Online multiplayer fucking sucks. Your teammates will exclusively be using the AR and your enemies will be sniping you across map as soon as you spawn with the pistol.
Multiplayer in this game is only good in tryhard competitive settings and in casual couch splitscreen.
Online multiplayer fucking sucks...
Yes, halo 1 multiplayer's always been garbage unless you play exclusively with friends, despite what Yas Forums anons who never played it before yesterday would've told you two days ago. The campaign's fine, but the multiplayer is garbage because it wasn't even done by the time the xbox version rolled out, so it wasn't taken seriously.
Git gud
Are you seriously trying to tell us that the MP is bad because "I get grouped with noobs while the enemy team is stronger ? :("
Fucking kill yourself.
The multiplayer's bad because you can right click to throw a mini nuke to destroy half the map, and by the time you use all 8 of them, 4 more will have respawned for you to spam again.
Also vehicles are garbage, you can get shot out of a tank with half a pistol clip.
yes op, the pistol is overpowered.
Lmao faggot halo ce is one of the few games where even if your team is trash you can carry. Learn how to use the pistol and stop beij a shitter
pistol's always gonna be dank as shit on pc. learn the weapon timing and spawns, and maybe you'll advance past being a shitter.
>thousands of hours playing latino halo CE PC has come useful
git gud scrub
Go back to CoD, scrub.
git gud
also to all the glitch-chads out there, did they fix the famous sideways ghost trick to get through walls in the map?
Mag, clip, fuck off, I'm not /k/
>has come useful
I wouldn't go that far
Halo? More like GAYLO. Boom roasted, get outta here.
CE is one of the easiest multiplayer games I can think of to hard carry in. Learn to position and get fucking good scrub
yeah this is absolutely terrible
the pistol spread issue from Xbox MCC is still in this game
What retard uses the AR?
EVERYONE uses the Pistol
CE 2v2s has always been peak Halo.
Halo MP was never good, only the campaigns are worth playing.
>my team sucks
>enemy team good
>this is why CE multiplayer is bad
The campaigns are one step away from being a movie.
>movie game
Like this is bait and all that but there are people on this website that would probably agree with that statement.
Nobody talks online.
I want to be a kid on xbox live with full lobbies of Halo 3 or MW2 yelling at each other at 3am.
Faggots like you have been so spoiled by skill based match making. You've spent your entire life playing people just as retarded as you, convinced yourself that you're "good" and it's everyone else's fault when you lose, and now that you're playing against people that are legitimately better than you and know the game more than you, you say it's bullshit.
team balancing is shit, always has been
>implying it isn't
Every level is just a hallway. You walk forward through sparsely-populated maps until you reach the next cutscene or setpiece. It's just Half Life with less guns.
Unironically I recommend you check out the NuModern Warfare. For all the faults the game has, the trash talk in it is alive and kicking.
Status: Filtered
linear =/= a movie game
Like your shitty Sony games? Halo even under 343 is still a video game, go ACfag somewhere else.
A game strung along by cutscenes and setpieces = movie
>giant canyons filled with drivable vehicles and a large weapon variety
>basically just a hallway
Alright I'm going to go to another thread. Good luck with all of your future bait.
Nice bait
define strung along
setpieces is literally just good level design. you want recognizable landmarks and memorable locations to help navigate levels.
cutscenes in between gameplay is just good pacing and standard game design
skill based matchmaking is how you face people better than you because you beat people worse than you and rank up until you can't surpass people better than you. other matchmaking is just random. retard.
Halo barely even has many cutscenes, baiting faggot.
>>giant canyons filled with drivable vehicles and a large weapon variety
"Filled" is a strong word. AotCR is pretty fucking empty most of the time. And yes, it is just a hallway. Even thought you have air bubbles here and there, you still can only progress in a single way. By holding forward.
>hurr everything i disagree with is bait
Halo's campaign is shit, and multiplayer is literally the only thing worth playing in it.
Play an FPS that isn't on Xbox sometime.
let me guess
oh yeah
your first baby fps
>Halo's campaign is shit
Have you ever considered it's 20 years old?
If everyone would do me a favor. Do not reply to 632. This is such obvious bait. Please be better than that.
Modern ones are even worse.
Have you considered that it doesn't get a pass because it's older than the average Yas Forumsedditor? Halo CE is shit.
I bet CoD4 was his first shooter then years later played Brutal DOOM and now pretends hes an enlightened gamer
Sorry, meant for
But I love Halo. I have great fun with it with friends, even nowadays.
The story mode is shit, though.
This hasn't been done since
There's actually people that play Halo and never touched the single player aspect, and the same for the only single player ones.
>every post that dabs on me is bait
hello, reddit
I'm sure there are.
Campaign is the only reason to play Halo, fuck off, Doomboy.
Explain your reasoning.
sounds fun, you gonna cry because it's not competitive enough?
Most likely
CE is the most competitive one, though.
I enjoy the gameplay, level, stories, characters, and universe, along with the enemies.
What makes each of those good? Because gameplay is the same as in multiplayer, while everything else is rather bland.
>if it's not a repetitive maze it's a movie
>if you have to move in more than one direction it's a repetitive maze
This isn't true for any TDM game unless ur playing against absolute trash competition. Stop lying.
>you can instant kill tank drivers with a couple shots with a pistol
>every single time
>every new Halo that comes out on PC we get to see Yas Forums bitch
nice, I've prepared your "BR is too good" for Halo 2 and "BR isn't good enough" for Halo 3
Enemies make the gameplay and levels fun, along with vehicles, story and characters makes you want to continue playing, universe is so interesting that it makes you want to explore more and discover new mysteries.
Get some friends and quit yer bitching.