Boss can unpause the game

>boss can unpause the game

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>game has a puzzle sequence
>you solve it by pausing the game

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>boss can delete your computer files
>zipping files and compressing them makes then have more hp

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name 3 games

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>spend game with the ability to pause the game to select actions to do
>reach last boss
>he can pause the game too

>boss can move while the game is paused
There is an actual one of this, but I won’t say. Surely someone here knows. Hint: parallel universes.

>boss can enlist you in the army
>beat it by claiming you're gay

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>game has a timed puzzle sequence
>it hides the screen when you pause
>bypass it by taking a picture of the screen

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none of these have happened.

name one game

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>RPG boss attacks you in the menu

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>game has a puzzle sequence
>you solve it by opening the game again in a new tab and playing through a separate stage

you need to play more video games

in nier automata when hacking 9s the fight takes place in the main menu.

also nier automata last boss can possibly delete your save files for the game, on pc you can back it up though.

>MC was the boss all this time

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>lose files when you kill enemies
>lose the game and it bricks your system

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>uninstalling the game uninstalls your OS

What does this image convey?

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It brought you into this thread, happy birthday!

Thanks for the contribution bro


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>beat game
>computer becomes 0.3x faster
>startup 0.2x faster
>internet speed 0.21x faster
>new keyboard keys unlocked
>new settings become available
>dual disc slot unlocked

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Mario 64?

the meaning of the universe

This is an anime website, you subhuman autistic freak. Fuck off.

Name even one game, tranny.

That's La-Mulana.


Jazz Jackrabbit (kinda).

name 1 fucking game

Name Jackie Chan.

America's Army 3

>beat game
>starts crying and whimping
I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you!

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I think Bravely Second did this

>boss can use healing items

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>boss is your split personality
>attacking him does damage to both of you

You have to plug controller in port 2 boss can read your mind on port 1

>boss has multiple phases
>heals up to full every phase

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Pause button just puts everything in slow motion instead if actually pausing the game.

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>new keyboard keys unlocked
Þat is going to be a pain in þe ass more þan a benefit.

Where's your > bro

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Pause button makes game run at 2x

using meme arrows

just admit your forgot it

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>you can't unpause the game because it's paused

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lobotomy corp

>boss has a companion
>boss revives his companion to full hp if you kill the companion
>companion heals the boss for a ton each turn, debuffs you, and is immune to any form of status effects

your dad

>game freezes, boss stares directly into camera
>states my full name, address, and social security number
>game starts back up like nothing happened

what game?

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>boss tells you to go back to work

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>boss fight save scums against you

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>boss has multiple phases
>boss can heal up to the point of reverting to their previous phase which you now have to defeat again

has anyone named a single game where any of this happens?

Dead Cells?

>working in the current year

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>game has a puzzle
>solve it by closing and opening the DS
was pretty clever DESU.

...Hollow Knight?

>have to reset a big machine to finish the level
>do so by resetting the console
I say "big machine" because I can't remember what it actually was.

lots of games do this. Furi and souls games, among others.

just say it and spoiler tag it, you little fruitcake

>pause the game
>the boss kills multiple characters as punishment

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>boss hijacks your pc, plants cp and reports u to the cops


start "unironically" reading threads, fucking shitstain

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>dumb weeb faggot ruins the game

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Doki Doki Literature Club

>boss falls in love with the player
>there is a very detailed mod where you can date the boss and have them as your partner

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i used to use this character and I don't remember where I learned it
you brought back an odd memory user

damn that's hot

Ancient Ronald McDonald in mugen
