When the overworld theme changes to the DQ3 one

>when the overworld theme changes to the DQ3 one
God I love Dragon Quest.

Attached: DQXI_Hero_art.png (360x360, 160.78K)

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Shit game, shit series. Nobody with taste gives a shit about Dragon Quest.

You're wrong. Know why?

Because you're not white.


Whiter than you Mohammed. Biggest waste of a roster spot of all time. Even fucking Byleth is better than this fag.

>it's a smashfag
of fucking course, go back to your stinky fake leak thread

>When hour 3 on the Jackpot sidequest.


>not using the trick to get it in 5 mins
You are dumb

DQ XI is for people with bad tastes in probably everything as well as perverts who trade Veronica hentai but defend it by saying, "There's nothing wrong with it because she's trapped in a child's body!"

>haha woah dude just like hold down B talk to the Jackpot lady PCSX2 is flawless


Playing through DQ5.

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dragon quest 9 remake and i want it NOW please and thank you :)

Dragon Quest 9 was fucking shit though user, wtf.

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I casually started V a couple months ago on DS after finishing XI and it's pretty great. Pankraz stoically endures the assault.

For me, it's DQIII, the best Dragon Quest game.

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You have no place to question other people's tastes, retard.

Been playing this on my Switch and the PS2 version of V. Is it possible to beat 3 with almost any kind of party setup? I didn't really wanna get autistic about it. I just asked my friends what class they wanna be and used their names.

Just played through 4 5 6 and playing 7. Gonna replay the 3ds version of 8. Then finish 2 and 3. Then 11. Can't believe I never played this series before.

Not in the original due to most bosses regenerating their health, but you should be fine in any of the remakes. I believe Baramos still regenerates, so you might hit a roadblock if you're running three Gadabouts or something. Generally as long as you have a Warrior and Mage, you'll be more than fine.

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Dude, same. I’m loving it so far.

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Don’t you have a Smash thread to rosterfag in or something like that?

what does storyfag have to do with anything? dq9 doesn't even compensate by elevating the gameplay, it's just a bland, shit game without its mp.

please refrain from posting this fucking trash ever again.

DQ9 is the most organic evolution of DQ3 gameplay.
>make your own party
>set off on an adventure
DQ5 and 8, while good games, unfortunately pander to low IQ people like yourself who prefer cinematic experiences over mechanical ones.

why are you projecting so hard lol

What’s the best place to start with this series?

t. doesn't understand what 'projecting' is

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I like III better, jobs aren't locked behind awful grindy sidequests. Also the skillpoint shit in both 8 and 9 suck ass.

you're projecting your insecurities onto someone else. i never mentioned dq8, for starters. i never said i disliked dq3.

1 is the quickest. Main character is the only one you manage and play as. It's dated but it's a good entry to the series. Or play 3ds version of 8. Ps2 version is good but it doesn't have roaming enemies to avoid and it becomes annoying.

>skillpoint shit
How else would you learn skills, user?

Hmm, I think I’ll start with 5 and 8. Seems like a fine way to start.

Leveling the job I want. 11's skill system was a bit better though, I just hate the linear lists of 8 and 9.

I love DQ's advancement in muscle girl culture

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8's system isn't linear, you stupid faggot. Do you even know what that word means? You have a finite number of skill points, and you can only fill out so many skill trees.

Damn right.

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It is linear though? You have like four or five linear "trees" (actually lines with no branches) for each character.

No, 'linear' is FFIV where you have literally no say about your party composition or how they learn skills. You have no idea what you're talking about.

dq8 skill system is absolutely linear you stupid fucking faggot.


Attached: DQIII_HP.png (229x225, 111.81K)

>no refutations
>just repeats his main point again
I accept your concession.

>best town theme is stuck in the worst game of the series

>Not linear
>Every "tree" is a straight line
Wasn't me you fag

The 'tree' in this instance refers to the branches that you can even develop your character into. At least they fucking exist. You're here to shit on JRPGs, yet you don't even bring up FFIV or IX, the two most egregious examples of pure linearity.

>At least they fucking exist
True. I do think they're annoying though.
>You're here to shit on JRPGs, yet you don't even bring up FFIV or IX
What? This a Dragon Quest thread why would I bring up FF out of nowhere? I only like FFV by the way. And I'm not shitting JRPGs, just criticizing what I don't like about DQ8 and 9. I love Dragon Quest, 3-7 in particular.

Anyways let's dial back the aggression a bit.

Some DQ mobage released in english this week, right?
Has anyone tried it?

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I want a DQ9 remake but only if it has a different, more realistic artstyle. Maybe not on the level of DQ11, but I don't want a straight port

I want to play it too but it's very expensive on DS nowadays

this is the best music in the series

The toaster you're currently posting on can emulate the DS flawlessly.

I love Veronica so much, I didn't even think twice when the game asked me if I wanted to proceed to act 3. I "married" her too. Fuck Gemma, she's barely in the game and they try to push her so hard

Emulate it my friend it's easy to setup.

The marriage is pretty tacked on in any game that has it after 5 but I enjoyed getting to kick Gemma to the curb in DQ11S. Now I'm getting gentle femdom from Martina onee-san.

>Now I'm getting gentle femdom from Martina onee-san.
Good to know that you've already clocked out of the gene pool.

What does the DS version of DQ5 have over the PS2 one?

Less content

Outside of Deborah, not sure

Whats the content

It doesn't have horrible 3D models and it gives you another marriage option.

>A new minigame, Bruise the Ooze
>Two more recruitable monsters
There are a few more miscellaneous and ease of life changes, but those are the most substantial.

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