*rocks back and forth*
*rocks back and forth*
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is that mew2king? why is he balding so young
wh*te genes
>why is he balding so young
i've been asked this before and it felt so fucking bad
god i hate my shit genes
>that time he got catfished at a tournament and was depressed
*blocks your path*
how'd he get catfished?
jesus fucking christ just shave that off completely
>cries infront of live audience
I started balding when I was like 19, I just embraced the Pilkington and shaved it all.
Why are smash players the weirdos of fighting games?
Balding means you're mature. Do you want to be a 12 year old retard your whole life?
Fucking Christ why wouldn't you just shave your head at that point
>I just embraced the Pilkington and shaved it all.
my head shape kind of sucks though
that's dumb, user
Imagine having shit genes AND a shit skull shape.
t. a fucking orange
How come people like this don't bother shaving their head?
I honestly think mr. dilkington looks alright
I wish I had that orange shape
he's like 30
Actual autism in m2ks case.
Looking more and more like Bubbles everyday
Imagine wanting to go bald so you can look mature lmao.
That title is for Unist players
Someone should start a game show
>smash player
>mental asylum patient
i can't decide which of these two videos are my favorite, they are both so fucking good
Alright big boy
I too love the looks of cancer patients
>shits pants
>finishes match
Beyond cope
m2k is a dick
Watch his hot juans episode
Other fighting game players got into the genre heading to their arcade, smash players got into it by comboing CPUs alone in their moms basement.
tfw have ADHD and rock back and forth when reading something
>do you want to be a 12 year old retard your whole life
yes, i miss imagination
god I love m2k. I hope he plays more for the circuit
>$250k smash world tour
>netflix documentary
>return of PPMD, druggedfox, crush, syrox
Yeah... I'm thinking 2020 is saving Melee.
Watching m2ks progression in social life is like watching your autistic friend make it in life
Good for him
>Netflix doc
He looks fine to me, he doesn't look unkept.
Its literally most men, regardless of race. Black guys and indians seem to go bald way more often.
he looks awful
He is jewish
The virgin shave vs the Chad Embrace
I wish I had the perseverance to grow my hair out and just rock a Hulk Hogan skullet. I always end up shaving it somewhere on the path to embrace. Being bald sucks.
Why not just shave his entire head at this point?
The guy who made the smash documentary has made another doc and he's in talks to get it on netflix.
this image was from like ~2013
dude straight looks early 40s now
welcome to the balding general
feel free to post your story here
Do hair transplants actually look good?
Unironically the most based autist. It's too bad the autists he keeps around him are either annoying or too quiet.
I actually think Samox fucked up by trying to put it on netflix because I feel like it being on there will limit it's audience, which is ironic since that's the opposite of what he's hoping. The original doc got tons of exposure just being on youtube and anyone can watch a youtube vid, netflix requires an account. Not only would it have been available ages ago since it's been finished but the longer time goes by the less relevant it'll become, for example two of the biggest focuses in the new doc are Armada and PPMD and both of them are not even competing anymore (who knows when PP will be back). Not to mention there's always the chance Netflix rejects it and all this time would be wasted.
>This was 4 years ago
Man where has the time gone? Melee used to be great
>So insecure I actually see myself going bald in the mirror when people tell me I am
Is this just a precursor to actually going bald?
you're just paranoid
>Went to my first Smash tournament a few weeks ago. (Frostbite)
>All the Smash players are a living meme. One guy walking around without shoes or socks on, people sleeping on the floor and leaving crumbs everywhere. Everyone is hyper competitive.
>I play against a few of them and had a blast playing despite losing, most of them had an attitude with me saying that I play a "bullshit character". (I main Mii Brawler and Shulk, and I play topdecking Hero for shits and giggles.)
>One guy plays against me, he is absolutely thrilled to be there, is constantly praising me and tells me that he loves all fighting Vidya. He even recommends that I play Mortal Kombat since we both play extremely aggressively.
>Had an absolute blast with him.
I regret not learning his tag to stay in communication. He was cool as fuck. Smashfags and FGCfags are like polar opposites.
>start noticing thinning around temple
>didn't even consider I could start balding
>mfw I realized what was happening when it had already gotten kinda bad
Im losing my hair up top so im growing a massive beard to compensate. Its been going well so far. No regrets.
Blacks fuck up their own hair by wearing tight as fuck dreadlocks. That's why their hairline is pushed all the way back by the time they are like 25. Especially women because they have to wear braids when they put on weaves etc.
I've rocked my enire life, too. I do it on a couch, though. As I got older I started wrecking them.
People complain more about smash because it's core design isnt meant for competitive play so there's way more bullshit and much more lame shit. People don't just suck it up it's one of the main reasons why I think leo is so dominate because unlike literally every other player he just deals with the bullshit.
>tfw both sides of my family have excellent hair genes.
>Out of 80 people, only 1 is bald and one is balding but they're both over 65.
>I have extremely thick hair.
>My oldest brother just said that he is balding pretty badly from the back.
holy cope
Its gonna be on youtube too for free
Everyone has netflix dude.
Being on Netflix would reach tons of new audiences, because being on a "professional" platform like that legitimizes you in the eyes of most people, whereas youtube documentaries are still kinda looked down upon and not seen as that legitimate by normals.
If he can get it on Netflix and make it well, it will be huge.
No one under 30 remembers an age when arcades were popular.
what video game is this?
>Everyone has netflix dude.
I don't.