Why do you keep hoarding physical games?

Why do you keep hoarding physical games?

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Digital is soulless

because i can actually take care of my games

I only get good games on physical

to play them in my bunker when ww3 knocks out the internet

I don't. My current PC doesn't even have a way to read physical media.

This. Nigga once a month just use a microfibre cloth to wipe the disc and inside the case. The oldest game I have in Spyro on PS1 and it still looks great minus a few tiny scratches. I've only ever had one game go weird, and that was a second hand dodgy copy of Future Perfect.

I like having physical goods if I pay money for it. Paying for digital doesn't feel right.

Well there’s your problem.

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nostalgia. All my original ps1 are still good to play.

Not every game is fucked by DRM, user

>he doesn't have usb ports
u wot m8

Because you never know what might happen

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This, imagine not latching onto plastic goods and consumer products and thinking you have any worth, imagine not being a materialist

And that doesn't apply to physical? OP posted an image of disc rot, that's pretty fucking unpredictable

Owning digital is still materialistic. It's not about physical items.

yeah I probably should've said "optical" or something. I guess I could technically plug in a USB DVD drive if I really needed to but I don't have one and they're slow as shit. I don't know of any games that come on USB flash media but a few probably exist.

>wipe 100+ games once a month
You're actually insane

Because I'm not some fucking mongoloid who has to destroy everything they touch. My collection is vast and pristine. I'm also not a cunt about it...if I come across games that I know there aren't any decent rips of on the internet, I make sure to put them out there for others to enjoy as well. I've done this a few times now.

because im crazy

>tfw just yesterday went through a pile of old CD-Rs that were burned 20 years ago
>everything worked perfectly
What the fuck is this meme? If you store your CDs properly they'll probably outlast most other storage mediums you have.

i don't
but it's just like with extensive lore in game: nice option to have which you can ignore and become extremely uncomforable when loosing it

not really digital can be ripped away from you for any reason at anytime. physical they have to come take it from me and that they can do over my cold dead body.

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people that buy digital only are the same kind of people that play gacha games, they dont own what they throw their money into

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You really don't own digital, more like just renting it.

Yeah, what are you going to kill them with? Your stench?

as far as you and the state are concerned, i protect myself with my fists. ;)

>oh nooooo, they're taking away the things I consume, over my dead body
>I don't care about my own well being and body, the material I own holds more value

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That disc looks more like it was scratched with a pin, not disc rot. Pic related is disc rot

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so i can sell them at a premium later on

>t. commie

Not him, but not having a job makes it easier to take care of my stuff.

Yeah, your hamfists.

its not tho. its always from storing discs in areas of high moisture.

Never had disk rot. It's a meme made by dirty people

i lift, you don't. speaking from experience i see. have sex?

>you're a commie if you don't CONSOOM

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>living in a place with constant high humidity and/or not having air conditioning

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this, its just like dick cheese

Literally yes, consumption and production are the basis of a free society.

>I don't care if a company can revoke my right to play games I paid money for, downloads are convenient

seething commie

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Only if you multi-track dilate.

Sounds about right

i can smell you from here

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So what are you implying here? Play the 1.0 version of Warcraft 3 on the disc? Really? The one with the sticky fucking interface and no widescreen support?

Best to download a newer version.

Why partake in society at all? Your values have been overwritten by consumeristic tendencies and needs and superfluous objects hold more value to you than life itself

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i vaguely recall having some cd's looking a bit like that (to a lesser degee) and still being readable.
is this issue magnified for dvd's/ blu-rays?

Seeing autists on /vr/ recommending special cleaning solutions and proper storage methods to help prevent disc rot is fucking laughable. I've had the same games from 20 years ago and never experience any of this disc rot bullshit. I simply put my games back in the case and have them sitting on my shelf. No sunlight, air molecules, temperature or anything else has fucked up my games.

>values overwritten by needs
that's called wanting to survive. you wouldn't know much about that because mommy and daddy take care of you, feed you, force you to brush your teeth, and send you to bed at a reasonable time. you'll find when your out on your own, how to "partake in society."

Get a job, coomsumer parasite

>20 years ago
Some of us have Dreamcast and PS1 games.

>actually defending games you've bought being taken from you
Don't worry, I don't think you're a commie, you seem more like a corporate shill type. How's that Stadia adoption rate working out for you?

Where does "survival" come in to play in cluttering your home with plastic waste and boxes of hardware that read said waste projecting imagery to external screens?

I don't. The only physical games I have are from my childhood. I don't care if some company game takes all my games away because I'll be a rotting corpse in a few short decades anyways.

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Imagine being bound by possessions

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It depends on where the damage is versus where the data is. The Red/Yellow book standards also allows for a good amount of error correction. DVDs and Blu Rays have data more densely packed so there's much more room for error.
Also, disc rot largely depends on manufacturing quality. Early CD-Rs for example are notorious for disc rot. You can do everything in the book to try and stop it, such as keeping it in a dry place, reduce exposure to air, etc, but if the disc was mastered poorly from the start, you're not going to have much success

I didn't mean it in the way that someone would actively come and take your games away from you for no reason
It was meant to ridicule the thought process of valuing objects more than your own life
Do your games really mean more to you than your own life?

I like manuals

I opened that image thinking it was a girl with a huge butt

Because I like them, fat hands.

Because I actually take care of my discs by having them in a dry and safe space. I don't leave them lying around my house like a fucking american.

>>oh nooooo, they're taking away the things I consume
>I didn't mean it in the way that someone would actively come and take your games away from you for no reason
Then how did you mean it?

I have a huge collection of physical games. I usually just beat them once and put them on the shelf. I need to get rid of most of them they just take up space.

Xbox game pass the future

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Digital is much easier to archive and maintain

Snapcases made it a lot easier to look after your games. I emulate anything that's pre-gen 6.

>huge collection of physical games
oh yeah, how many?

>in b4 ~35+

> Nigga once a month just use a microfibre cloth to wipe the disc and inside the case.
Why would you need to do that? If they are in their cases and you haven't touched them then there is no need to clean them.
If you keep cleaning them with a cloth you are just more prone to scratching them, especially with CDs and DVDs.


>keeping loose discs in a fucking drawer
>family guy game
I'm not surprised that the same retards who watch Family Guy are the ones especially good at killing their games.

Also, to address
>It was meant to ridicule the thought process of valuing objects more than your own life
The right to own property is something worth defending with your life, yes, because if you don't own anything you're just a slave to someone who does.
>Do your games really mean more to you than your own life?
You're only right on this count that just a videogame or two aren't worth risking your life for. I'm pretty sure the other poster was using "over my dead body" as a figure of speech though.

>digital can be ripped away from you for any reason at anytime.

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Build a NAS you filthy casual