*steals your tech*

*steals your tech*

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Well heya~

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Awrl durh uhbu i luk yuur VAGAJA uyghhh

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That's why you keep my /ourgirl/ on board to keep the filthy xenos in check

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She already stole my heart. I can forgive her for stealing some tech. I mean for god's sake she risks her health and very life to have inter-species xenophile sex with me. I can forgive some stolen tech that's not even technically mine.

Tali was a fucking dumb bitch and the quarians deserved what they got

Why does everyone say she stole your tech? The ship she designed everything around was the SR2 - aka the ship Cerberus stole literally everything to make, along with even more stolen shit they got on their own dime

I wonder who's REALLY behind these posts...

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>Why does everyone say she stole your tech? The ship she designed everything around was the SR2 - aka the ship Cerberus stole literally everything to make, along with even more stolen shit they got on their own dime

People who think Tali was their enemy but Cerberus was their friends for some reason.

>human women
How boring

>not doing your job as a virile human male and spreading your seed and educating the galaxy on the omnipotence of human dick

If ever there was a universal truth in this life, it is thus.
If there is a warm hole to be found in this galaxy or beyond, the first human man to stick his dick in it will be reviled by our women but hailed as a god by all other men everywhere.

He leg muscles are quire deformed

I love Tali so much bros...

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>blue human women with a head prosthetic are so much better!
>purple digitigrade human women with 3 fingers are so much more interesting!

>allowing traitors to live

Asari are parasites so no argument there.
The rest are worth conquering though, ESPECIALLY Turian women.

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who cares about the shit story of this dead franchise anymore just post sexy aliens

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How should Tali be punished?

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She shouldn't be because she didn't do anything wrong.

You are both retards and should never be put in charge of anything important, ever.

Technology is valuable. It has military, economic, and political significance. The more control over it you have the more valuable it is as the more influence in those areas it will have for you. It can be used to bargain or coerce as needed.

So let us say Cerberus stole the tech from the Alliance. It would still be very bad for the Alliance if anyone else stole it from Cerberus. What weakens the Alliance's hand is anyone having that technology as that is one more faction they can't bargain with or coerce, and it means there are now even more opportunities for the technology to spread other faces.

Does that make sense to you?

Like, imagine THIS:

Somebody steals your diary containing all your private thoughts. Would you then be okay with someone else stealing the diary, or making a copy of it, from the person who stole it from you? Now that's even more people who know your most intimate secrets.

Does THAT make sense?

They are. Quarians are sexy. Unlike asari they aren't bald freaks. Quarians are pure and beautiful.

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>shit opinion
>reddit spacing
Really makes me think.

t. Asari


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Turians owned literally everything that made the SR1 the SR1 before humans did, and they trust you even less than Cerberus

When you think about, Tali was always on your side. If she didn't give her people your tech, they might have Good. You opened this message.

They also go into anaphylactic shock if you even touch them.

>orgasm so hard they have a heart attack
That's fucking hot

It takes a special kind of wretched normality for a person to see a character with a helmet or a mask and decide that there's just a regular human face under there.

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>Coughs on her
Shouldda read War of the Worlds, bitch.

time to replay this series

Well, the majority of the sentient galaxy is bipedal, with two eyes, a noise, a mouth, and ears in roughly the same location with the same functions, so it's pretty reasonable to assume Tali is something in that ballpark with all that Bioware's given us

hell yes it is

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Frankly I find the idea of an Asari with a vagina offensive!

Manveer Heir?

How big is her cock?

tfw you keep Ashley alive on Virmire just so you can personally shoot her later

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it's not very often that I actually laugh out loud on this site

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She was specifically told not to share anything about the ship in ME1.

You could fist her urethra.

No, I doubt that. At best the SR1 is 50% turian and 50% Alliance. I'd argue it is more likely 75% Alliance and only 25% turian. I argue this because the design philosophy behind the Normandy fits Alliance military philosophy and not turian philosophy. It is a scout ship intended to slip behind enemy lines, which is exactly how the Alliance likes to operate. This is contrast to the turian doctrine, which is very straightforward.

Regardless, you are really not comprehending what I'm talking about here. Let me try again. Okay. So. Right. Something like this.

For the sake of argument, let's assume the Hierarchy DOES have all the tech in the Normandy. All of it. We STILL would not want that technology to proliferate without our consent and control. We wouldn't want anyone to steal it from us or to steal it from the turians, or to steal it from anyone we sell the technology too. Do you get what I'm talking about now? It is not to our benefit to have somebody steal the tech from someone else. We'd rather sell it to them. Let me try a mathematical argument here.

