ITT: Vidya ads that wouldn’t be allowed today

ITT: Vidya ads that wouldn’t be allowed today

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From what I understand this ad was made specifically for The Netherlands, which is interesting since it’s in English and I didn’t know Sony targeted countries that specifically. Are Dutch people really racist or something?

I’m Dutch and I had a magazine that featured both this ad and the banned Blood Money “beautifully executed” ad.

*in third world shitholes like america

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yeah the colors would be reversed

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Its the same shit in every country

That ad wasn't even allowed when it first came out

This wasn't allowed even at the time it happened

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How many of these can you name?

Why is she grabbing a Nintendo fan like that?

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not really. americans only care about their own little bubble they live in and don't learn much about the outside world, if they really believe that every country is full of overly sensitive crybabies then I have bad news for you

Only the obvious ones like Saddam, Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Napoleon

Apparently people were assmad about it 25 years ago too

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Fuck the PSP Black and not knowing what is best for them. What do we do now Bernie Bros? ;_;

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Oh yeah there's Pol Pot and Genghis Khan too

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That wasn't allowed then. It was retired real quick.

Shame the second game is trash compared to the first one.

>remember reading on a site when this happened
>comments admitting they didn't know what the problem was initially because they didn't see the black guy

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It’s a woman.

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>third world
i hate murica but rent frew

The stupidest thing about this ad is why would they imply that a new console color is superior to another?

where’s Trump?

in the white house


That ad was made in 1995 so yeah


A lot of Sony's advertising in European countries that didn't speak English was nevertheless in English in that period for some reason. I figure they just thought it made them seem cool. The ad itself was probably just produced by a local ad company and they didn't consider the ad to be racist since there's no similar baggage with race as there is in the US.

Mussolini, Gaddafi, Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Polpot?

Not sure about the last one.

I hate when retards turn WW2 into some global conspiracy about race

I dunno about game systems but as far as toys and plastic are concerned lots of Transformers that use gold plastic are currently disintegrating into dust because of metallic flecks in the mix causing accelerated seperation as it ages and poor mixing in the formation of the plastic itself. Translucent plastics (whilst being inherently more fragile) are another type also known for becoming even more extremely brittle with age.

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First and last one are Ratko Mladić and Radovan Karadžić. They aren't even that bad, the burgermongrels are just upset about them using Red Cross volunteers as shields so they couldn't bomb them from above.

There is no government body that can allow or disallow an ad. A ton of companies make intentionally controversial ads for publicity.

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>>There is no government body that can allow or disallow an ad.
You obviously don't live in the UK.

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Mladic, Ghengis Khan, Pol Pot(?), ADOLF, unknown, Stalin, Napoleon, Benito, unknown, unknown, saddam, some nigger, mao, based ghadaffi, unknown, karadzic

I remember this started a little bit of shit when it came out. Something about the capitalised E standing for ecstasy

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>I’m Dutch and I had a magazine that featured both this ad and the banned Blood Money “beautifully executed” ad.
The only Blood Money ad I remember was the one with the duck in the bath.

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it's normal for companies to advertise this way. not sure why anyone would be surprised

That's pretty based

Bottom leftmost is Ceaușescu.

Looks like a bunch of dykes doing bdsm to me.

Kinda yeah, it's fairly normalized there. Look up zwarte piet during the holidays you'll see him everywhere in the netherlands

Not so much racist as stupid about a certain tradition

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Or what he said.
Of course the fans of the tradition would insist they are not racist. Or are too dumb to see why its racist.

Im sure it had relatively better specs than the prev version

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Why would the women be assasinated.
Stpid ads

I miss that man like you wouldn't believe.

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whilst thou get the girl? or play like one?

it also uses the soundtrack from conan.

It's amazing that this wasnt even that long ago, what the fuck were they thinking. Imagine owning that statue and having it in your room or something, how could you ever show anyone that

>get shot by some mixed race mutt larping as the hatred guy
>have to put up a gofundme for your hospital bills because dr shekelberg charged you 100k to cure your bullet poisoning
>slip in homeless shit on the way out of the hospital and crack your skull

how is america not 3rd world?

What level of coomer do you have to be to bust a nut to that statue?

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I remember the ads but never played this game, is it good if I play it today?

because "third world" means unaligned in the NATO/Soviet split.

its a PS1 game with clunky tank controls

i don't mind the innuendo, it's just that's too much in your face and at the same time too tame

The opposite. The Dutch didn't care - didn't see it being an issue at all. In their eyes it was two chicks duking it out.
It was hastely changed because burgers were being hysterical about it, projecting their own fucked up racial tension shit upon the country. This was more than a decade ago.
In the meantime, the PC idiocy has managed to infect Netherlands as well. Nothing good comes from it, just needless tension and stress.

>how could you ever show anyone that
not having shitty friends helps

you and I both know that's not what it means in modern common parlance. There's not point in being pedantic. The USA is a third world shithole compared to white countries.

You're the reason "literally" is in dictionaries as "figuratively" now.
Just call it a shithole.

seethe amerilard, language evolves.

We need to go back

It's racist and they know it, they also don't care about it being racist. Even black people here enjoy the tradition, only people who don't live here complain about it.
t. Black and Dutch

Personally, I get an erection when I murder people in video games, even more so if it's women.

You will literally never be Dutch. You just happen to live there.

There's nothing racist about this ad.