ITT: vidya related images taken before disaster

ITT: vidya related images taken before disaster

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Everyone anticipated new character
>Capcom had an announcement that same day
>Tons of speculation it would be Dante
>Turns out all along the Capcom announcement was shilling their overpriced Switch port and it was not related at all and it was instead another Fire Emblem character
This was the perfect concoction to fucking destroy rosterfags

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>The one thing leakers didn't get right while ruining surprises on decent characters

Some things are just meant to be leaked and this was one of them and they knew the word couldn't get out due to how mad people would be and the fact that no one who isn't a Fire Emblem fan would actually bother watching this shit through, meaning that this could have been one of, if not the lowest viewed character reveal yet if it had been leaked and could have potentially made people not purchase the entire pass.

Good to know the intentions behind these passes.

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>literally holds up three fingers because of Three Houses
Dilate May Cry trannies are truly mentally ill.

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Remember when the Doomzoomcucks thought it was Doomguy because the background was brownish and orange? Good times.

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>Knew dantefags were being gullible idiots for assuming he'd get in
>Was not expecting as shit a choice as Byleth
It's as if everyone lost in the end.

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cope rosterfag


Everytime I see Masuda's face I just want to punch it

I have by enjoying the character I actually wanted, unlike you I don't go insane and delude myself into "liking" the shit shill characters to desperately prove I'm not like the "other" smash players, people like you actually get your feelings hurt about smash players smelling bad memes, so you have to try and prove yourself to be special and different

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I remember all the Twitter replies saying "Smash fans mad" with some stupid FE avatar. What exactly are they getting at, that they're not Smash fans themselves? Then why are they excited about a new fighter at all?

Wow this game is awesome! I'm so glad I rented it, hopefully I can beat it before tomorr-

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Everyone would've cried anyway if it was someone else.

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Yeah he was kind of in the wrong for overhyping the character, but I mean the guy overworks himself to death and was most likely forced to include a FE pick. So I'm not too mad anymore. Mostly mad about the infighting.


>Mostly mad about the infighting
What do you mean

FE Fans, people saying Byleth wasn't a bad choice, and the people sending death threats to Sakurai.

I honestly can't feel sorry for them. They fell for the exact same bullshit that destroyed them hundreds of times already (taking unrelated shit and screaming HE'S IN). And now, yet again, they pay the price.

Scream about mad hoes all you want, you're probably not going to learn a thing from this.

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>hype deprived porch-monkeys, capdrones, and pedophiles who wanted look up a girl's dress in-game got btfo at the same time
what disaster OP?

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>most likely forced to include an FE pick
When I started reading about movie executives trying to meddle with movie scripts during the Sonic movie threads, it dawned on me that FE in Smash might have become the same kind of thing (an FE fanboy or IntSys stakeholder thinking that Smash just NEEDS a contribution from FE every time).

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You know it’s mainly Ishihara’s fault right?

This was the moment when Smash died for me.

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That's why Sakurai made such a big deal about the character being super top secret at the start of the presentation. Also why they put Byleth last. Not because it was such a special character but if it had leaked that the pass had a Fire Emblem character in it, it would have tanked sales to shit

no i dont care about smash roster period because its a party game

We've known since before the Joker reveal DLC characters were all already chosen by Nintendo, not Sakurai. At that time Three Houses was in development, so of course they would want to promote the game in Smash. It's always been the same for Fire Emblem characters.
It's not that there are 50 year old FE fanboys among Nintendo's executives, it's just marketing.
Thinking back it makes sense they made Byleth the last character, they knew it wouldn't be as hype as someone like Joker or Banjo, if it had been the first or second the Fighter Pass wouldn't have sold as well.

You don't have to lie, you're only proving my argument by using smash slang which is something only smash players use, its like you're ashamed of it.

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>mario kart is a racing game
its a kart game lmao

Cursed steve posting ruined him as a rooster pic

>it would have tanked sales to shit
rosterniggers would've bought the character anyway to complete their css like the cucks that they are.

party game

I love how everyone hopped on the LE EPIC HOES MAD XD train with the Byleth salt, until the very second Sakurai threw Byleth under the bus, where the narrative INSTANTLY became "w-w-who cares anymore at this point g-g-get over it".
I hope this taught people a valuable lesson to not pre-buy Pass 2. too bad all my dumbfuck friends already did anyway even though Byleth infuriates them.

In which you race.

A Kart what game?
Not him, but repeating yourself like a retard seems like a concession.

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>the dog dying tweet
redpill me

He's just confused at this point, for some reason a wojak comic managed to break his mind just a little and is spouting nonsense that he wouldn't have believe before, but now he's getting a little heated

I don’t have it saved but a supposed banjofag ripped on some guy who was worried about his dog because said guy defended Byleth.

I just want the Smash threads to end.

Based as fuck. Bylethtrannies will deny this.

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There’s always the spirit board, Steven.

>This crap again

This literally says that you don't give a damn about anything that was added previously. Imagine actually thinking like this.

>Herofags bring in the HOES MAD meme
>Banjofags iterated with GUH-HOES MAD
>Terryfags iterated with HOES FATALLY FURIOUS
>Bylethfags just take the original with no creative spin
Even FEfags' memes are clones.

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There wasn't one character that didn't make Hoes Mad.

Based, I've seen most of these
Shut up, weeb

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Jokes on you, I bought the second pass because I am not some insane online idiot and actually enjoy newcomers.

I had almost forgotten

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>>Terryfags iterated with HOES FATALLY FURIOUS
I liked "ARE YOU OKAY?" more but it didn't really catch on.

You faggots are second only to stevefags as being the laughing stock of Yas Forums, fuck off.

>joke's on you I blindly pay to consume epic hype culture!!!!

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>people that unironically defend Marth#8 are uncreative

Glad it happened, also glad leakers got dabbed on.

you tried so hard and didnt get any (You)s so here you go