Why don't you play Dragon Ball FighterZ user? It's the best fighting game of this gen!

Why don't you play Dragon Ball FighterZ user? It's the best fighting game of this gen!

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Other urls found in this thread:


true, season 3 is ridiculously good

Female characters ruined the game.

Ok incel

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Kefla has nice tits and ass

Yeah, I definitely wouldn't have said OP was right before, but S3 really have the game life. I'm building multiple teams in Training for fun like I did back in Marvel 3. Maybe not the #1 of this gen but very close now.




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Videl, 18, and 21 were never top tier, though.

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Because I already dedicated time and effort into another fighting game (Tekken 7) and I don't feel like spending time learning another.

why does this waamlete keep getting spammed?

did you mistype Tekken 7

You mistyped Killer Instinct, bro.

I don't want to buy it
Also that's not tekken

You know it's true.

They shouldn't be in the roster.

>Get punished
>Get punished
>Don't use a beam assist character
>Get punished
>Don't use a high tier character
>Get punished
>Play characters purely on who like in the show/manga
>Get punished
>Play against Vegito
>Get punished
>Don't pay 6 dollars to play an over powered dlc character
>Get punished

No thanks

The single player content is underwhelming and I refuse to pay money for online service


Git gud

i cant i dont have 6 bucks

Looks like a gym manlet when standing next to the others.

Saying this, in a fucking world with GT Goku? The state of you.

But i am user , the real question is ARE YOU A BIG BODY CHAD OR NOT?

>one angry incel
I'm confused, I thought you guys like cute fictional girls?

Post Teams:

>Base Goku

Feels kinda good. Kefla and Yamcha can combo into spirit bomb from a level 1, and can burn bar like motherfuckers from the goku assist.

It's too hard, whenever I hear niggas talk about the game and the mechanics and tech, it sounds like all Greek to me. How do I even begin getting into all the terminology and tactics?

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You don't need six bucks to fix half of the problems you listed


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not but it sure negates them

do you guys believe a multidirectionak superdash would improve strategic depth of the game? Not necassirly back in forth, but like diagonal as well (aerial)

>why don't you play Dragon Ball FighterZ user?
I play every day for about 2hrs.
Yet most of that goes to waiting for a rank fight to pop up.

post more kefla abs

I'm too small brained to memorize combos

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>Saying this, in a fucking world with GT Goku? The state of you.
TD base goku from 4 moves.
>muh GT goku
okay baby.


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Matches take too damn long in this game, the damage scaling on combos is insane. Only your fist 3 punches do a noticeable amount of damage. At least in other games your 5 minutes combos actually continue to do damage beyond the first few strikes

I'm bad at fighters desu and I don't want to invest the time to get better.

>Z broly
>S broly

The brolys just work way too damn well together

I now proclaim this a Cutegang thread

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Too busy playing Street Fighter V (Jive)

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Those names aren't even close to being correct. The Android 21 on the left is named Android 21 (Transformed, Good), the middle is named Android 21 (Transformed, Evil), and the one on the right is Android 21 (Lab Coat).

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I am

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S Broly

I’ve been using Kefla more than Videl because Videl’s damage seems kind of shit for all of her downsides

Because it's a trash assist fighter.

the online is fucking trash. Laggy as fuck.

That's cute but you are thiniking of Smash Ultimate.

That said, I play FighterZ and I love it.


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Remember the tingle, lads? The tingles she feels in her back before she goes super saiyan? You thought Akira Toriyama was shitting all over you with kid Trunks and Gotenks. Tingle tingle tingle!

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How is this game on switch? Dead online?

Take a shower

>Zenos just snapped kekflappers out of existence across the multiverse

>Tingle tingle tingle!

Yes? What is it?

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stop playing this braindead cunt

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KI is still the king 7 years later.

I bought this game and every season pass but I can't force myself to enjoy it no matter how much I try to brute force it.

Once you play games as good as T7 and SC6 it's just too hard to go back.

