Single-handedly saves your entire franchise and reputation

>single-handedly saves your entire franchise and reputation

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Where's my sequel though?

>Sega is so out-of-touch and washed up it literally needs to rely on an endorsed fangame to get anywhere
And while I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad...

Why the FUCK do you still care about Sonic if that's how you feel?

Never ever. Enjoy Forces 2

How can I enjoy something I won't be playing?

I'm not saying I hate Sega or Mania if that's what you mean, I'm just pointing out how stupid it is that a bunch of fans with a budget ran circles (no pun intended) around Forces, Boom, Lost World, and pretty much 90% of all other Sonic games

Sonic Generations and Sonic Colors were good though
That was like 3 out of the last 5 games that were good. freaking Sonic Boom and Sonic Lost World

It's a shame that it did that rehashing classic stages. The new ones were good though.

>saves Sonic's reputation
Maybe if Sonic Team hadn't immediately followed it up with Forces.

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I'll enjoy making fun of it and shitting on Sonic Team if that's what you mean.

>Single-handedly ruins your franchise and panders to classicpedos

>Modernfags STILL seething over Mania
Daily reminder that Mania is the most well received Sonic game in over ten years and there's nothing you can do to change that. I'm sorry you grew up with the wrong version of Sonic, but it's true. People vastly prefer Classic because he's associated with GOOD games.
>b-but muh shitty spin offs for the Game Gear
MAIN games, faggot. The only ones that people give a shit about? Compare that to Modern Sonic and it's laughable how much more consistently good Classic Sonic was.
>b-b-but muh CD is bad
Nope. It's just more of Sonic 1 and that game is by no means bad.

But go ahead and throw Spinball or Sonic 3D Blast at me. I can throw about a dozen shitty Modern Sonic games back at you.

C o p e.

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Seethe, Moderncuck. Enjoy your 5/10 :)

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Who’re you replying to with your bait pasta?

Mania threads...home...

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Forces is not Sonic

dude calm the fuck down, you sound schizo, I like Mania but sometimes it feels like a re-hash of old sonic mixed with some new effects, but is not indeed something to save the reputation of sonic, too many bad games and still no proper transition to 3D.

I can't understand why these companies ignore franchises so iconic for so long.
Nintendo spent over a decade without making any 2D Mario, and when it finally decided to revive the formula, it realized that it was one of the company's most profitable games and now they don't even need to make new versions, since the port of the WiiU version on the Switch sold over 5 million copies.
Is it difficult for Sega to simply make a Sonic like the classics every three years or something?

Shame it was soured immediately afterwards

That’s what they’re planning to do, Classic Sonic is his own separate franchise from Modern now.

>tfw Heroes, Unleashed, and Colors was good

I had a few complaints about the bosses in mania not feeling great to fight against despite being cool concepts and the bonus stages are eh but mania was cool but the people blindly hating on some of the better 3D entries needs to stop


no one cares classicpedo go back to biting off toddler penises

>Sonic Generations
user that came out in 2011, nearly a decade ago.
9 years of terrible sonic games.
And even then, Generations was the worst of the three original boost games.

There have been 2 main Sonic games since Generations. It’s not really the same as making 9 years worth of bad games if you don’t make any games

>Generations was the worst Boost game
That’s Colors.

>and now they don't even need to make new versions
If I remember right there was an interview a while back stating they were going to revamp the 2d Mario style.

Sonic Mania reminded us just how strong of an IP Sonic is.
The main issue lies within the fact that Sonic Team is run by a bunch of fucking idiots and they need somebody else to do their job for them.

>Release amazing game
>Put potentially hardware ruining DRM on it
>Fans flame the developers for the stupid decision.
>Developer comes out and defends his fellow developers.
>Cut ties with said developer despite him doing nothing wrong and having heavy importance in the creation of Mania most likely resulting in no sequel.
Yeah SEGA is really out of touch.

muh profit margins

>Fans flame the developers for the stupid decision.
Pretty sure most fans were in support of the devs and were against Sega instead, considering the devs even "leaked" it was happening to warn us

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And just like how Sonic 2 and 3 saved their reputation, they too will also see fit to sabotage it at all costs. Because fuck those filthy western gaijins how dare they show up!!!!

It's the sonic fanbase. Not everyone is as levelheaded as us.

>Mania 2 has not been announced and likely never will be

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Colors was the only one not bogged down by some shitty other gameplay gimmick

you're saying that as if mania wouldn't be one of the best fangames ever made if it was one

>by some shitty other gameplay gimmick


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>bogged down by wisps
>bogged down by 80% 2D because it was only on the fucking Wii
>bogged down by reddit tier lines
Colors and Forces are the worst boost games, Generations was pretty good but Classic Sonic ruined it a bit, Unleashed is the goat boost game.

but spinball is good user

Mania is a mediocre game.

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What kind of zones would Yas Forums want in a Mania 2? Say there still had to be old zones in as well, which ones would you want? Any ideas for new zones?

Don't forget the massive sales bump Mania got when they finally removed it.

I guess Emerald Hill would be the obligatory starter.

anime is a mediocre disney rip off

>Say there still had to be old zones in as well, which ones would you want
Just cancel the game. I don't want another half of Sonic Generations. I'm fucking sick of them revisiting legacy stages.

>SEGA and that cock sucking Aaron Webber throw Sonic Mania devs under the bus, implying it was their fault the game was delayed for PC
>Stealth tells them to fuck off
Never believe a single word that comes from that meme cock loving fuck.

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>anime poster is retarded
Like pb and j
I'd rather have all original zones d e s u

>Sonic Mania ended up ultimately being a commercial for Sonic Forces

There are many things you can take away from that, but to hit as many as possible I will say this: lol

>ruins all the good will Mania built up and reminds everyone why Sonic is still a joke among the gaming community

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Wait they removed it? Sorry was completely unaware. Wasn't trying to stir up old drama.

Honestly the Misfit Level Pack mod shows you can Mania-ify anything, so I kinda want more hated levels to get the treatment.

>Generations was the worst of the three original boost games.
You're thinking of unleashed, there's a reason why "boost to win" became a term around its time.

>Cash grab nostalgia pandering digital title by a bunch of fans in an unproven studio delivers a more soulful product
Not the first time that's happened and it won't be the last

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>have to go pretty fast, get decent bonus score from rings and enemies to get S rank in stages, while not dying
>can get away with a casual jog as long as you don't die, still get an S rank
Fags who say boost to win haven't tried getting an S rank on say Savannah Citadel

I highly doubt Aaron did that unless you have proof of it
Pretty sure a sequel to Mania would either use completely different old stages or be entirely original

I mean, Mania barely had any new levels.
I don't understand why people like it. If you wanted to play old levels, then play the original games.
I guess Sonic funs are really desperate if they think that bland rerelease of old games make them that happy.

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Or haven’t played the DLC or optional missions.

>Colors was good though
>1 level of 3D gameplay per world
>9 levels of mediocre 2D gameplay per world
Why do people keep parroting the "Sonic Colors is good" meme? Sonic Colors was only good in the context of where the series was at when it released. Sonic Mania moved the bar for both Colors and Generations and I hesitate to call either of them good, especially the former. Sonic Forces is also so goddamn lazy that they stopped hiding the fact that boost gameplay is nothing more than a glorified endless runner.

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Hey Sonic Forces is one of PS+ free games this month. Is it worth checking out, even for free?

What about doing classic zone hybrids? Take two zones from two classic sonic games and make a zone that mixes elements of both and features music which is a mix of both themes. That way you not only get something new overall but you can have fewer of them on the justification that you cover twice as much ground.

Some leak thread that was proven false(to my knowledge) a while ago mentioned something like that. It was just a lot of twitter drama that was really inconsequential, just some attention seeker creating drama because they wanted a wage as a freelancer.

Don't waste your time tbqh user, I mean it would only be like 2 hours of time but still, not worth it.

It was an announcement post on the Steam News page for the game. The same one Stealth commented on.

Oh that? I remember that thread. I can believe some of it but I'm sure most of that stuff is bullshit

This game is TLOU-tiers of overrated

That was most of mania already

>green hill = green hill + palmtree panic + angel island
>chemical planet = chemical planet + whacky workbench
>flying battery = flying battery + the airship level from 2 don’t remember the name
>stardust speedway = stardust speedway + marble garden
>Hydrocity = Hydrocity + one of the SMS/Gamegear game zones
>oil ocean = ocean oil + sandopolis
>lava reef = lava reef + quartz quadrant + hidden palace

Hypothetical: Bubble Shield lets you move at normal speed underwater.
Good change, yes or no?

Ironically your shitty Yas Forumstard wankfest anime couldn't even be considered mediocre

>Sonic Forces proceeds to ruin it