We baked you something, Yas Forums

We baked you something, Yas Forums

Attached: 1583372168966.jpg (2324x1794, 345.63K)

Trips get, fuck this board.

Attached: 1564524042829.jpg (679x382, 57.27K)

inb4 insane pokemon spammer

we don't have dubs here you fast food brained faggots

Yas Forums

to /x/

No dubs? Check this 8 then.

Not really fair with how dubs work here.
If 5, send it to Yas Forums

Yas Forums

/jp/ where else?

Cool 8
Check this 5

Attached: 1560898009101.jpg (870x790, 276.92K)

Yas Forums

Oh yeah move it to Yas Forums

send it to /mlp/

6, back to where you came

If 0 then send it to /g/ I hate those ayymdrones with my hearth


If 7 give to /sp/
If 2 we die

That's the point, retard. They're trying to kill us!

If I get an even number, the bomb moves to Yas Forums.

Rolling for /mlp/

Yas Forums

Send that shit back to /ck/

Attached: image1.jpg (720x960, 42.09K)


I thought theres 00 dubs still?
if 9 then to Yas Forums

Send it to /lgbt/ so the "containment" board gets destroyed and everyone in this god forsaken site realizes the pest trannies are.

It's been an honor my friends. I hope to see some of you in whatever lies beyond this mortal plane.



Oh boy, I can't wait for the janitors to delete this thread because fun isn't allowed any more.

To Yas Forums just in case.

send it to Yas Forums

>Yas Forums

Attached: 6D3CF529-D5CB-4DA5-A973-E67F3F939096.png (300x488, 173.35K)

Yas Forums

Also, I forgot for a second that dubs other than 00 are disabled here. Seriously, fuck these mods.

No 00s, but we can get 000 or more though

>dubs on Yas Forums
anyway, send it to /x/


send it back to Yas Forums

Yas Forums

Attached: 79qs9zptmhp11.png (960x873, 712.8K)

When is jap moot giving us our dubs back?


If 0 the bomb gets moved to Yas Forums

rollingo rolling


>on Yas Forums

Attached: dud.jpg (1280x720, 33.22K)

send it to Yas Forums now
rollan for brown aryan jesus

based /ck/ blasting this shithole

To Yas Forums

If 2 it gets sent to /trash/

If 3 send it to /qa/


random thread on /vg/

let /diy/ defuse this fucker

Because the faggot mods think it derails threads when in reality, it's pretty much only used as a self-moderation tool and saves the jannies work in the long run.

Triforce of 6.
󠘁 󠘁󠘁 󠘁 ▲
󠘁 ▲ ▲
Bring it to /lgbt/

here we go

Damn, Yas Forumseddit BTFO by no-dubs

Y’all fucked

i tkae big poop

So close...
If 3 it goes to /d/

send it to /c/

This should count desu desu

Yas Forums

Yas Forums



Yas Forums

Send to Yas Forums

Yas Forums

send to /lit/


Attached: 7.png (248x248, 146.36K)

Just blow it already

if dubs Yas Forums

i said, i take big poop and im moving it to Yas Forums

send it to fuck those Yas Forums pass cunts

/h/ needs it the most.

Retry for Yas Forums

Yas Forums

Does /mlp/ still exist?

Yas Forums

this re-roll

Yas Forums

00 get for Yas Forums

If 9 send it to /vp/

If 7 go to /trash/

I pretend to send it away but I actually hide in a smash thread on Yas Forums

Attached: desert levels.webm (720x404, 279.15K)

Straight to /jp

rolla rolla

Attached: check3.gif (220x160, 218.44K)

send to /lit/ :)

look at this retart

I'm going to re-roll until it sends to /vip/

moving bombo to pol
but i still want Yas Forums to explode

Get it to /aco, boys


Yas Forums


Yas Forums

>no board selected



Have we seriously not gotten dubs yet, fucking hell, alright well if dubs send it to /vp/


Attached: OH_MY_GOD_JC_by_Johanz.png (400x400, 152.25K)

/pol it is
Check em

Yas Forums

rolling for those fags at lgbt

Attached: 24a37a042046770b927234a91e4a654d.jpg (996x1000, 131.73K)


send this shit already, we're not getting dubs


if this is a 7 it goes to Yas Forums

Yas Forums

like pottery


reroll ;_;

Newfag detected

no u /ck/

this is bullshit.
fucking niggers always bring the bomb to this board because they know we can't get dubs.

