I honestly cannot think of a more contrived, soulless, committee-driven attempt at a reboot. Would the defenders of this disappointing mess please give their reasons for why they think it will be good?
I honestly cannot think of a more contrived, soulless, committee-driven attempt at a reboot...
Why do you think its bad?
It being divided into several parts is a negative however.
Not a reboot
Because i wanna jack off to Yuffie in hd.
FFXV has 10 times more soul than this trash
Kill yourself
It's a console exclusive so people have a vested interest in making it look good to justify their purchase.
>boring westernized character designs
>ugly, generic interpretation of midgar
>shitty anime dub
>soulless music
>episodic milking
>major reworking of plot points
I read the image before your post and thought you were making fun of Barry for being autistic on Twitter, but no, you are Barry just screenshotting yourself. Yikes!
Why is Barret wearing sunglasses in the remake?
>Its a barry thread.
Never mind
>boring westernized character designs
This is a joke right?
Fucking nobody would look at any of these characters and think "oh yeah this is totally a western game".
the music is fucking fantastic .... stop just stop
If so, wouldn’t it also make sense that other people have a vested interest in making it look bad to justify not being able to buy it?
They stopped short at complete hollywoodization, but they certainly de-stylized the designs as to make it more palatable for the gaystation crowd circa 2020.
>Barry shitpost
Without Tifa's rack this game just looks like a massive faggot fest.
>justify not being able to buy it
Why would that need justification?
Persona 5> OG FFVII
Fuck off nate
weak bait. P5 is good but no masterpiece. You could have had something of an argument if you posted P3.
demo is more polished and better than the entirety of 15
I don't think Yuffie is in the game
It's playing itself
i mean
ffvii is a story
persona is a friend/dating sim
Classic mode is super easy mode what dont these idiots understand
oh shut the fuck up
you guys kept blabbing about wanting an ff7 remake for the modern period when they wouldn't make it for the longest time and it was half expected it would not fit your nostalgia bill and you'd find something to complain about and here we are and you never shut the fuck up god i want to hang you upside down from a tree and handcuff your hands behind your back and exsanguinate you through your head so i can shower in your blood
but i will not do that because i'm not a psychopath HOWEVER IF I WAS
>play on easy mode
>complain its too easy
People like this need to be called out immediately.
Crossdressing Cloud sfm
It's fun and it's an actually playable version of FFVII. The original aged like shit and is pretty much unplayable for anyone not wearing ultra thick nostalgia goggles.
Ok consoomer. God forbid I as a fan demand a quality product.
They need to reboot 9 - atleast it has soul and comfy moments.
>major reworking of plot points
This is the big one for me. I’m ok with adding things to the story, just as long as it doesn’t conflict with the original. But making Shinra be the ones that blew up the sector 1 reactor is a big no no.
you didn't have to demand a remake and you didn't have to buy it
in order to make something that stands out you have to want to do it at the minimum instead of do it because a bunch of fans request it, which the latter was the case you retard
if it's operating only by high fan demand of course it's gonna be looked at as a "soulless" money opportunity you dumb fuck
the signs were there and you're too stupid to see ahead, not much smarter than the grinchfags
The graphics are nice. The gameplay looks quite awful, though. It feels more like they are trying to make a playable movie again. The plot wasn't a masterpiece in the first place, so people getting upset about them changing it are probably overreacting.
>boring westernized character designs
I don't want to spoil how remakes work for you but the characters were designed before you were born
>ugly, generic interpretation of midgar
isnt the whole point of midgar that it is an ugly place; to juxtapose against the inside of the church
>shitty anime dub
>soulless music
>episodic milking
I agree; although if the midgar chapter is 100 gigs and 2 bluerays I can't imagine how big the full thing would be
>major reworking of plot points
like what?
I'm a FF7 faggot, that thing is people reenacting FF7 story their way and nothing else, ain't going to buy it no matter what, once I write off a publisher there is no turning back.
they did in the original too, jesse said specifically that her bomb wouldn't make an explosion that largeits just more spelled out this time
The characters look nothing like western designs, otherwise they would all look like ugly dudes (including women)
>I don't want to spoil how remakes work for you but the characters were designed before you were born
This is how a modernized Cloud should have looked. Remake’s models look like cosplayers.
