I've wasted too much time playing open-world games. Can you recommend me some good older, linear game?

I've wasted too much time playing open-world games. Can you recommend me some good older, linear game?

Attached: 1580302218996.jpg (826x1013, 61.9K)

Other urls found in this thread:


based cunny dabbing on roasties


cute girl

>mouth slightly open
she knows exactly what shes doing, fucking slut whore

Doesn't matter. As long as it's good, and for a PC.

w-which illegal fettish are we discussing here?

Hello mental illness

Call of duty

Attached: gigachad computer.jpg (758x644, 63.77K)

Burnout 3
Spartan Total Warrior
Viewtiful Joe
Tokyo Jungle
Mamorukun Curse

Half-life series. 1, 2, EPs 1 + 2.

based roasties dabbing on the elderly

Attached: 1439745916894.jpg (600x837, 82.04K)

not everything is a fetish dumb zoomer

Attached: 1570784878399.png (693x601, 246.8K)

Based cunny
Fuck thots and roasties

Silent Hill 1-3
Dong Cunt 2
Star Fox 64
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Shock Troopers

Attached: DK_Country_2 (1).jpg (370x269, 31.77K)

>not everything is a fetish dumb zoomer

Attached: 1582359389287.gif (499x281, 326.75K)

people are fucking weird

She need adult male cocks in her mouth

emulators not withstanding none of those are pc

>and for a PC.
Lethal League Blaze if you want to play with friends
Metroidvanias: Rabi-Ribi, Luna Nights and Yoku's Island Express

all women are demons

>white people are fucking weird

Plot twist
she killed her just to get some likes

Played that long time ago
>consoles and mmos
>Luna Nights and Yoku's Island Express
these look interesting, thanks


Attached: 1565324463679.jpg (1022x471, 179.97K)

James Bond Agent Under Fire. Pretty fun and has a lot of completionist shit if you're one of those people obsessed with 100%ing everything

Only for consoles, too bad

open world is the laziest cancer to ever happen to gaming


Attached: 1581203151261.jpg (394x350, 36.53K)

Yes, I like cunny.

Attached: YquRVSK.jpg (753x1023, 68.2K)

MGS 3, just emulate it.

dark soul 3

meh, played 2, didn't like it
played already

Now post the gif of the girl twirling on stage with pantsu showing

>meh, played 2, didn't like it
It's very different from it.

Attached: cunnychad.png (500x1138, 152.14K)

>why yes, I do like cunny

Attached: 1566598283943.jpg (680x794, 33.08K)

why don't you have a lgf Yas Forums? pic related, me and my lgf.

Attached: cunnychad.jpg (756x945, 101.69K)

>wojak thread appears
>pedo thread appears

It wasn't supposed to be a pedo thread, I just wanted a recommendation!

You just know she's the type of slut that already shove pencil in her cunny

but you showed up though

don't use this type of image again. It's a dog whistle for pedos.

She's pure.

Attached: lo (179).jpg (1080x1350, 737.2K)

Violet Mcgraw is so cute, I hope to see her in more stuff in the future.

Attached: 1546568056855.jpg (1080x1349, 171.17K)

>silent hill 2-3
>not for PC

super mario 3

What’s the story behind this pic?

From Haunting of Hill House, netflix series.

Is it cute and funny?



Attached: MV5BMjUwMDU5ODA5OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODcxMjY2NjM@._V1_SX1500_CR0,0,1500,999_AL_.jpg (1500x999, 175.66K)

Attached: 1583192897930.jpg (3628x6760, 3.76M)

Enter vote fetish.

Attached: 1565352872647.jpg (655x900, 191.94K)


post more of these theyre great

>>white people are fucking weird

Attached: 1583312111792.png (3388x3638, 325.59K)


Those are Yas Forumscels, not c*nnysseurs

Gothic 1 and 2 bruh.



papa needs a new pair of shoes

Attached: fuck teemo.png (334x334, 80.2K)


Please do not lewd the minecraft loli

She's precious.

Attached: mineloli.webm (1280x720, 2.31M)

emulate Suikoden V.




Attached: HEY JANNIES!.webm (1280x720, 1.55M)

Gib qt

I'm going to marry her


What's the name of this bodytype?