>Only 8 more days for GOTY 2019 to land on Steam
You did preorder the game right? It's gonna be the most badass release of the year
Borderlands 3
Son, don't. I don't care what you're doing this, for just stop.
Thank you, fellow Anonymous, that was so helpful!
Were it not for you, I would have missed the looter shooter of the century, featuring practically infinite amounts of procedurally generated guns, some of the most hilarious irreverent humor in gaming and even online co-op!
Gearbox Software is one of the best developers out there that truly cares about us gamers, they deserve a purchase.
Game on ;-)
Thats a kickass post. You sir are a rrue badass
The game is a massive disappointment and runs worse and worse with every new patch. It's mostly fun to play still, when the characters shut up and actually let you play, that is, but the performance issues really hurt it. Not worth full price. Wait for a steep discount or don't buy it at all.
Ironic shilling is still shilling
Randy is going to die from the virus, since Randy didn't release the source code, Randy is fucked.
Fuck you Randy.
t. r/fuckepic
just one honest answer please. how long until you stop shiling the game here?
No thanks. I'll just wait for the GOTY edition for the consoles at 20 dollars in like two years from now.
8 more days + release week maybe
What makes you think this is shilling?
Oh look another timely self-bumping BL3 thread for the 15th time this week. I sure do hope these weren't made by anyone representing gearbox online! That would be some kind of shilling, that never happens on Yas Forums!
quick question randy
when will we be able to skip dialogue?
this game is old news, I'll buy it when it's part of a $20 dollar steam sale.
Fuck off randy
t.steamie coping hard
>One of those is me
No, I got it out of a Redbox for $20 bucks and have been having a blast. I really enjoy BL3 but it does not deserve $60 purely for how mismanaged the PR has been and how much of a dirtbag Randy Pitchford is.
He was right, the Calypsos would have never gotten as far as they did if he succeeded
What was Gearbox thinking
Forgot image
Not much because she was incredibly underutilized so she never had a chance to really develop past her annoying teenage upstart phase. She's largely inoffensive though, generic even.
This. The Ava haters are worse than the character herself
What are you people smoking, did you people even watch a walkthrough
I played the game multiple times user. She's okay
No, I played the fucking game. She has very little screentime overall and does marginally more than Lilith does. Which is a good thing because Lilith is absolutely awful. Honestly all of the Sirens are pretty fucking bad outside of Tannis. Ava is no more annoying than Tyreen, Tiny Tina, or Lilith, the latter two whom are far worse characters.
Why are you wasting your life like this, son?
You're not my father, sweetie
You seriously have to be Gearbox employees in order to believe this, Ava is the biggest cunt cunt in the game that got Maya killed and blamed Lilith for it
You two are being faggots
- Got Roland killed by your logic and got captured by Handsome Jack and jeopardized all of Pandoara in the process
- Prior to that, betrayed Handsome Jack in his fight against Dahl and not only that, she disfigured him, incentivizing him even further to wipe out Pandorans. If they actually thought he was that fucking dangerous she would have killed him right then but Lilith is a fucking idiot.
- Attempted to execute Athena for being little more than a hired gun in a conflict she had no personal stake in
- Stood by and did literally nothing for years as the Children of the Vault gained influence, something that was well within her power to deal with before it got out of control
- Is utterly fucking incompetent and useless for the entirety of BL3 while getting a much, MUCH better sendoff for all of the problems that she caused throughout the franchise
And AVA is the problem? Get the fuck out of here. Not to mention how much of a colossal Mary Sue Tyreen is. I don't give a rat's ass about Maya and never have so miss me with the BLOO BLOO SHE KILLED MAYA horseshit because I don't care. The only likeable VHs in 2 were Krieg, Gaige, and Zer0 anyway.
Hey dumbass, i never said Lilith wasn't bad, i'm saying that Ava is bad, just because every other character is shit doesn't make a shitty character less shit
Also you can't compare how Roland and Maya died, Roland died on a mission, just because Lilith was also on that mission doesn't mean she's the one that got him killed, and Maya died because Ava didn't stay put, her death could have been avoided if she just stayed at Sanctuary and not caring about Maya's death because you personally don't like her is selfish
Nigger Roland explicitly told Lilith to stay her ass at Sanctuary and what did Lilith do? Show the fuck up anyway and put everyone in danger.
And to clarify, I don't like Ava, I don't hate her either, she's just there. She's an uninteresting character at worst made out to be the antichrist when there are worse characters (namely Tyreen) in the same fucking game.
