Actually bullshit

Actually bullshit

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gearcheck fight of sorts
Upgrade your shield to +5 or wear some armor pieces with poise on it and it becomes easy..

just cheese it with firebombs, lad!

*equips wolf ring*

it's a fun fight except for the dogs

If you can't overcome a little bullshit now and then you're a NPC

i just chopped him down with a scimitar

TV party tonight

I want him to fuck my ass

>shield 100 %def

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Still harder than Nioh

Run up the stairs. Turn around and Kill the dogs

The fog gate that trains you to fear them all.
You can block the double overheard, but you need either an upgraded shield, the stats to wield the Black Knight shield, or a fair bit of Endurance.

the fuckin dogs are the actual bullshit

actually it's capra demon not bullshit
bullshit is brown and squishy and in the shape of a pile
capra demon is a demonic humanoid with a goat head

I hope this clears things up user

>throw shit pies over fog gate till everyone dies of toxicity
wow sooooooooo hard

This boss is pathetically easy once you know the stair cheese trick

We've got nothin' better to do than watch tv and drink a couple of brews

>playan for the first time
>hear everyone hyping up the capra demon like fucking mad
>Yas Forums, gaming mags, every source I turned to said he'd whoop my ass sideways
>enter his arena. A five story brick house is being shat through my undergarments
>kill the dogs first
>proceed to lay him down in less than a minute

Maybe it's because I saw the stairs and booked it, but fuck, I don't think any other Souls boss ever underwhelmed me as much as this guy.

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Why yes that boss is incredibly easy if you just equip the ring of poise and anti dogcrap which you should have because its right there in the open inside a chest behind an illusionary wall and a fire

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It's called surprise.
Not every aspect of a game has to be fair.
And in a game that tried to put difficulty and fear of death as a priority, surprise attacks are fair.

Git gud faggot.

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The panick got me the first time

Wolf Ring isn't in a chest you stupid copetard.

honestly i just cheese this fight. im good at dark souls but this fight is just too stressful to do legit anymore. its funny the first ten times but after that its like fuck this

Not OP and actually got past Capra Demon. Rush for the stairs and go right over the arching door, use thrust weapon to kill the dogs. Then it becomes really easy.

This is why I think Dark Souls is overrated. There's no fight like this in Dark Souls 3. Hate it or not, in 3 there's no cheap way to cheese bugs and glitches like this. Even the only bad boss in DS3, Wolnir, is at least atmospheric and cool. What's the point of this battle instead ?

Not funny

This. I beat it second try. Died first try due to getting stuck in the left hand corner just inside the fog gate by all three bastards at once.

>no way to cheese
>in "just press the roll button" 3
3babs have negative iq

Nothing compared to this faggot

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just climb up the fucking stair nigga

literally beat him the first time
you want hard?
try Father Gascan from Bloodborne
You either get good or die trying

I actually just killed this guy the other day for the first time, he was kind of a dick but I personally hated the dogs more.
Also what am I in for after Stray Demon? It gear checked me so I'm grinding Titanite right now

His werewolf form is fucking scary

how do people still suck after all these years? just block or dodge once you get inside the room and kill the dogs first. that's fucking it, that's all you need to do.

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There also isn't an illusionist wall near a fire because it's an exaggeration because this game tells you next to nothing.

optional boss, just fight him later and kill him in 2 plunging attacks

Hes only optional if you pick the key as a starting item

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.

First time I looked up something my first playthrough. Stairs op

Stray demon seems hard but if you free aim the camera and generally stay behind his ads you should never be hit. Whats really hard is killing pinwheel with an unupgraded weapon and no leeroy

>mfw he did the jumping smash 5 consecutive times as soon as i entered the room
man did that put me on a weird route for that game

not so easy when youre getting gang banged by the dogs

Yeah I was getting some solid hits in and rolling away from his brap AoE but my claymore might as well be a rolled up newspaper. I hated Blighttown like any sensible human so I didn't stick around long to farm leeches, so now I've gone back to the Depths

just dash trough valley of drakes or choose the master key as your gift and you can just skip him

why cant you kill the dogs

I wonder what the devs were thinking when they decided to make a boss that is only hard because of the fucked up camera

How so?

stray demon takes fat bleed damage so you might be able to beat him with a bandit's knife or whatever that does bleed

He's got like 3 moves. Just gotta get rid of the dogs first and then play safe.

>I don't think any other Souls boss ever underwhelmed me as much as this guy.
For me, it was Ludwig.

I read he's also weak to BK sword but I'm using an unga bunga STR/END knight so getting my DEX up might take a while at this point.

Why does Yorshka make so little sense bros

just get up his ass so that he keeps trying to jump on you and hit him during his recovery
t. demon great hammer user

I got through him with few tries, Orphan however made me almost quit the game for good

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Reminder that Forsen, a literal mentally handicapped swede, killed him in less than 5 attempts by chugging Estus and spamming Black Knight Greatsword

>he thinks using the archway is a bug or glitch
>he likes DS3
>he dislikes the bling bro
Like pottery

It's the dogs that make him such bullshit

Not him but for me definitely Juzou the Drunk, I saw his adds immediately and my MGS tactics kicked in
Yeah I've got my strategy down I've just got a bad damage to stamina spent ratio, he has so much fucking HP

I think reading about how allegedly difficult a boss is has an effect on how well you play. I did a run as soom as DS came out and thought Capra Demon was one of the easiest bosses in the game, beat him first try.

I later read about how hard he was, and struggled with him every time thereafter. Maybe I just got lucky the first time

He is entirely optional just go through dark root and valley of drakes to get to the Blighttown shortcut.

In all fairness, he was nerfed after launch when the dogs were moved further away from the door. They used to just rape you immediately upon entering.

He only has like 3 or 4 attacks. Come on dude.

oh yeah, i forgot about that

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>Father Gascoigne
lmao what. The arena's huge, you can use tombstones to stop him and if you feel like a journalist you can use the Music Box when he changes to a beast so you don't even have to fight that phase at all.

I was lucky enough to not have the music box and not be practiced at parrying when I fought him the first time. Either one of those makes it all a cakewalk and feels cheap. I can't believe so many people still failed to get past him.

Stack enough poise to tank literally even one dog hit and it's ez pz.

can you believe people call dark souls a masterpiece of game design