The tech is worth 2 points. Cerberus steals it from us, so now they have 2 points. The quarians steal the tech from Cerberus, so now they have 2 points.

Now, selling the tech is worth 1 point, because that means you get some monetary or political or military benefit in a transaction wherein you give the tech to someone else. So if we sell it we have 3 points. 2 + 1 = 3.

Now, we can't sell it to Cerberus because they already have it, and we can't sell it to the quarians, because THEY already have it. So we can't get that extra point. We can't increase our score from 2 points to 3 points, not if we want to sell it to the quarians anyway because now we have nothing to offer them.

Ideally, we'd want anyone to gets the tech to get it from us, because each time we could get +1 point. We could wind up with 4 points if we sold it to two different races/factions. 2 + 1 + 1 = 4. Simple as.

They aren't that fragile

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I'm personally on a mission to find out the effects of human dick on male xenos

Log off, Legion

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Or they just paid attention in ME1 and ME2, wherein you can see the shape of her face if you look. You know what else isn't original? Sticking mandibles on her or ridges no her forehead like every shit-eating, cock-sucking fanartist likes to to do. It's not creative.

Giving them hair and having the hoods on their suits be stand-ins for hair styles, IS creative. That's how quarians were designed. Deal with it.

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she's about to steal my seed collection, too

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>On Freedom's Progress, Shepard can verify his/her identity for Tali by mentioning the geth data that she received. Tali will confirm that it aided in her Pilgrimage. If the data was withheld, Shepard cannot reassure her in this manner, though Tali will not remain overly suspicious. In this case, her Pilgrimage is still presumably a success, though it is unknown what she used as a substitute gift.


fucking space gypsies

>those dsl's
>that tongue
he must be gay

Makes you think.

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I want a turian or quarian gf

Would want to fuck her if she looked like a gray or mantis or some shit. Being a recolored human is retarded.

*farts in your mouth*
"keelah! s-sorry shepherd i didn't see you there :3"

*rapes her bootyhole

Quarian is better. Turians are bony.

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You need to understand that the people you're talking to are dumb waifufags. That Tali stole your shit is meaningless because "durrr but dat ass tho"

Who cares if she spied on you and stole your tech, I still love Tal-
>secretly has a thing for Garrus behind your back
Disgusting fucking slut. Dropped.

I read a fan-fic once where a guy is working some job and a quarian girl on pilgrimage is hired as a temp and he has the hots for her but while they're working she is letting out these huge farts, totally unaware that this is rude outside the migrant fleet

I kept her tied down to the nuke

That's kinda hot.

they're literally humans with malformed legs and hands and its fucking disgusting. uncanny valley is real, and she would have genuinely looked more attractive if she was actually very alien and strange looking underneath the mask, which is the entire reason people romanced her in the first place. of course bioware is so fucking lazy and incompetent they shooped a stock photo over lunch and called it a day.

god. fucking. dammit. this game was the most disrespectful piece of shit I've ever had the displeasure to waste my time on. thank god bioware is about to get fucking canned they deserve it fully and truly.

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I'm surprised BioWare didn't get in trouble for having a 1:1 space gypsy race that trades booty to be able to steal shit from the nightstand.

>>secretly has a thing for Garrus behind your back
Are you just making shit up now to try and be offended? She only gets involved with Garrus if Shepard is female or if Male Shepard is not interested. Shep is her first choice but she'll settle for Garrus if she can't have him. Get the fuck out of here.

how did you romance her without falling asleep

just looking at her makes me feel bored

>Human wirh 3 fingers and tumblr nose
Even something like this
makes more sense

>Fpood asnalogy

They're even dumber than that though.

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Honestly dude that kind of attitude means you're the only one I know for sure should never be in charge of anything.

tali was the epitome of what a home schooled obnoxious fat fucking liberal land whale could come up with for an attractive female character. shit was so fucking cringe I just about collapsed in on myself like a fucking black hole. also mass effect sucks shit and they really need to stop trying to make these fucking games they're not good.

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>is attracted enough to Garrus to have a thing with him if she can’t have Shepard
Yes truly devoted and loving girl, so loving that she instantly throws her pussy at the next available dude when Shep says no. YIKES, imagine being a cuckold

>Giving them hair and having the hoods on their suits be stand-ins for hair styles, IS creative
You're a liberal, aren't you?