What are your favorite PC games?
What are your favorite PC games?
>gachafags are geniuses
For me it's quake.
Dota 2 probably, albeit im somewhat burned out after 6000 matches and mostly watch the big tournaments today
>0.1% IQ power
3000, for in house fighting between launchers and graphics card now, to play worse console ports a year later. Peecee always winning
There are not words in English to describe just how fucking stupid you are.
The percents on that graph are population percents, not... IQ power? Jesus Christ just fucking kill me already corona-chan
>gachafag doesn't understand a graph
like pottery
>t. 0.1% brainlet
do you not understand how graphs work user?
What are axes of this graph, brainlet?
I bet you're somewhere in the last 10 pixels to the right, dummy.
OP, have you ever been diagnosed by a doctor? I strongly believe you have clinical retardation if you cannot understand the graph
There is only a Y axis, it shows the IQ you have. Since console + phone is low on the Y axis it means they have a low IQ, while PC players have a high IQ
that's not how a bell curve works dipshit
>There is only a Y axis
You're the kinda person who thinks having more chromosomes is better.
This is a bell-curve graph retard he it shows that PC are normies with average IQ whereas smartphones are geniuses with the highest IQ in the top percentile.
This is either a genius bait or an abysmally retarded poster. We are on Yas Forums so I will go with the latter
If you dont want your chromosomes, I will gladly take them
>/bui/ using bell curves
Anyway, it's Sekiro for me
cant believe I have to explain this shit. Did you not pass math class? You dont need an X axis
good point, user, fortnite is high iq when pc does it.
Yas Forums must be the most brainlet board.
Heh I was merely pretending to be retarded the trick is on you fools heh heh
my favorite pc game is zelda breath of the wild
>his sword can't slice through a tank
It is the most populated board so it stands that it has the highest number of idiots.
haha yes 95% confidence interval, i learned that
>haha I spent $2000 on a PC to get slightly more pixels and have to deal with more crashes, glitches, delayed games and hackers and exploiters
>this makes me smart!!!!
You wouldn't know what a 'math' was if it hit you in the face.
Be my guest, where can I send them to? I'm sure they'll go nicely with the rest of your 'bottled chromosome collection' pic related.
you must be OP, BASED
smoothbrain pleb filtered
weak ass bait get some new material
>people are still falling for the bell curve bait
I bet your brain looks like an average 30 years old slut's vagina with extra meat curtains.
I fuckinh hate this misunderstood bell curve meme so much
user you are being baited and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Just stop already everyone knows op is a faggot on the far left
You must have seen some shit, user.
>another purposely incorrect bell curve thread
>op doesn't understand the bell curve
fucking imbecile
facts don't care about your feelings
LMAO he thinks this graph is not about IQ power
Don't you know about the IQ curve? RETARD
Was just looking for an excuse to post my own collection :(
There was a time when I used to ask why is everything a meme, why can't people joke around or kid anymore? Nowadays that isn't a problem. Never did I think that was preferable, until now. Instead, I have to ask why is everything bait now, why can't people joke around or kid anymore?
I always think "if this problem goes away, surely things will be better. Right? How can things possibly be worse if this terrible thing went away?" and every time, I am proven wrong. God it sucks.
>IQ graph goes from -30 to +30 instead of 0-100
top brainlet detected
Roller Coaster Tycoon
>muh good old quake
It would be kidding around if it wasn't an old as fuck unoriginal joke. you're such a fucking bland untalented waste of flesh.
Cartesian coordinates are for faggots, this guy gets it
it's the american IQ scale
9/10 bait, almost indistinguishable from retardation
bros how do i stop fapping to blacked?
there is the same kind of shitposting in Yas Forums
Who's the retard who made this?
I genuinely hope some of you are pretending to be retarded
become black
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
shit b8
No, there really are this many console and gachafags on Yas Forums
More like autisic
God fucking damn it, if this is bait you're got me. You've won. Please don't be retarded.
Thief 2.
Can't really think any other PC exclusive that I love.
This is the first bell curve Yas Forums post I've seen that understands how a bell curve works
Become unironically racist
Or bullet to head
Originality doesn't mean it isn't a joke. Originality doesn't dictate intent or motivation behind something. I'm not even that guy. You're just retroactively justifying your retardation.
PC is truly the brainlet choice
This is only true on Yas Forums
Every other board is genuine.
Why is pc so low?
There needs to be one that indicates where F2P gamers fall because things like LoL, CS:GO etc. are loaded with moronic shitters.
I know this is bait, but why do brainlets have such a hard time understanding bell curves? What's so complicated about it?
Yas Forums is the most populated board though (unless something changed?)
traps if you end up fucking guys that dont even pretend to be girls you are already fuck up beyond repair
this thread is just entirely shitposting, could we delete it please it ?
This is a great bait image.
Heads up for all you retards-this is for IQ percentile not capacity. Anyone who thinks this is saying phone users are retarded needs to go get their GED.
>IQ power
>Don't know how a bell curve work
Let me guess, American?
This image makes no sense. Mobile would have the highest IQ because they’re in the upper percentiles, this is saying PC users are just average.
I can't tell if this is some new forced macro or you shitters actually don't understand how to read a bell curve
it's a meme you dip
this type of bait is ancient, my picture is at least a decade+ old.
>Yas Forums
this is some good bait
>Yas Forums higher than /lit/
>people don’t know what a bell curve distribution
>the ones that do are memeing about that one retard that didn’t
Yas Forums isn't that old
Correct, and Yas Forums being in that image must have been a later addition. The original Yas Forums, /new/ is on that bell curve between /hr/ and /adv/, and Yas Forums has a slightly different font than the other boards.
It’s actually a different font, could still be old image.
Not incorrect
Still is wrong. The vertical axis cannot be population because mobile are winning in that area. It is not money volume either. Wtf does it even measure? Considering the horizontal axis as the IQ.
bell curves do not work that way user