Switch niggers seething
>He didn't understand that Shinra blew it up all along
You brainlets are the reason the entire thing is spelled out in that new cutscene, Jessie tells you her bomb shouldn't have leveled the reactor like that and Shinra had newspapers and news reports blaming Avalanche within hours
Cope. Why would I care that its not on Switch? Its already coming to PC anyway.
They just added pores to the skin, the rest is all pretty much like that.
You should look at Capcom and their scanned characters, that's westernization.
Jessie’s line only indicates that they were surprised by how big the explosion turned out, it doesn’t mean that Shinra was involved at all. Not to mention Reeve straight up says that avalanche are the ones that did it later in the game.
thats literally the same outfit including the retarded shoulder piece with screws in it; the only notable difference is a colour shift to more closely match the general palette of the game and scaled physique to a more realistic human size
well given current evidence it seems that you interrupted it wrong back then now doesn't it
Remakes always have less soul than the original. It's a fact of life. The devs aren't pouring thier creativity into the game, they are polishing the creativity of somebody else.
That said, the game runs fine, the characters seem faithful to the original, the voice acting is solid, and the scorpion fight convinced me that there is hope for the combat being good.
It's got less soul than og ffvii, which was a very low bar from the start, but it is executed well.
>Billy Idol hair
>bleak dark clothes
>bitchy cunt face
>oddly delicate frame
>methhead skin
ok shill
>current evidence
You mean retcon since Reeve confirmed in the original that it was Avalance later on the Highwind
whao good counterpoint; I hadn't considered an adhoc to try and deflect from you being wrong. guess you showed me
The game has a dark atmosphese, but PS1 couldn't reproduce that.
It would be very disappointing to have bright, colourful anime-ish characters,
>100 gigs
Titanfall was 50 gigs and only 4 hours long. You underestimate the power of shit optimization.
In the original you didn’t know until a few hours in. Jessie’s comment (doesn’t know how strong the bomb might have been despite making it) and the general fallout shown on TV makes avalanche seem dangerous, hardcore and unpredictable. I guess they are afraid in the remake of making avalanche seem to terroristy, which is a shame, because it really brings you more into the high stakes of FF7’s world
Here’s the orgininal portrait from the game. This is how he was meant to be imagined. Does this look grimdark and non-anime to you?
it's still going to be better and do better than FFXV.
>boring westernized character designs
Are you blind or what? What part of them is "westernized"?
>ugly, generic interpretation of midgar
Did you ever play the original!? It's *EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME*! You really are blind.
>shitty anime dub
Wtf am I reading!? How the fuck are english dubs "anime"?!?
>soulless music
Again, it's exactly the same as the original, except for the instrumentation. Other that blind, you're also deaf.
>episodic milking
It's been explained countless times that is physicall impossible to cram the entire game in 1 single release with the current standards. And even if it weren't, how would that make the game itself worse?
>major reworking of plot points
LMAO, same exact story except for: *1* new character, *1* new entity, *1* modified scene and *0* removed plot points. OMG TOTALLY RUINED how will I ever be able to enjoy it now!!1!11!1!!!!
>Did you ever play the original!? It's *EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME*! You really are blind.
>The game has a dark atmosphese, but PS1 couldn't reproduce that.
ye couldnt do that with pre rendered backgrounds,right,it was the ps1 limiting the artstyle
>This is how a modernized Cloud should have looked.
You mean... exactly how it looks now (only with better graphics)?
stop being dishonest
The remake could be an exact 1:1 copy of the original and people would still be mad so they might as well make whatever changes they think improve the experience. A remake is for new players as well as old ones, it's not a purely nostalgia-driven experience. If it was then there'd be no point in remaking it, because nothing would ever surpass the original in older fan's minds.
Wow I didn't know the entirety of Midgar was comprised of 1 single elevator!
Why do you sound like a corporate lackey?
It's almost as if remakes are a disgusting practice that exploits people's brain wiring, and the only reason the original isn't simply being made available on contemporary hardware is because they wouldn't be able to justify full price on that.
I don't get the praise P3 gets. Tartarus is so fucking boring and the game barely offers any other environments besides that.
You had to have been there.