Can Yas Forums name games where you heal instead of killing?

Can Yas Forums name games where you heal instead of killing?

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any job based RPG

Any game featuring healing and the undead.

Fighting Dr. Lugae in the 3DS/Steam version of Final Fantasy IV. Fuck him and his Reversal Gas.

I've had an idea for a multiplayer shooter in which every character is a healer/medic type character and everyone on the map takes constant damage with higher DPS areas scattered around the map. First team to die wins.
Idk how fun it would be though

What the fuck is he talking about, he literally changed nothing about the game

Wario Land?

Does anybody have the english translation of this image?

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So Discipline Priest or Mistweaver Monk?

The reminds me of my one Skyrim character. Using Ordinator mod he primarily did Conjuration necromancy and used Restoration magic on living allies/himself. Best Dead Thrall is one of the vampire types from Dawnguard. They scale to level 60, their level resets to match yours every time you re-Thrall them, the vampire will heal itself with its drain spell, and with Ordinator there's a perk that lets you give them gear without having to wait for them to die again.


That's one disgusting attempt at a mustache.

Theme Hospital or Two Point Hospital which is just a remake.


trauma center

Thank you cris

Final Fantasy when fighting undead

There's an RPG maker (probably) game that is based entirely around the concept that you're only a healer in an RPG.







both Princess Remedy games

enter the gungeon?


these idiots need a checkmark to truly encapsulate how stupid and worthless their opinion is

That's literally what the fat guy from the Penn and Teller: Bullshit episode about videogames said.
>"What if instead of using a gun you used a magical stick to heal people"

Like, I am a libtard as much as the next guy and while I do hate how videogames use violence as a crutch, it's a crutch for a reason.

Another good explanation

Both Princess Remedy games

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youre just changing the button layout so your attack button is your heal button and vice versa if you do that

Solving a puzzle feels satisfying. Matching chains of pastel blocks is solving a puzzle. Successfully executing a Rube-Goldberg machine of events is solving a puzzle. Shooting someone before they shoot you back, an active hazard in a game, is solving a puzzle. Executing things (rhetorically or literally) with colourful aftereffects means your brain gives you a hit of dopamine.
Your gameplay loop doesn't have to revolve around the literal damage and execution of sentient beings to ensure a sense of satisfaction. When you brainstorm on the alternatives, you may break out of the mindset of mindless, non-iterative design.

these people are too dumb to use google
here's my contribution:

I would play the shit out of that
you should try to make a mod of an existing shooter first

I like violence, but I am annoyed that a lot of RPGs have that be the singular solution to all problems. I wish games were more confident in having the player engage with the game in other ways besides fighting.

>first team to die wins

>cast life on hard boss
>boss was undead so it's instakill
You keep tidbits like that with you as you get older and play more games. I get angry if I heal a zombie or whatever and it actually heals them instead of hurt them.

Yes because the enemy team is trying to heal you while you take damage.

if you're going to make citations about how games use violence as a crutch, at least cite something that might actually support your point, like this
> ...what I want to impress upon you is that the player character is a refrigerator box with a hole cut in it and a gun sticking out, and so long as he remains such--a mute, verb-poor box, murdering everything in his path only to pause occasionally to flail at an oversized green-lit button or watch a mandatory cutscene--FPS games will likely remain the dim spectacle that they've been for years.

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Oh yeah, I agree with you 100%. I think it's fucking retarded that if you're playing Skyrim and encounter Bandits that the only way to resolve the situation is to fucking murder them. No possible way to negotiate with them despite them also being human beings too. One of my favorites is getting stopped by a group of Bandits dressed up as Guards who demand money and the Dialogue Options are
>FUCK YOU *kill them*
>*teleport behind them*
and there's literally no option to just be like, "Okay, here." You can't even roleplay as someone who "doesn't want any trouble" or someone who is too dumb to realize they aren't real guards.
It's why I like Danganronpa. Sure, it has violence in it's story and it's "just a visual novel" but the way it gamifies something as common as "arguing with people" makes it really unique in my opinion.

>First team to die wins.
how is this a challenge?
or is it a backwards game where you lose to get bored?

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>If your enemies die, they win
Just like my capeshit

It's the same view, you're just using "healing" as an offensive spell.

Are you retarded or illiterate?

I get where he is going, but it seems like everyone would just sit in the highest damage area heal-circle-jerking the other team and vice-versa.

Twitter rly is Tumblr now


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GunZ with hacks.
Rocket launchers now heal instead of making damage but you can still kill people that blowing them off map.
Fun game.

>Can Yas Forums name games where you heal instead of killing?
Ghost Trick

He worded it poorly, but what he's talking about is psychology 101 and something every game designers should know.

Back when WoW was new they wanted to encourage people to take breaks so they would cut your XP gain if you played too much, naturally this pissed people off. So the solution was literally just to flip it, and make it so you got extra XP for a limited time instead. The math worked exactly the same, the only thing they changed is how they presented it.

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In the original fallouts, if you had a good sneak skill, you could sneak up to somebody and pump them full of stims and drugs, killing them by healing them too much.

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The whole point of Death Stranding is that Kojima wanted to make a game about helping people instead of hurting them.

>make health bars go up instead of down
>entire view of games changes

he hurt the players so he failed there

First person lover

Most MMOs you can be competitive without ever directly killing anything. Pick priest get a buddy and heal him. As for a game where you only heal "enemies" I dunno tramau center?

Poe's law

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Joke all you want, but a asymmetrical multiplayer racing game where one player manipulated the racetrack while the other players competed for victory would be pretty fun.

In some games using healing spells on undead hurts them, resurrect spells outright kill them.

>try to make the track easier for your friend in the server and try to hamper his rivals
>doesn't work and you accidentally fuck his chances of winning
Could be funny

It's conceptually very conducive to being a little shit in multiplayer, but I think griefing-centric asymmetrical multiplayer hasn't been touched upon ever since it became a big meme. You can at best really annoy as either the blatant antagonistic force or the blatant protagonistic force. You don't have an option to be the third party cunt who fucks with everyone in most of these games.

Are you Canadian?

I still don't get it

That just enables the people who are only interested in playing for an hour anyway. The people who play for 24 hours will play for 24 hours regardless.

My problem with Skyrim is you can count the number of non hostile npcs you meet in a dungeon on one hand

Would probably get old quick though, any game that is good enough where you'll actually strive to win and then having that win taken away from you by something totally beyond your influence would be pretty annoying.

One of the Mario Wii U games did something similar to this. Four people play as the standard characters and a fifth plays on the wii u game pad putting down blocks to make it easier for them. Alternatively those blocks result in the game becoming nightmare mode.

There'd probably be limits - like the track player has a limited currency of obstacles and shit he can buy, and the racers have some means of bypassing, so it's more about ambushing the players with sudden jukes or obstacles.

using the defib on enemies in ETQW was fun.

>I think griefing-centric asymmetrical multiplayer hasn't been touched upon ever since it became a big meme.
Not 100% the same, but Breach was a dungeon crawl-y hack and slash that did something similar. 4 players working together trying to try to go through and clear objectives, with a 5th player playing for team monster and who's job was basically to make finishing each objective as painful and difficult as possible.

Shame the studio went under and the game shut down, it had some potential.