Piratechad thread. Paypigs need not apply

Piratechad thread. Paypigs need not apply.

What are you


As for me, pic related. I'll listen to tool's new album, play one of the pic related and maybe watch some vikings later. I also need to catch up on berserk if I bolster the bullshit tolerance needed.

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SRW games on PC, because regionlock. Go fuck yourself Bamco. I'll fight Harmony Gold.

which ones fellow piratechad

Sekiro, going to buy it on Monday. It's a good game.
Titanfall 2, I suck and need to get gud, everyone is too good.
Just bought an EP from a local band named "Mess". Indie/emo stuff
George Hotz: Fully Self-Driving Cars Are a 'Scam' and Silicon Valley 'Needs To Die'

SRW V and X, waiting for T (the only one i didn't actually play on console)

I did also pirate Stellaris and CK2 with DLC cause fuck Paradox jewery, i'll wait for a decent sale.

any good games to pirate?

I've become a buyfag for achievements, but games without achievements, I could still pirate

im not a piratechad but can i please contribute to the thread too? if its ok

nothing im too scared
game cube emulator with twilight princess, pokemon colosseum, pikmin 2 and resident evil. dont know what to start with
>chill playlists on youtube

thanks and sorry

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>poorfag NEET thread

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Plan on pirating Octopath Traveler and actually check if it's good or not
Apex Legends. It's fun with friends. Also playing Dead Cells. It's wack
Hollow Knight's OST. Sealed Vessel OST is great
Not watching anything, just playing games at the moment

what do you like?

i'll tolerate buyfags but anime sissies are a hard pass so behave yourself

look fellow piratechads the paypig escaped the stables

come here paypig get me a coke or something

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>playing doom while listening to the game's sound effects and a demon hunter playlist

Is this how being Jesus feels like? Holy testosterone

It's how space marines feel, for sure.

lol ask your mom, it's her computer anyway

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But he's asking you...

I just wish that the updated Satisfactory would come out on the torrents. Alas I think she's gone boys.

why are there ps4 game torrents? you cant emulate them nor burn them into disks

whats wolfenstein about? is it far cry's retarded brother with dude nazis lmao?

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I don't pirate often but I did recently get the complete Shadowbringers OST off some shady website after a cursory google search
Also someone linked a good crack of sekiro here right around it's release so I played that

>he doesnt know

he should look for his dad first

good games.

actually scratch that, I want a game I can reasonably download without busting my 3rd world country bandwidth limit, so something light/that's not 120 gigs

what are you talking about mofo


Grow a pair fag.

leave her alone?

None may touch the Arisen!

Based suggestion, not only is Sekiro surprisingly light, it's also very well optimized. I could play Sekiro while having 20 tabs open on Chrome, and all I have is a budget gaming laptop that had a MX150 2GB variant graphics card

Got Pokémon mystery dungeon dx on my switch. Thing was a little annoying to hack but once I got the hang of it the stuff you can do is pretty astounding, like accessing your pc files directly from switch instead of inserting sd. This is really cool.

i wish i could man up and push through hard games but at some point i just feel like im too stupid and get tired of doing the same level and i quit

can you buy the switch bricked already? does online work on it?

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The jig is really easy to use/make man and you only have to do it once you can then set up autocrm. There are ways getting around the online ban, unfortunately in retarded and got my switch online banned but I’m not that upset about it.

Just got Persona Q2 and Sekiro
I'm thinking I'll play some mother 3 on my hacked 3ds
Little miss sunshine

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is hacking the 3ds still a bitch

All I'll say is Sekiro won GOTY of 2019 for a reason. And it rightfully deserves it

no way around the ban?

It's way easier compared to 2015.
Everything is in one place.
Finding .cia files has gotten a little more tricky, but still easy.

It’s a joke now. The switch is a little more difficult.
Yea there are ways, but it’s kinda easy to screw up. Honestly you can get everything for free so it doesn’t matter much anyways

by a joke you mean quicker? i didnt bother trying yet because im a lazy cunt

It’s insanely easy yes.

what do i need? just a pc and a 3ds?

>Using fatguy repacks

Get a sd card reader, a sd card (or micro sd card) and one of those small screw drivers for the back panel screws on the 3ds.
32 gigs is the biggest sd card you can use without having to format it to fat-32

You don’t need the screwdriver anymore or anything to do with the back panel. Simply follow the instructions for before and after putting the files on your SD card. It’s extremely simple took me an hour and didn’t have to mess with the hardware at all

he never failed me before whats wrong?

Also on top of this, use GUIformat to format your file to fat 32 took a little for me to find it but it’s absolutely free and works perfect

Where the fuck do I find a properly working version of great ace attorney, I've spent a day searching before and everything either froze at the TL group logo or had fucked audio

>mobile shit

dont know. how old is it?


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Morality is relative. And I’m relatively uncaring

nooo piratechads what do we do now

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get rdr2 fags i dare you

Enjoy your Russian coin miner

never had shit happen to me desu

Best place to download GOG games and/or collections?

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also interested in this

>NEETs are poorfags.

I use my monthly NEETbux on the stock market and triple it. I can afford paying for vidya but why the fuck would I ever do that?

Or tipping, voting or eating pussy for that matter.

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damn im jelly af

Don't be. It's nothing you can do too.

Don't let your dreams be memes!

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i got no neet bucks how do i make money from home user i dont wanna go outside

freegogpcgames.com is the cleanest one I've found. there's also the-eye.eu/alvro/_Archivist_Extras/GoodOldDownloads/, which is also safe, but doesn't have as many games.

thanks user