>stop playing this braindead cunt
No keep playing him. Anything Goku related gets the alt level 3 as well as Cell.

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>Once you play games as good as T7
small pp energy like that will never be enough to make a noticeable contribution to a spirit bomb.

Sorry, but while I didn't play him before his C Assist is extremely good for Zamasu so I'm building a side team of Zamasu/Vegito/Gotenks.

I already have my hands full as fighting games go, and I were to try and learn another one it would be Soulcalibur if anything.

>wanting used good

Damn you beat me to it

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I’m an incel as well but there’s like 4 females and 20 something dudes

I do, and I agree - it's definitely the best fighter of the Gen. I haven't played tekken though. But it's definitely way fucking better than sfv or mvci in s3. Crazy we live in a time line where a fucking dbz game is a genuinely good fighting game

Fuck yes

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There's 50 characters you retard

I’m a noob and I’ve been learning a lot from asking questions in the /vg/ thread and watching YouTube videos

Time for explosions

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I play on Switch and it’s not too bad. Takes a minute at most to find a ranked match but you might have problems finding games on the more niche game modes

Wait what? No way there’s that many. There’s like 30 max

You can literally just count them you retard

The funny thing is that I'm building around Zamasu, they just have great assists for Zamasu because he can use them to confirm into cool routes and SKDs with Flight.

Meant to quote

I do, I'm glad I can finally run my giga nigga team.

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How are you doing my fellow broly chads?

The game isn’t in front of my face right now retard

I don't mind cause I'm willing to be cheap myself.

Then don't comment, what a stupid post

Fuck power levels...

Fuck Super Saiyans...



I dunno but Vegeta is undefeated against Goku

It's 39 so you were both wrong. By the end of the Season we'll have 43.

You can’t stop me

43 is literally double what that user said

Trying to see what other characters broly has synergy with since I just got back into the game.

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24, then 50, then 30. Everybody guessed wrong when they could've counted.

43 is far closer to 50 than 30 or especially 24

Unironically the other broly, they work extremely well together, especialy with Z broly's B assist

Videl/Piccolo/Bardock, played Trunks and Gohan at launch, played around with Vegito when he dropped, I only played consistently up until halfway through the first season.

The game was always decent and S3 made a ton of improvements, but a lot of the foundation flaws remain, still enjoying it now though.

Decided on Broly/Cooler/nuBroly, figuring out my assists. Super Broly B is good for neutral but so awkward for combos. His A is just okay and his C is great, but I already have Cooler on C since Broly doesn't need the uppercut assist to help him. The DP assist could be alright for Broly zoning but I don't need it when I have armor.

Super Broly gives Baseku Spirit Bomb pretty easy with his Talbain-style Air Level 1.

Im overflowing

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Super Broly is terrible at opening people up and doesn't work well off of either Broly or kefla assist so not really

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Broly A & B are solid for neutral and good for his combo extensions.

Damn it really doesn’t look like that many of the screen. I admit defeat

Why would you play any figthing game if tekken 3 exists?

This series desperately needs more females.

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I don't have S2 and S3. Can you give me that ?

I'm glad it doesn't have more females

I don’t usually play as girls in games but I think Launch or Chi-Chi would be fun

no poorfag

The day they release a champion edition with all this shit unlocked is day I give this game a chance.


>That Burter
that makes my pp the big pp

>go through training dojo missions
>cool now I know what I’m doing
>go on ranked
>just keep button mashing and doing autocombos

I think I can’t be fixed. I just don’t have fun when I try hard and I usually lose when trying to do fancy combos

Mr. Satan character is long overdue.

Won't happen. The season passes are overpriced for a reason.

Well ok then.

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Or you could just buy it in literally any sale where everything together is like 30 instead of bringing a retard

Over 20mins on queue for ranked on ps4.
I just wanna play bros.

