Regardless of what they're working on, will Rocksteady remain based?

Regardless of what they're working on, will Rocksteady remain based?

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Why do they always do Harley Quinn wrong outside of the 2 dimensional renditions of her. First they made her look like a slut-whore in the live action movies and they failed to figure out that her original outfit wasn't leather, it's industrial spandex. When can we get a real Harley?

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Paul Dini and Bruce Timm are the only ones who ever did her right. Notice how every bad version of her hasn't had these two guys in charge. As with everything, it's about who's producing it. When you get an ego driven feminist, you get shit like Birds of Prey. When you get studios who just want to cash in on male gamers, you get empty sex appeal (and the wrong voice actress). No one but the original creators care about her as a character. They just treat her as a product.

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Ass too fat

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>Harley quinn has been ruined forever

But Bruce Timm made Batman and Harley Quinn and she was really bad in that one

imagine her filling her suit with poop and using it as a beanbag chair owo

>ruined by Tara Strong's awful performance as Harley

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calves too small

Well Bruce was the head animator and creative designer. He wasn't the producer, director, or script writer. Those other 3 fuck ups didn't do her justice. Plus the blonde from Big Bang Theory needed to work harder on her Harley Quinn voice. She sounded a bit stiff.

They stopped being based when they made Arkham Knight.

Wait i lied, Bruce Timm did do some writing in the movie.

This, you're a fool if you expect anything good from them after that mess


not gonna lie, the SFM porn from Batman games is Godlike

that character model fucking sucks
what human female looks like that when bending over

A lot of them, Becky.

i want to shove that baseball bat up her fat ass and swing her around like a fucking mace

>it sucks because it's not realistic
You just made the case for why it's good.

Arkham Knight is superior to City and Origins in every way imaginable

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Shiori Tsukada

It’s fictional user

Trannies deserved to be burned alive

Still looks ugly as fuck like they ripped the model out of a porn game.

Goddamn the ass was fat. Does she have any videos where everyone’s genitals aren’t blurry?

Tara strong is food. Fuck you

>Tara strong is food

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girls are taught from a young age to bend over with their knees bros, and it becomes second nature
this is really unrealistic

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AK only faults are the amount of car sections and puzzles and trying to add joker to it.

>blocks your path

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I like Batman but never played any of the Arkham games because they seem like normie bait AMA

Nah, unfortunately from what I understand porn in Japan has to have vaginas and penises censored, for some reason

>Spams middle mouse button for some epic trick shots


God I want to lick the sweat off her latex

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Imagine being so fat that you hear Tara Strong and think of food.

My ex girlfriend used to do this shit all the time and then complain when I wanted to have sex too much. Like why the fuck you gonna bend over like that in front of me if you don’t want my cock

The worst monkeys paw.

what the fuck, Yas Forums. stop trying to up the ante on brapfags

Somebody post that Harley webm. You know the one. I lost it.

Is Rocksteady the only western studio that makes somewhat attractive female models?

>Tara strong is food

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Arkham Harley is peak Harley, though: cute and sexy. That's the version of Harley that all other adaptations should follow.

MK11 was a step up from Injustice 2 and MKX

whats with this meme weebs made up

MK11's women look like SJW trash. MKX was the peak for MK girls, but they're still kinda manjawed from what Japanese devs tend to do.

Ugh it's called hyper soiling, mom and it's not a phase -_-

The outfits may be more covered up in 11, but the chicks are undeniably better looking

>MK11's women look like SJW trash
ok whats sjw about this

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Their faces are ugly as shit, and the only one who doesn't have an SJW-approved body type is Sindel (who gets a break because she's over the wall).

>phone poster
checks out


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>Arkham Harley is peak Harley, though: cute and sexy.
That's what TAS Harley was already. Arkham Harley is trying to be sexy and gritty, like Suicide Squad Harley.

>SJW-approved body type
what the hell does this mean


I hate capeshit, but that is a good ass.

Not that guy but, reduced chest, dogtags to make her look more "strong and masculine" and a generic face. She could be transplanted into any western game because she doesn't have any unique design attribute.

Just weebs having bad taste

It means that you're lacking in prominent feminine sexual characteristics so as to fight the evils of the male gaze.

she is in the military my guy so yes she will hve some

>a generic face
what the hell does this mean you sound like a retard

Most of the time it means the girls are "butter faces" that were approved by their creative departments.

>dogtags to make her look more "strong and masculine
You kinda retarded.

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so what you are saying is you can pick and choose what's sjw ok fool

Holy shit you're dense.


are you both retarded?

Imagine this WITH 11's graphics.

>Harley Quinn cartoon is actually alright
>Pushes the shitty neon pigtails Harley
The idea is that she's classic Harley when she's with Joker but moves to the shitty new design when she becomes her own separate villain but I really just hate that look.

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no you are saying its sjw only when you say it is fuck off

>last butt thread died right as I was about to start sluttposting

vorefags get out

shew will still have a manface and a ugly body but muh boobis right

You're welcome to show us an example what you think is not SJW approved and what is you dense faggot.

Quit trying to pretend like they aren't listening to feminists who rant nonstop about sexual objectification and unrealistic beauty standards when they choose to make them flat slabs of nothing with ugly faces, you disingenuous fuck. Beauty places expectations on people, and the left won't be happy until the only people who get to place expectations on others are themselves.

>what the hell does this mean
Exactly what I said in the next sentence.
>She could be transplanted into any western game because she doesn't have any unique design attribute.
This isn't because of dreaded "SJWs" but just lazy design. Mostly because of a focus on realism. They went into Unreal Engine and picked Face #24 and body #2 and made a character. Then slapped some dogtags and a backstory on her to make her seem like she's unique.


Either way she'd still be in a bad game. The only good Mortal Kombat games ever made was Shaolin Monks. MKXL was okay though.

Better than the covered shrunken boring mess of 11. So unattractive.

you sound like a fucking idiot you know that right

outfit is somewhat more concealed than the original, the tank top neck is way higher up so it shows less cleavage and the pants looks more like baggy sweatpants than the original tight spandex
i really don't give much of a shit over it as others do but acting like its anywhere close to how sexy the original does is a complete lie. cetrions skins still give her some nice tits and frost has a pretty fat robot ass though, so it seems less like they tried to cover her up and they're just really fucking incompetent over at netherrealm

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>tfw there are 3 different IP's responding to the SJW design denial NPC.
>The NPC continues to fight on all 3 fronts, fruitlessly.

>They went into Unreal Engine and picked Face #24 and body #2 and made a character
No they did not, they used actual actor for base. Thats how american women looks like.

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so you like them looking like men

a VA thats fucking awful at her job
if she was just dragged in for mocap work that'd be one thing but ronda's voice is fucking terrible, no amount of facelifts and titjobs on sonya's model would fix that

He could have just said that he's gay and be done with this retarded back and forth.