Ok Yas Forums I got an idea Japense game where you date different yokai

Ok Yas Forums I got an idea Japense game where you date different yokai

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Other urls found in this thread:


This appeals to no one

Been done like 20308934509834 times already

She's "average".

I'd kill for any game that allow romance with proper monster girls, or at least ones that aren't just girl with small cat ears.

You get VNs with that shit, but take Rune Factor 4 for example. You can date a girl that has wings at random times. Or a guy who has a tail and animal ears. Fucking give us some proper monster girls or at least not just animal people.


Yokai are for bulling and killing.

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Well we need to do it RIGHT THIS TIME

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go thats hot...

appeals to me

What game is there??

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>That one one-off manga about the food shop owner who befriends a Split Mouth Woman
Let me see if I can find it.
Pic unrelated

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Post it.

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Does this include a Hasshaku-sama route where you're a shota (or transformed into one by Hasshaku-sama's powers) and it turns into straight shota with Hasshaku-sama as the loving ara ara?

cute incarnate


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those tits look fucking awful

you look fucking retarded

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die mad coomer

For me, it's Sadako

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>user delivers

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chug a onions cuck

>original horror story is about how people would see the split mouth under the veil get horrified and she'd kill them
>too many monster-girl fetishists nowadays who would only get fully-erect at the idea at boning an IRL Mileena

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Pretty adorable

fuck you I want ghost waifu

Flayn you know your Brother doesn't want you browsing Yas Forums :(

peak cute

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I wanna know how she got those scars

>tfw you love monster girls because they know what it's like to be alone so they know what it means to crave true love.

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Kill the beast.

haha epic

Besides FEAR, what games have this?

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Seek help

i love you mommy kuchisake onna

Even if I wanted or needed to I couldn't afford it

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Dial the numeral between 7 and 9

>Monster girls start existing
>They are all feminist sjws and hate people that love them because of their exotic looks
>They are all blue haired fucking freaks
>They are still 10/10 cute 10/10 sexy

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Can you date male chubby oni?


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Call it "Monster Cunter."

gross. Go be gay somewhere else.


Become monster girl.

Stop killing my boner, user.


How about one where you slowly stab them to death?

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>Become the girl.
Fuck you

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>tfw the only monster girls in our reality are the ones where the monster is on the inside

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Gonna need you to delete dis, mon.

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and the monster is a real monster and not cute at all

But I’m already in Yas Forums

Maybe the real monster was the ones we made along the way

You can do something about it you know. Actually fight against the cultural marxists and their sanctuaries of leftist ideologies.

Based. We only need sex bots.

>encounters based on their specific lore
>Splitmouth route can't be called ugly OR beautiful or it's a game over.
>Favorite gift is hard candy

>Harem route ends with ghost woman who hates cheaters showing up and killing you

The leather club's two blocks down.

Enhance why you have to say she's average or so-so, or drop some random items to cause confusion.

>20 pounds of tits and more tits
fuck off it doesn't

What about a story house where a girl lives with different yokai because
1)it's a coexistence experiment by the government
2)rent is cheap
but half of the coinquilines are retarded and the other half is shit like a prostitute and a shut-in pedophile that invites kids online to hotels or revenge-titfucks cocky adults into shotas to titfuck them into fear again and has no problem in asking the MC if she wants her to grow her a dick
but it's not porn

I've got the best idea, Japanese game where every character is a futa monstergirl who fight each other and the loser is raped by the winner

Bonus route to Splitmouth where you don't say anything and just caress her and you start kissing her. She becomes extremely shy and timid and then it turns into gentle lewd.

>tfw no bat gf



You dont seek true love, you're just horny. Trust me. True love doesnt exist.

>True love doesn't exist.
Leftist thought (especially feminism) killed it. No room for wholesome romance and true love anymore, except in fiction.

Then how did that guy in the princess bride come back to life?

Checkmate, virginists.

>True love is just a chemical reaction, Rick and Morty told me so

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dating simulators are not games

Why the FUCK do you have this saved

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She'll cut your mouth if you agreed with her.

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>better post a lie so i can farm (You)s


imagine how that crust tastes like lol just a thought haha

>It's okay to give shitposters replies if I'm being self aware

Marisa is friends with lots of Yokai what are you talking about?


Who draws this? she's pretty cute

Says one who gets fucked by youkai daily

Nah biologically speaking love is just our version of heat. The only difference is like rabbits we experience it year round. Even in the fifties and shit women were gold diggers and men just wanted tits and ass. Its a sad truth, but its the truth.

Princess bride is a fantasy story.

>Man shares opinion with group of people I hate therefore he is one of them and therefore is wrong.

Here's an idea, a puzzle game where you perform a long complicated ritual to summon a succubus to fuck
When you finally summon her you realise the succubus isn't a sexy hot chick with red skin, but pic related instead

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>girl with massive mouth
>orders fuckhueg borgar
pretty smart

>Man shares opinion with group of people I hate therefore he is one of them and therefore is wrong.
Now you're getting it

>Implying I wouldn't fuck that.

You're really underestimating my sex drive user.

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>thighs for years
>nice waistline
I don't see the problem

Am I beautiul Yas Forums?

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Don't say anything and keep giving her dick.

Look pretty average. Wanna hit up a candy store?

>Princess bride is a fantasy story.

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I don't know

>tfw ywn have a grudge girl wife

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I like how if you tell her excuse I need to go somewhere she bows and leaves

Or the one yokai asks you in the public bathroom which color do you want red or blue you're suppose to say neither

Choose red you get sent to hell blue it strangles you

tfw no Japanese hate ghost wife like Miles O'Brien.