There's a difference, Lilith was actually useful to the mission and without her it probably wouldn't have succeeded
No actually, Ava is worse than Tyreen, Tyreen at least didn't do anything offensive and disrespectful to the lore, characters and fans
It would have succeeded fine and her presence only accelerated Jack's plans. That's not even going into all of the other garbage shit Lilith has done, fuck I hate this character. I hope she's fucking dead for real. Borderlands isn't really a game whose narrative I'm really engaged in but that is an offensively bad character, especially when compared to Ava who is mildly annoying at worst and arguably got the blandest VH killed.
Tyreen showed up out of literally nowhere and made fucking fools of the entire cast what are you talking about?
Sometimes people actually like games you don't like, fuck off schizos. Has anyone ever actually proven that companies advertise on Yas Forums or any other board? At most I think only indie devs spamming their own game
>an absolute mary sue with ridiculous amounts of plot armor that effortlessly clowns everyone
>never suffers a single fucking setback until the very end of the game
>combines obscene cutscene powerlevel with the ability to delete the player characters from existence during scenes, even when they play out five feet from the player
tyreen is completely flat as a character and pure garbage.
troy had potential when they teased an internal conflict between the twins and then they kill him off ASAP.
ava is just there, essentially a bystander. shes innocuous.
So you're only fine because you personally hate Maya, like i said, selfish, even if Maya was bad that doesn't change the fact that Ava got her killed
Thinking of Ava as only "mildly annoying" is objective denial
Lilith actually got things done, i;m not saying she isn't bad, i'm saying that Roland's death isn't a reason
dead tranny game
I literally just tuned out when she was talking, it's not that hard.
Half of those reasons can also apply to Ava and she is not just a "bystander", she's treated as a major character as soon as she appears
>troy had potential when they teased an internal conflict between the twins and then they kill him off ASAP.
I 100% agree with you on this, such wasted potential
Oh fuck i forgot about that, i'll give you that one
I'm still waiting for a good price on a COMPLETE version of 2
I don't hate Maya either. I feel nothing towards Maya. She's boring and evokes no feeling or nostalgia in me whatsoever. Her death was utterly meaningless to me. I have marginally more feeling towards Ava than Maya, both are complete nothing characters.
Right on the money.
Fuck off Randy. No one cares.
It's on sale right now for 7 dollars user, with the lilith DLC being 5 dollarios, so 12 dollars total.
Sirens can develop some degree of precognition
Maya knew she would die and thus brought up Ava as the heir to her thread
Lilith knew what would happen at the ending
Any word on Steam price? If it's at full price I'mma go ballistic
It's full price
you faggots can buy it ? It's not available yet for me
t. shithole third world country
I have friends who are pretty damn fucking crazy about Borderlands saying that 3 isn't all it was hyped up to be and that in some cases 2 is still better.
>Borderlands at full price as well as season pass since the game isn't full complete
>Instead of waiting for everything bundled up nicely to be 20 bucks in a year.
You're dealing with the con man himself, of course its going ot be full price, he knows all the people he pissed off by selling out to China will buy it on Steam again to "stick it" to EGS so he's effectively doubling his sales.
I'm in Burgerland and it still doesn't have a price/preorder option
>company gives you the finger
>gets excited for sloppy seconds
Just pirate it. They don't need your money.
>i-i-it's not that hard
the game halts your fucking progression just to make you listen to characters talk
even if you "tune out" youre standing still waiting before youre allowed to progress
Dlc isn't cracked, and idk but I might be a lil autistic. For some reason I like owning all my games and having them in my Steam library, even though I know that it's retarded
>so much siren stuff, none of it explained
>all of the new siren stuff that was introduced is fucking garbage, especially Tannis and Ava
>most of the characters from previous games act out of character
>every character that could and should have gotten a character arc did not, and instead were just an annoying cunt (Ava) or a plank of wood (Troy)
I fucking hate it.
what game?
devs willingly allowed the chinese botnet into their games by going on the "cheaper" epic store
they're a danger and shouldn't be given money, just pirate the older games.
Another BL3 thread where everyone complains about the story, despite no one ever playing the BL games for story. If you care about any of these game's stories, you're legally retarded.
2 was boring, why would i want 3.
You forgot the trademark symbols
You know what, fair enough
roflmao no, I saw the strims and the fag agenda, unironically KYS shills.
Sirens are an active detriment to the game and I'm more interested in the corporations and the tensions between them than the fucking Sirens or Eridians.
You don't understand, user. BL3's story is so fucking bad it's hard to ignore, not to mention they're only just now working on being able to skip cutscenes. You also spend an incredible amount of time in the story waiting for NPCs to finish talking so you can acquire the next objective.
Sirens never should have been "developed" as much as they were. Should have just been a class in each game with no further story/lore relevance
If you think criticizing the story becomes invalid just because it sucked in the previous games, then you might have clinical autism. Especially when the focus has increasingly shifted toward that element with each new release. How about you do a backflip into a trashcan, you fucking gremlin.