ITT Characters that you are slowly becoming

ITT Characters that you are slowly becoming

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lift and eat protein, user

Dude he's already lifted into the ceiling and ate all the protein.

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achievable natty?

what gaemu?

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>that quick look at the camera
Every time

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Looks like Clive Barker's Jericho.

can I get a bump?


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>hurt my back 6 months ago
>slowly losing the feeling in my legs
Worst part is, I’m used to running everyday, now it’s hell to get out of bed. Doctors straight up tell me I might get better but don’t give a fuck as long as they get paid

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american doctors

sounds like you did more than just hurt your back

That's pretty funny user. Thanks for sharing.

Nah, this was never about drugs. Muh boy is constipated, and the regresses of an absolute clopper turtling inside of him are why he's wavering about. You can see he's a bit flushed, and that happens when you're uncomfortably retaining your shit-- it makes you feel sickly. You'll also take note of how he's positioned his body: Slightly leaned forward in order to properly activate his kegels, and that butt wiggle part way through is him trying to shimmy that shit back inside.

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is this what happens when you fuck over 100 trannies?

Explain the sucking of the teeth, my guy

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FUCK, I played the hell out of Clive Barker's Jericho. I wish I could get it on Steam... codes are all gone now.

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That's fucked up, just pirate it?

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Man, Harkonnen really let himself go.

It's only ok because of the atmosphere but the 55° fov and exploding enemies ruin the game.


>don’t want to keep living, but don’t want to kill myself either
I don’t know, Ethan Mars maybe minus the kid


Thats not Vladimir Harkonnen. Its El Hermano de Harkonnen, versión pálida.

No ideas. But I don't see how teeth sucking implies drugs.

firelink shrine guy

Such a badass. He punches nazis and doxxes people you know.

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dont talk about shit you dont understand then

I’ve never played Max Payne
I’m also still a virgin and don’t drink

Have you ever tried alcohol?

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I don’t like the taste
It’s gross

You should post pics.

Fair enough I don't know what you have tried but there are plenty of mixed drinks you could try and I'm sure one would suit your tastes. Although I suppose if you're happy enough without it why bother.

I'm not as good at math, though.

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I already have the vacant, tiredness that sleep won't solve eyes down pat.
I just need a haircut and to pick up alcoholism again and i'm all set.

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what in the fuck

Fucking christ god damn.

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I really should give his manifesto a read some time, though I get the feeling i'd go on a watch list (implying i'm not on several already but whatever)
Someone with that level of intellect going full primitive mode must have a damn good reason for it.

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are those Yas Forums users?

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look the gif

It's a shitty table, the thing holding it in place is loose

you wish fucboi

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He misattributed many problems in the world to technology (rather than their actual origin: power hungry Jews and the occasional gentile) but anyway he was right about many things. Particularly the structure and methods of what he calls "the System." It's fair play for a master mathematician to effortlessly comprehend a system without understand its spirit or the human elements behind it.


Sadly our technology still isn't good enough

its what being human but also being aware does to people
you either go nuts or you remove the awareness

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He was a textbook example of a weak frightened man who resorted to playing pretend out in the woods because he couldn't handle the world. Kaczynski was an absolutely pathetic creature.

prove it mother fucker

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I knew you were full of shit

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Clive Barkers Jericho.

The atmosphere is worth a playthrough. But not much else after that. Oh, and Church's sideboob

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The Master had a point. I would take super mutants over these people.

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