>Super Broly B is good for neutral but so awkward for combos
Forget he has a 5A unless it's for extending a combos after a 236X in the corner for example . Your 2 main buttons for neutral are 5M and 2A.
5M has huge reach and 2A is pretty fast (6frames). The thing is that nu broly is very reliant on assists for opening people and extending combos, hence why beams or vegeta tier assist like Broly B work well with him.
Don't forget that he also got some nice command grabs and pretty cool meterless SKD combos in the corner off of those. Hes' the kind of characters where you need to be on point with your combos because you have to make each opportunity count as he got really good damage with his air 2H and j.2S shenanigans, but diffuclties getting in.

All RYONA'D by Vegeta

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Wtf do you mean with A? Do you mean L? S?

I meant L, my bad, i'm tired.

This game actually got me into the show. I don’t play as any characters I haven’t saw in the show yet, so every time I finish an arc or learn a lot about a character it feels like I’m unlocking them in the game. I recently finished the Cell Games Saga and watched the 1st Broly movie so now I’m playing as Z Broly and Teen Gohan and having a lot of fun. I’m at the part of the show now where Goku is about to fight Pikkon. I really wanna play as Goku Black and DBS Broly but I’m still very far away from watching DBS so that sucks

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What rank are you? I’m android on Switch and have no problem finding matches but I guess the higher you get the harder it is to get matched?

By B I meant his B assist, the Eraser Blow with the upwards angle. I know how his buttons work. Sorry, didn't realize that got muddied by anime notation.

>be a scrub
>get punished
Sounds about right.

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Is the netcode actually fixed for Goku vs Goku?

Like 70 dollars for the DLC. No thanks.

>not buying it on sale

You fool. This game goes on sale(and dlc) like twice a month for 70% off


I switch around between these
>Kid Buu
>Base Goku

the absolute salt if Arale was ever added.

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assists are nice, but the game is more unga than ever with the ex meter change. I'm having more fun in the first few days of gran blue vs than I have in 3 years of dbz.


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Why would they add a one off character from like 2 or 3 episodes of OG DB? I see her requested all the time but I don’t get it

OK contrarisn

>Why would they add a one off character from like 2 or 3 episodes

I dunno ask that to Vegito

I haven’t even saw fusions in the show yet. I’m right after the cell games saga is over, is it coming soon?

from a power level standpoint she is on par with SSJ Blue Goku. also we need more short characters and Arale would cause unending rage amongst the Z and Super secondaries.

Why does he shit damage?

dragonball fighterz """"""""neutral"""""""

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Most of this stuff
>Don't use a high tier character
>Get punished
Name a game where this doesn't apply in some way shape or form. Also for the most part the last patch fixed half of those problems and the DLC isn't really necessary unless you're specifically aiming for a good win ratio and a higher-than-Majin rank. Even then there's shit like Kid Buu, I understand why you'd be frustrated though.

Feel free to ping me when it goes on sale. I'm not religiously watching this shit like a hawk for months for a sale, sorry.

And no, it does not. Dumb ass liar.

But I actually want her

It works pretty well. A lot of people just hand over their turn for free when they use projectile assists against Janemba, and Cell is already my main. Still have no clue how to use Cooler in neutral though. Seems like a lot of his buttons tend to get stuffed at footsie range. I like the team though.

This except with JoJo Part 3 and onward.

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>A lot of people just hand over their turn for free when they use projectile assists against Janemba

Are you using his air stomp, ki blast, or the pillar super? I love Janemba but I fucking suck at the game since I've been play Monster Hunter non-stop so I'm not as good at finding tech.

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It has amazing neutral though

Nope I just use his 22S. It’s a projectile counter that works against assists which practically guarantees it’s his turn. I don’t really use his ki blasts or stomp as they seem a bit slow, but they might be useful if you have a beam assist to convert.

>just got knocked down from pink to bright green in the span of a day after restarting playing due to s3
lmao holy fuck my ego

I main fighting game characters based solely on how much I like them. Still haven't played DBFZ but my three favorite characters from the anime are Trunks, Piccolo, and Yamcha. Would this be a strong team? Anything fundamentally wrong with it?

Who should I pair with hit?