How does one beat this on hard and above?

How does one beat this on hard and above?
>enemies spamming uncounterable grabs
>get attacked during recovery frames of previous attacks
>bosses spawning minions that relentlessly attack you
I am near giving up. I am around chapter 8 but keep getting murked left and right

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I didn't think it was that much harder than normal, honestly. Stay mobile, level up your weapons, vary your combos, learn how to use ninjutsus more at critical moments.

By getting good

*by spamming the most effective attack and running in circles to confuse the AI.

simply play better

i mean dont get me wrong i feel like going from normal and above i have gotten a lot better and are able to survive way more, but somethings are straight up bullshit, one of which how enemies can literally attack you as you're in recovery animations.

don't play 2 then

don't get hit then

Well i beated sigma recently in hard mode, i dont know if black is harder or basically the same, but the only hint that i can give is to wait the opportunity, then use izuna drop in every possible enemy,

NG is all about movement. Master the roll jump and weave through enemies until you have a window to attack, however small it may be. One quick combo is all you'll get most of the time.

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Abusing izuna drop iframes

That clone ryu fight has to be one of the best bosses in the game.

block roll and use i frame.
use shuriken to stun enemies and also while in air to frame cancel.
for the love of god please dont ut spam like a fucking scrub to get through shits. you wont improve and it only gets worse for the harder difficulties because thats all you will do if you dont learn. learn to play like a real fucking ninja.

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what's the advantage of regular over windmill shurikens?

how exactly does shuriken work? hit enemies with it while their in the air or mid combo? Also how does the game get harder after hard on very hard and MN

>how exactly does shuriken work?
They force enemies to dodge/attack, meaning you can trick them into a new, more vulnerable position. Using them as you fall usually leaves you safe to pull off an on landing UT.

>how does the game get harder after hard on very hard and MN
Even more new enemies and situations. IIRC you haven't even had to deal with Berserkers yet, and the Marbus fight in particular has some unbelievable changes to it once you hit Very Hard.

I found Black easier on Hard because the additional enemies in boss fights are just free essence and UTs.

>bosses spawning minions that relentlessly attack you
this is so you can perform UTs on bosses
it makes a lot of later stage bosses much easier than on normal

sometimes i play on ninja dog, pull out the nunchuks and just go to work. Shit is really a great destressor

Are those the assholes who turn red after u defeat their initial phase? if yes, fuck those guys. I remember sigma, right after awakend alma. you had to fight 3 of those cunts

>your favorite weapon
>your favorite boss
>your favorite area

You can use regular shurikens to cancel out of moves. Use this to build custom combos and make unsafe moves safe.

Why the fuck does this game insist on having u fight 5 enemies in a tiny corridor with the autistic camera?

Dual katanas in ng2. Probably Zedonius, but I have more fun fighting regular enemies in ninja gaiden games. As far as the levels go, I really like Venice in ninja gaiden 2. The way the scythe was introduced was very cool. Wish the same was done for other weapons.

you absorb orbs to spam ultimates. When you do you get even more orbs. Or you go the route of spamming izuna drops... And of-course run in circles.

>>your favorite weapon

man, what a badass weapon

also, I believe in Black, off-screen enemies won't attack you, so you can manipulate the (retarded) camera to your advantage

you gotta out cheese their cheese if youre not in the top level of reaction times to counter and dodge correctly. nothing wrong with it

Redpill me on why sigma is the inferior version.

besidessaid, you can also stun lock enemies with even one shuriken throw. it's a lot faster than windmill shuriken.
yes. they're tanky and dangerous but you can manipulate the ai to fight them one at a time if worst comes to worst.
flails for both ngb and ng2
alma for ngb and genshin for ng2
the hayabusa villages whenever it's on fire

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I remember raging while playing master ninja.

Unironically git gud

Because they didn't give a shit and wanted to make a brutal game. It was practically marketed as the "this shit will fuck you up, kid. Better get your big boy boots on" game.

they made it easier, also I don't think it has the challenge mode in Black

give me some top tier tips then senpai

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unironically git gud

hard isn't even that much harder than normal, very hard is where shit gets serious

do you really need a reason when the guy responsible for the sigma version also created the worst ninja gaiden game in the franchise and then if that's not enough, goes on by working with another hack named inafune to create a spinoff that finally nailed the coffin for the series?

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dare i say sigma is actually better?
>midair bowfiring adding more depth to combat
>rachel missions are pretty fun. her moves are nice to master
>doesnt look as drab and gray as black
>mission mode
fuck hayashe though

Did you get comfortable with the guillotine throw? It's the fastest option for i-frames as well as tons of damage if they hit a wall.

You kill one enemy and then abuse the absorb to max charged attack.

It's been so long since I have played it, but it is basically memory and luck. I remember the camera being really shitty so you'd have to predict where the enemies were coming from off screen and act accordingly.

