What happened to unique art styles? everything is so hyper realistic these days

what happened to unique art styles? everything is so hyper realistic these days

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AAA games don't have to compensate for low visual fidelity anymore so it's only used by indies and games who grandfathered in their artstyle


I wanna play this game, is it worth 20 bucks on origin?

Generic art-styles allow for assets to be reused more easily

Basically this, but unironically. Games were ever good by accident. We've slowly and painfully entered the era of confusion animation is still wallowing in after a "golden age". Culturally, we're realizing stuff like videogames is too complicated for dumb human sensibilities and ludicrous "economics". The choices required to make masterpieces are not intuitive and having so many available tools is counterproductive. We need full studios and maxium human competence invested into making limited games, essentially stuff at the level of today's indies, to have good games again. Videogames are just that far above human capability otherwise.

While i understand this, lack of artstyle in favor of realism makes games look all so boring to the point unique artstyle is needed to compensate for lack of creativity

wait for a sale. its pretty good but it really could have done with some editing down. some of the levels go on forever

Que porra esta acontecendo aqui
What tha fuck is your problem men?
ehe My problem. Wanna know what my problem is.YOU ARE TURNING HUMANS INTO GLUE. Thats what my fucking problem is.
I dont know what your are talking about american.All i know is what i hear about you.You bodyguard for the brancos.They are all DEAD.Your help the poor,today many of them DEAD.You are a proper american hero.
Well done with your effort.The whole city is grateful.The great american savior of the poor.
You think you made any difference.You think stopping this legitimate buisness venture is helping anyone?
We paid for everything.WE HAVE THE RECORDS.
We kept people SAFE in the CITY.Decent people, SAFE.I know a lot of powerful people.
Well your POOOWERFUL people aint gonna help you out of this one buddy.

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A lot of people just think more realistic = better, so they have no reason to go for anything interesting. It's also that most games only use the same couple of game engines which leads to things looking similar and bland. Same reason why it feels like so many games feel so similar to each other now too, because you're less likely to find games that have their own little quirks that leads to more unique gameplay. A lot of people describe old games as just being "clunky" which can be true, but sometimes little things in how the game works ends up being more fun.

alright cool. Thanks, user

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>everything is so hyper realistic these days
Literally 90% of what Nintendo makes is cartoony
Quit making fake drama for argument's sake

we grew put of it
we want realistic graphics and grounded stories
not that edgelord fanfiction

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>unique artstyles

>some of the levels go on forever
what are you talking about man
I never felt this way

what, it is the opposite, most games look like f2p mobile games/indie trash unity games and run like shit. I miss well optimized good looking games like bf3

It's still here I played Bayonetta on an emulator a couple of months ago and it was a beautiful game and far from realistic art stile

Who cares, Asylum fucking when?

Hello Anons, I am here for the alice smut.

I know exactly what he's talking about. It fucking drags on, while the gameplay barely evolves at all.

Bayonetta was released before the game in the OP, you retard.

The second Bayonetta

>the sequel to a game with an already defined artstyle has an artstyle like the first game
Whoa stop the fucking presses.

Also there's a new one coming this year

>we want realistic graphics and grounded stories
>not that edgelord fanfiction
that's when games stopped being fun

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He said it was released first but I was referring to the second and third

Fun is just a shitty buzzword
If people say that the game is fun you know that game is shit

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The Last Guardian

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You can make an adult game fun if you use...

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im still mad about how barely felt like a max payne.
this kind of scenario is somewhat what kane and lynch would get into.

you are literally the dumbest person in this thread

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White people

>holding X to lift garage doors
>walking straight on a corridor following someone listening to shitty dialogue
>linear levels with nothing to find or a giant open world where you can go anywhere and do anything as long as you're not in a mission, if you are you must follow a linear path
>slow boring moveset not to break realism
>poorly written stories to appeal to cinemafags
aah yes! the good realistic and grounded stories we so much needed in videogames!

>ah yes these things accepted as bad are actually what people mean by good things
someone call the intelligence police

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The fucking dollhouse.

Normalags killed everything and replaced it with bland realism.

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and all the things considered good (fast movement, good combat, good level design, secrets, challenging bossfights) are considered too videogamey for the grounded realistic moviegame fags

No it isn't.

You guys could just play japanese games...

>everything is so hyper realistic these days
You kidding me? Every every day people are on here bitching about every Fortwatch and Overnite using a cartoon art style. That shit's way more common, the real problem is just a lack of experimentation, though it's understandable, what's the point of coming up with some cool new look for the game is the game itself isn't any good?

when alice in wonderland came out all you niggers where talking about how its generic "too edgy" shit

Or nu-grahics faggotry like in Fortnite and Blizzard games.

give me one realistic grounded game that does all this

Those games aren't bad because of their styles, though Fortnite is about as generic as a cartoon style can get.

What happened to American's sister? Did he ever got a trace of her whereabouts?

Hideous Destructor. Next.

Nope. Feels bad for the guy.


>everything is so hyper realistic these days
Is it? I feel as if most things have an art style, little seems to aim for 2real4u graphics like in the age of Crysis.
Even the biggest games like Gears of War, God of War, Horizon: Zero Dawn, etc, they all have a style of sorts, nothing seems to aim for hyper realism any more.

this doom mod? thats not gounded in any stretch of the imagination, and looks like it takes all the fun from doom away, most of the time he is just looking at the ground bandaging, why not just play arma 3 then?

Realism and the lack of challenge kills creativity.

They have neither style, substance or hyper realism. They are all shit.

Focus testing killed everything that is not overwatch/Pixar/fortnite visuals or realistic

literally fucking who? are you deliberately being autistic or what buddy?

Thats not even the name of the game.
First game is way better anyway.

Yes. Cartoon Storybooks are how the world looks like to me because I take LSD every day and every single game looks like this.

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I see you didn't play the game. It is far from cartoon.

I'm talking about the remake, which is clearly storybook inspired. I'm aware the originals are sprite graphics. I posted a picture of the remake for a reason.

Why even post here if you don't like video games at all. Fucking retarded tunnel vision zoomer

A complaint about a platformer that isn't short? Go play spyro then.

fucking lol at the cope
"I don't like it, so it's bad!"

Based faggot dabbing on thots.

Also not everyone want hyper realism you homo.

But you’re the one who complained about video games having style and gameplay