ever talks about black
Black is the best out of the series though
Easily the entry with the most people behind it claiming it's the best, here and elsewhere
Twisted metal is a game that couldn’t exist today, only existed because ps1 days were the Wild West before video games got the corporate treatment.
It's tied between two and black imo, both games seem to be spoken about quite a lot by fans of the series.
Yes, 2 is a close second.
wasn't there one on PS3?
How was it? (never played the series)
Shit, only had like 4 playable characters.
You can blame Sony for that one, tm2012 was supposed to be multiplayer only but they told the devs to shove in singleplayer at the last possible second. Then again I doubt it would have done as well as it did with just mp only.