Send it to /pol


it's almost like dubs are disabled

to Yas Forums

If 2 send to /lgbt/

Yas Forums

does faggot.jpg still post on /ck/? that shit was so cash

this is a cursed thread

thats dubs

Attached: 2d9330901f6f93ab3b7715b2f90ab6dc65ca186bd91efc5228e394a30e0517c8.jpg (604x585, 77.89K)


Attached: Voldemort-smiling.jpg (340x257, 19.3K)

can we just count this?

When will hiromoot give them back???????
Send the bomb to /aco btw


That's not how it works. You also forgot to send it to /sp/

Attached: pigeon discount.jpg (992x536, 76.6K)

You really can't get dubs here? Jesus, just send it back to /ck/

>it's impossible to get dubs on Yas Forums
We're all doomed

Attached: 1570917010598.jpg (1440x2048, 410.49K)

Give the bomb to all boards. Share the love.

Let's go with this


BOOM!, If not, then Yas Forums

Yas Forums

bye bye Yas Forums

Trips right now or /toy/

Attached: watch me.png (680x548, 188.05K)

Attached: 1565994914806.jpg (671x708, 116.8K)

Well we can still send it to page 10

Gas the kikes.


Attached: 1323635937692.jpg (200x206, 8.92K)

Yas Forumsedditor can't into dubs


What if someone gets dubs but doesn't specify which board?

look at these wasted dubs

/lit/ gets lit

back to Yas Forums


like this?

hey /ck/

how do you like THIS

Attached: 1385443789811.jpg (500x375, 46.78K)


Attached: 7d76d124fca86e4789770990abeaa135.png (795x836, 233.74K)

Yas Forums

fuck /ck/ take your trash back

Attached: 5.gif (555x555, 555.3K)


Send it to /k/, they can defuse even the shittiest of shitflinging

Attached: crime.png (364x300, 94.13K)

if dubs it gets sent to /vp/

Attached: 1544354677712.jpg (1200x1200, 266.25K)

Yas Forums

what is the food equivalent of kino?

7 and it goes to Hiro's Bedroom

Yas Forums

Attached: 1483598427855.png (465x364, 330.18K)

FF7 will be shit


based dyslexia poster, you were so close

make it happen, destroy Yas Forums once and for all.

Attached: Kuvira.png (459x395, 184.45K)

Yas Forums

doom eternal
also kill /lgbt/



you need 4, take mine /gif/

this user pussy

Fuck it, /lgbt/

Attached: 1486767727184.jpg (322x350, 34.76K)

5 and it goes to /vp/

Yas Forums

If 9 this badboy is heading straight to China

Send it to a trannies cunny

Attached: 1572327085990.jpg (876x1035, 244.16K)

if 4 we accept this as dubs

Please explode on Yas Forums

your mom

The only way to win this game...is to not play at all.

later Yas Forums

5, and /toy/

If 1 give it to Yas Forums

Fucking boards keep cheating and sending the bomb to us
We can't get dubs faggots


Attached: 1487985802337.jpg (516x800, 315.19K)


Send it to /j/, fuck the jannies


Watch this

Attached: two more fire emblem.png (1097x728, 844.82K)

>Dubs derail threads! Banned!
>Wojak faggotry is a-okay though
Why does this board have such garbage mods

send it to reddit

Yas Forums go bye bye

You’ve activated my 6; and your bomb returns back to your own board. Your move.


Attached: 1533951115527.png (540x357, 363.64K)

Send it /out/

>64 + 2

does that count?

Well, it is two identical numbers. I say we do it.

Send it to Yas Forums

give me dubs
they are fags

go to /lit/


Attached: 34.jpg (1158x1637, 323.27K)

Send it to /lgbt/


Attached: 1531674492442.jpg (500x280, 95.17K)


It's not just this board. Also we need to send it to /trv/ before they kill us all.

Attached: zoo tycoon.gif (480x360, 749.72K)


Attached: diggity.gif (327x233, 1.18M)

kill all trannies

This board is pathetic

If this post gets dubs, the bomb stays here


Attached: check.png (626x461, 378.77K)

As close as we're going to get

fuck it.

Go to /ck/

Send that shit to Yas Forums, bomb the worst board off the site.


Attached: Discord.jpg (736x1064, 53.73K)

Attached: 29927_07-la-marmotta-in-sentinella-tra-il-verde-dell_erba-jpg.jpg.2400x0_q70_crop-smart_upscale.jpg (2400x1599, 475.61K)

i take big poo poo on /soc/

this thread is cursed.

Attached: Lookwithin.jpg (928x965, 239.78K)