I am home from work, time for another Animal Crossing thread. Bring your faggot asses in here

I am home from work, time for another Animal Crossing thread. Bring your faggot asses in here.

Attached: daisymae.png (235x282, 154.01K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>animal crossing

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i heard kicks has become a traveling salesman akin to sahara. is this true?

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T-minus sixteen days and counting.

I fucking love this animal.

What what!

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Waiting for the Minus8 animation/comic of someone fucking Daisymae's nose

New Horizons looks so good that I went back to new leaf. Can't wait to not need to rely on the villagers to put nice shit around town.
Yeah. They showed him, Label, and someone else I'm forgetting in the direct as traveling salespeople.

Attached: HNI_0085.jpg (400x240, 34.34K)

Flick looks cute and I want to hold his hand!

>been wanting to place items outside ever since the original
>New Leaf only has specific public works projects that can't be moved when placed, and require you to shuffle Isabelle around until you finally get the project in the right spot
>Happy Home Designer lets you place items outside, but who cares about that game?
>New Horizons finally grants my wish
>can finally use those backyard furniture to have a sweet backyard
I'm excited.

Attached: bob.gif (248x328, 61.05K)

I'm going to turn my entire town into my yard and nobody can stop me

Anyone got some QR Codes for clothes I can wear?

Why did Flick have to be male? A scaly alt girl would be fun.


What does this have to do with animal crossing



Fuck you he's cute. There's a ton of alt girl villagers for you anyways.

Dialogue implies he shows up once a week.

Will I be able to play as a submissive trap in this game?

>someone finally creates a thread for comfy and some retardo posts these monstrosities for the first reply
we deserve to sink.

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If you reply to it you're part of the problem.

Not scaly though.

based cherry poster.

>be me
>don't have Switch
>never played AC before
>when little even kinda rubbed me the wrong way when I saw it
>don't even like sim games because (this is gonna get deep for a sec) I feel I have to figure out my irl me first
>see Isabelle
>find her incredibly cute (not in a lewd way, I'm gay and also not a furry)
>learn about the series
>follow the news for NH
>the wholesomeness and comfiness get to me, realise that playing it would actually inspire my irl homemaking and outfits
>earlier this week find myself looking up the price of a Switch for the very first time
>enter a fuckton of more or less dubious giveaways to win the Nook Switch because I can't afford consoles rn
I want to play it so bad bros... It's the first time in forever since I legitimately want to play a console game rather than watch it on YouTube...
Who would've thought it would be Animal Crossing of all goddamn things

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Fuck off newfag frogposter


Who are you quoting

See you in the future New Horizons threads friend, I will always be ready to swap clothes QR codes.

If the giveaway thing doesn't pan out, consider a Switch Lite? iirc it's handheld only but you'll save a hundred dollars.

user stop it im counting the days already and i cant wait to play at midnight release.

smart frogposter

Chief is best villager

Attached: Chief_NewLeaf_Official.png (306x599, 158.69K)

I love Animal Crossing. It's so kawaii uguu~ #^__^#

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>get digital
>have to wait 13+hours until Nintendo decides to let me in
Fuck. Digitalbros what are we gonna do?

Wait, nintendo doesnt unlock games at midnight?It was my first time preordering on the switch. And i thought theyre less shit than steam releases aaaaaaaaah

God I want to bang the everloving fuck out of his twink wolfhole

ok i calmed down, first google result:
Hervorgehobenes Snippet aus dem Web
The game will be pre-loaded to your system at the time of your order. You'll be able to start playing it after downloading a small update, beginning at 12:00 AM ET on the game's release date.

Aww thanks fren!
Hm yeah I've thought about it... who knows, maybe... thanks for the suggestion anyway

Let's hope for the best, Smash and FE didn't open at midnight.

Guess ill abuse my neet powers and kill my sleep schedule so i wake up right before it unlocks.

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Favorite villager, go.


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new megane cat

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God speed cherry user

Best girl

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I want to buy Amiibo cards to get Rosie, Purrl, and maybe Bob in my town. Is this dumb? Is there a best place to get them?

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claim your town name

Attached: cain.jpg (1600x900, 253.17K)

Already posted him

Is there really not a “none of these” option? Resetting is going to be all I do on launch night

N. Korea
But it'll actually be a nice place to live in.

Make your own for $0.50 each

I heard you could do let it generate new maps



Let’s hope so.

>Replying to the problem
part of the problem there user


I bet you do

yes all clothes is unisex

yes they do? ALL major releases unlock at 12am EST

Tell your parents to buy you one or else you’ll kill yourself



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Ill see then. Never preordered on switch before so i dont know any better, thanks for telling me though user

So i might be playing the game thursday at 9pm? cool, thanks I'll probably find some thing to do like draw but ts good to know i'll have the chance

(assuming the game will tack on the word "island" after your island's name)

So far I've got:
Isla de

Attached: 8E7DD0A2-21A2-4B8B-A0C7-C1CE94047AA9.jpg (747x881, 180.63K)

>plays a game for literal 5 year olds
>calls other people faggots



Dasani Island


>It's the first time in forever since I legitimately want to play a console game rather than watch it on YouTube...
>actually watches lets players

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my runner ups are:
