What game best appeals to the male fantasy?

What game best appeals to the male fantasy?

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dating sims because they allow you to receive love from an attractive person

super mario bross : you fight your way thru life and you actually get rewarded for that in the end

The male fantasy these days is wanting to be a female, so any game with character creator, especially anime games.

Tick tock

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what was she originally talking about?


Get it? Mail Fantasy?
Get it?
I'm Funny right?


Puns only work when spoken, there's only one meaning of the written word male



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She was playing Artificial Academy 2.

you should come back on wednesday

You're on the internet so you're iFunny
Now go back there.

gta 5

What's a female fantasy

>I hate thing because males like it
God women are insufferable.

romance novels in general

AA2. She made a self insert female and ran around trying to rape all the males she created, but became pissed when she found out that she needed their permission.

anyone got the video where this bitch asks tha then it cuts to some survival game with a naked kid screaming as people try to kill them

You ever wonder why women flock to The Sims? It's because it's a game where you control every aspect of everyone's life

dragons crown

Being surrounded by billionaire chads who cater to their every whim and will continue to do so even when they get fat.

for weebs, this game

>Cool over the top anime attacks
>Giant Robots
>Half naked chicks flailing their tits all over the place

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This isnt even funny its so true

Red Dead Redemption, Akiba's Trip Undead and Undressed, Armored Core and Style Savvy.

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nobody made an holocaust simulator yet

Animal Crossing

Princess Maker 2

Chilling with your bros innawoods with plenty of guns and booze is all anyone really wants



Rim world is pretty close

second life

That hair. It does things to me and strangely makes me want to eat Ice cream

I want to protect her smile bros...

imagine slamming her head on ice cream and licking the ice cream with bloods and tears off her screaming face

Hunny Pop

she walked into a strip club in gta


>girl starts making out with me at the bar
>straight up tells me to come home with her
>say "naw maybe another night" and go back inside
I'm too autistic for this shit. What the fuck dude.

The Maiden R*pe Assault - Violent Semen Inferno


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>tfw play ark just to take care of crops and animals and collecting stuff instead of turning it on third world simulator

nice to see im not alone

Probably Monster Hunter
>huge swords, lances, gunbows and hammers
>track and kill gigantic, majestic creatures
>eat gigantic meals in between battles
>dress your guy in cool, incredibly over the top armour made from the animals that you kill
>skimpy armour for the women
>barely any story - most hunts are just for the fun of it

Sono Hanabira

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Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

>A virus wipes out 99.99% of women

A more absolute type of power fantasy. Less dragons dogma or bayo and more shit like VNs and the sims.

the characters in mh are all ugly

is it fun to play alone? id imagine not

a dance with rogues

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Not in the new one. Which I find pretty amazing. The hero rescuing the maiden from the dragon is the quintessential story of man's role in our species, but Mario saves Peach and she runs off on some independent woman trite, leaving you to ponder what man's role is today: you have a moral obligation to help women, but they owe you nothing in return. Sacrifice yourself to save them from their mistakes, but don't expect a reward. They need you to break your back and slay the dragon, all to prop them up as if you're equals. It's the senseless altruism of a dying society, where the strong die so the weak can live.

Idk user, I thought the guildmarm was a bit of a QT.

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Rip and Tear.

Yes. I never play with other people. It’s actually way less fun with others because strategy goes out the window when there’s more of you.

Which one do I start with?

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That's fucking hilarious. Especially her for being the only one to go nuts.

>in love with a brachydios

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pretending to be a duke and leading armies and stuff

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How do feminists feel about yuri?

They said I could be anything, so I became the male fantasy.

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Visual Novel is one of the genders that has the most female players, however.