I do remember a couple bosses (because I had to watch their intros 100+ times before beating them): Alma v2 and Doku and the final boss nearly made me quit. Doku did the first time I played it. If you keep playing and don't give up you'll eventually beat them, if you are struggling so bad that you literally think they are impossible look up speed running strategies for NGB, they will tell you how to kill the bosses as quickly as possible.

Also those fucking cat people enemies before near alma v1, fuck those cat people

Dodge the grab all but a few faggy ones have really easy tells or setups to do so. Fast ones are often from enemies you shouldn't be sitting still that long against.
Learn when its safe to use an attack by reacting to what is on screen stop mashing.
Boss minions can be used for life or essence to UT the boss in alot of cases and boss minions only spawn every 25-30% of a bosses life on higher difficulties so they aren't infinite.

NGB is a hard game too so you just have to improve alot.

nah it never comes out. i just and hit the right input but ryu doesnt do it.
for sure, i have learned a lot of new shit on my 2nd playthrough that i didnt do on normal

Lunar Staff
Volcano Genshin/NGB Ryu clones.
Honestly probably just the NGB city one thing about NG is besides NGBs interconnected parts the levels themselves are pretty but not too memorable.

>Bow firing
Not really. It made a few cancerous segments easier that require the bow otherwise i wouldn't call that "depth". Jumping around and using it is basically a shuriken with no hitstun and honestly the wind shuriken is better then both if you wanna do cool shit like that.

The rest is pretty true. Hayashi is a cunt though. Its amazing how he could take NG2 a game with alot to improve on albeit it good and come out with something arguably worse in other ways.

Are you aware of your options from onland state? You can charge the UT instantly if you hold Y right before you land after a jump, provided there is essence.

Also, not sure if that's how it works in Black, but in 2 you won't consume essence as long as you are holding block. This can be used to stack essence when needed.

>the guy responsible for the sigma version also created the worst ninja gaiden game in the franchise
but he didn't create NG2. that was cocaine, rapist Iragaki.

I knew he was based

>in 2 you won't consume essence as long as you are holding block
I can confirm this works in Black. Very important for higher difficulties.

The AI usually has a lot of trouble dealing with the long Dabilahro combo. It's cheesy but if I need out of a bind that's my go to.

it made the bow part of regular combat and made the tanks/helicopter an actual fun fight. doesnt make a why ninja needs to come to a standstill to fire a bow anyways

>ng2 worst
>when ng3 exists
yeah okay. whatever you say.

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Ng2 has hands down more satisfying combat and it doesnt have the gay ass camera as the first one. 2 also has better bosses. is 3 worth a playthrough on razors edge version?

It's worth a playthrough. I'm not a big fan of the set pieces in the campaign, but the trials that are unlocked after completing it are pretty good. NG2 is still my favorite though.

For me, its the vigoooorian flail. nothing else comes even close.

Recommend me some hidden gems in the 3d action hacknslash/ beatem up genre. I have played, NG1-3, DMC1-5, Bayo1-2, MGR, transformers devastation, gow1-3, killer is dead.

Sekiro is great. Middle Earth Shadow of War is the best version of bamham combat I've played. It's still bamham but it's incredibly satisfying with limbs flying around, spec everything into gaining might and dish out finishers left and right.

god hand

Only bamham style combat i liked was the spiderman game that came out last year. even though it had more elements from dmc than bamham

I didn't play the spiderman game but I still recommend you to give Shadow of War a try.

i played the first game in the franchise i forget the name. Didnt enjoy it as much. Is the sequel that much better?

I liked Korra

but then my expectations were adjusted to the 3.75 $ I paid for it

still had fun with it

is the TMNT game that platinum made any good? I am a fan of tmnt so as long as they got the turtles right and the combat is somewhat decent, ill cop it.

just don't play the higher difficulties. the balance becomes a shitstorm the higher it gets. master ninja is complete fucking joke as to how broken the game is compared to ngb and ng2.
and set your expectations low for everything. the characters are shit (except mizuki), the story is shit, the boss battles are shit, the stages are shit, the music is get the idea.
highly recommend sekiro as well. i played it last year and it's the first time in a long time, that i actually enjoyed another 3d action game. the combat is great and sekiro is a badass like ryu.

this is the advice of someone who wants to believe they're good, but not.

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I got filtered by that pink bitch in the church on normal and had to start a new file on Ninja Dog to beat it

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>highly recommend sekiro as well
oh hell yea, i modded sekiro to play as ryu and had a blast throughout. Must have beaten the game 3-4 times. Did get filtered by Owl on charmless run on ng+4.

also any gems from the ps2/ps3 era you'd recommend. I kinda miss games from those era with cheesy dialogue, sub HD graphics, but fun as fuck gameplay

god hand!