Half life:don't bother

Over a decade of waiting for episode 3, and this is what we get.

why even bother?

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why did you post a picture of time crisis

shut the fuck up transphobe

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The potential for storyline sounds cool. If it takes place before Gordon arrived to City 17, maybe we'll see how the Combine started taking a foothold in the first place. The presence of Xen creatures also seems like it'll have some cool discussions around the alien politics and more lore around how the Combine cleaned up the Xen infestation.

reminder to filter tripfag dipshits

when will people learn that valve only releases shit when they want to sell something related to it.

Half life alyx was made just to sell vr headsets. we are never getting hl3 unless we have something as big as STEAM was back in the day for valve can attach hl3 to it.

god alyx got uglier

This. Why would you not be excited for Time Crisis?

HL3 is the most hyped video-game in history. Making it a $1000 game is both devilish and genius. It's a shame they didn't go all the way through and call it Half-Life 3.

we all know that. yet it doesn't make us any less irritable.

what videogames do you guys play

That could've been interesting if most gamers could afford it.

to think that if it was a shitty pancake shooter with no real gameplay changes from Ep 2 less people would be whining. If you can't see how VR is additive to the experience you're literally a 2 IQ brainlet and are probably crying because you can't reach the grapes

>VR is just a gimmick
>more freedom of movement and objectively more interactive gunplay is just a gimmick if I repeat the same retarded shit over and over again

stupid losers

okay fagtards

Does anyone actually like the HL2 story shit? I always thought it was incredibly boring. HL1's story was fine, but I cant make myself give a shit about the combine or any of the characters at all

Most gamers can afford it, there's many ways to bypass the VR limitations, of course you don't hear about them because they are always buried beneath buyer's remorse shitposting and namecalling.

How long will it take for someone to rescript/rebind everything to a mouse/keyboard? This isn't ultra-locked-down Source like their normie retail shit, right?

Yes, there's lots of cool lore in HL2 with the combine and the Gman as well. It's just that HL1 is A LOT more lore heavy that HL2. HL2's only new introduction to the story is the Combine who are a mysterious race that were either related to or warring with the Nihilanth.

Are you still waiting for half life 3?
They made it clear a few years ago that it won't happen.

If you think VR teleport shit compares to Source engine mobility you have nigger-style brain damage.

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Days at most, if it allows rebinding like any other source game then it will be easy as fuck to do it.

The combine are gay and generic. Gmans just kind of tacked on there because of HL1.

not waiting for half life 3 just complaining about half life alyx.

>garbage quality
>the best VR have to offer

It's time to go back

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The combine has potential to be something interesting. The exploration of complex alien politics is an interesting perspective on alien invasion scenarios. Also the Combine's cross-species biotech is an interesting concept and their enemy design and pyschic abilities makes them cool potential enemies to fight. The biggest thing the Combine also offer is more insight into the Gman who seems to be more than just a government employee. Not to mention their potential ties to the Nihilanth itself. However this is all speculation on the potentials. For all we know none of this will be lived up to and the Combine is just another alien force that takes over instead of the original Nihilanth species just cuz.

Nice b8

Enviromental storytelling

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Yeah, and half of that is barely alluded to in the game and the other half is only there as a visual aesthetic thing. The combine are more generic than the empire from Star Wars and they were supposed to be generic. The entire game makes you view it all from the even more generic resistance factions perspective, too. Holy Half Life 2 was so mediocre.
Also youre one of the dorkiest tripfags on this website btw

But there are allusions and that's why people are still interested. All the signs still point to it.

So Valve only alluded that they were going to start doing something interesting in Half Life 2 and its parts, then blue balls their fans for over a decade where they would finally start doing the interesting stuff in the sequel?

there are people on this board that thinks this looks "like shit"

No, they alluded to what I just said about the Combine up to Episode 2.

ask your mom for a vr headset
false flag

every non poorfag will be able to enjoy the next entry into the half life series while 3rd worlders seethe and play their pirated visual novels or assfaggots

Except they've shown off free movement, teleport and 'dash/shift' (essentially teleport) options.

>can't even afford a VR headset
>still am happy about this game because Half-Life is my favorite series

Always do the opposite of what this board says. They thought MHW or RE2make were going to flop.

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Ok, so they only started getting into the interesting stuff on the last episode. Got it.
All I remember from that one was car sections, though.

It looks fun and I enjoy playing VR

I said "up to", not "only in"

*ahem* Artishat

Yeah, they alluded to doing something interesting up until the last episode where they actually started doing the interesting stuff. Except all of them were dull as shit anyways.

>>can't even afford a VR headset
hope you get the chance to enjoy it one day bro, I got a shitty part time job then retreated back to neetdom just to buy a pc and vr it was worth it

the absolute failure to cope is truly magnificent regarding this game. if it turns out to be amazing this could actually beat the total fuck out of Yas Forums even harder than undertale did when it released

valve literally cannot keep up with demand on Index's, especially after HL:A's announcement. That's as close as you can get to "sold out" for a digital game

Well who knows maybe they'll get implemented as enemies in HL:A or a future sequel. That's the hope.

>more freedom of movement
removing jumping means more freedom of movement?

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Most VR games have the ability to jump and even if they don't you can just jump for real, but you're probably obese and live with family so mileage may vary.

It could be good, but I'm going to wait until after it releases to find out if I want to buy a VR headset for it. I don't see the point in investing that much into a system for a game that isn't out yet, and I have some reservations about how movement will work. Along with the fact Half Life 2 was one of the worst shooters ever made with shitty gunplay and worse AI but people don't seem to like to remember that

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Hle3 was scrapped like two years ago. There was a fucking sticky on Yas Forums about it where the entire story was leaked by the writer when he quit. God you people are newfags

Is there melee combat? Even just blunt weapon damage?

has a game EVER had this many threads of people crying about it?

God of War, DMC5 to an extent and pretty much every major release since Tortanic ruined this board.

BloodBorne was like this when it got announced.

>pancake shooter
wtf does that even mean

Ive been hearing the word pancake being thrown around in VR threads lately, can anyone fill me in?

It's the term used to refer to flatscreen shooters.

>finally resolve to buy the valve index and just finance it on Paypal
>it's out of stock
>news websites say in stock Monday March 09
>delivery: 4-8 business days

damn it will be cutting close

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im still waiting for episode 3 so I can play all of them together like my original intention

sounds like a tranny game

BotW still has daily seethe threads for 3 years in a row and counting

It's not Episode 3. I've been telling people this since the trailer got announced, but nobody believed me. Like I still think the game's gonna be good, but it's not gonna be Episode 3.

I'm glad you've moved on from making constant Cyberpunk threads to making constant Half Life threads.

Anyone else got to try that steam vr home shit?

It's actually pretty damn impressive and it isn't even Source 2 yet. I'm sorry Yas Forums but U might actually have to fully swallow the VRpill.

you better be mashing F5 on monday because they've said they're going to run out of stock immediately

I have that day off and I'll be making sure I am ready

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