>Don't say anything
Could lead to death.

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Hey look buddy, I'm an engineer. That means I solve problems, not problems like "What is beauty?" Because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy.

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More wholesome

In Toshi Densetsu she's a Shotacon

I don't know.

>baby, you are as pretty as you are

She also is in black general san
Is the yokai actually a pedo?

Rape them
Love is for gays

Post hachishaku

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Projecting, if they existed there'd be no reason for them to behave any differently than humans do.

What reason is there to believe some wiry Japanese ghost could do any of those things?

Yes, along with Hasshaku-sama. And they end up having an orgy at a love hotel with their shota boyfriends


What does FEAR have to do with this?

what the fuck?
invest in a dictionary if you're going to be a wandering pseud

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No no i mean the actual yokai, was there something about her story that said she was a kiddy diddler?


>bites your dick off
what now?

I don't think so.

what monster girl is this?

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>if they existed there'd be no reason for them to behave any differently than humans do.
Do you have any evidence to back that up?

>get anal and hj at the same time

>Bite her dick off right back

Shit looks straight out of RE.

One hell of a hand job

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I would

It's a nice monster. You guys are lewding her

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why can't I be haunted by a Japanese ghost

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some sort of guardian entity

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A VR sword fighting game with a relatively high skill ceiling and a short but widely branching story driven campaign. Like Way of the Samurai. Add a 1v1 and 2v2 duelling multiplayer and that's a good game.

>Monster girl game appealing to Yas Forumsirgins who can't even talk to regular women #48676487444738743

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I wonder where he's working now since Lab Zero fired his ass for not wanting to bend knee for Kike Z.

some sort of deep, abyssal mermaid.

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>implying it isn't
True love means different things to different people, it doesn't guarantee that a monster girl would want to put up with that user's lonely ass, but it doesn't exclude a human woman from doing the same. Also, he seems to think that monster girls would be particularly vulnerable to loneliness or that they would experience it in some greater capacity.

Do you think it's an accident that humans behave the way they do? Hundreds of thousands of years and the experiences therein has molded us into what we are today. If any other form of sapient life experienced a similar form of development they would behave a lot like we do.


That's fucking cool there.

/ss/ is shit.

We're men of taste user. Not normie trash that gushes over a girl because she has animal ears. Female monsters > "monster" girls

FUCK IT. How's Fatal Frame 5 on cemu? I wanna play a game with Hasshaku-sama on it.

can you give me a rundown of what exactly happened?

Begone furry

Yes, in fucking no way whatsoever is it. It's not a blanket term for being wrong, and it doesn't include wishful fucking thinking.

Get a dictionary, you pretentious retard.

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Do you like centaur, Yas Forums ?
How about a

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>he seems to think that monster girls would be particularly vulnerable to loneliness or that they would experience it in some greater capacity.
I'm mostly going by the old "Monster is actually really nice and is lonely" cliche you see in a lot of movies. It's a cliche but it works

>tfw no spider gf

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Looks like the gigantic faggots have arrived.

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Fucking disgusting

I need her to vore me right now

look, i've already got the boner just show me where to stick it

>spider gf
low tier taste

In long story short; Lab Zero went woke and Alex didn't want to become a Simp like Kike Z.

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Like, an actual horsegirl

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>tfw no hentai girl to pull from my screen

so where's the rundown of what exactly happened

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He pretty much didn't finish some stuff in time. Despite that his work takes time to draw.

Almas dumb child apparition looks generally like this I suppose

I actually had this idea for a short comic about a Sadako type ghost that starts living with an user. It starts with him just fucking around on his computer when suddenly she starts crawling out of the monitor, as a reflex he ends up giving her a haymaker. The very next panel is them sitting on his couch with him giving her an icepack while apologizing profusely and asking if anything is broken and her reassuring him that she's fine and that she shouldn't have scared him so badly.

Is this the original to the Yas Forums cat girls where wily kit gets headpats?

>victim blaming

If monstergirls were real, they would go for either chads or rich as fuck guys.
They wouldnt give a fuck for user's lonely ass.

If they were alone there'd be a reason for it, whatever it is approaching it would not be a good idea.

trust me, I've read enough hentai to know you just need an in

Or get blacked by gangs.

I think SJWs are probably going to persecute them for being cute/sexy.

Which leads into my next question: What would you do if this was the case?

As a side note, I like Erma.

>not adapting the method of herstory just to get some puss
you're only weakness is the lack to survive

>probably going to persecute them for being cute/sexy
Celebrities exist.

Not really.

If a spooky ghost started crawling out of your screen in the middle of the night you would probably freak out too

>What would you do if this was the case?
Sit back and watch them get killed/eaten.

What if it was against the law and the MG's had to just take it?

Ageha is my second daughteru! If any of you deviants touch her, there is gonna be blood.

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Have you seen all the fridges in Hollywood these days?

no they're both an edit of the same loli manga

i think you got a defective daughter my dude

You're gonna have to fill me in on that. I haven't watched a Hollywood movie in almost a decade.



sounds like it'd be prime time for some proactive dating if you know what i mean

i want raymoo to teach me magic so i could selfdefend against the yokai
marisa or alice would work too


>I want the Comcast guy to teach me how to wire a distribution box so I can selfinstall cable
That's not how things work user.

She's perfect.

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Imagine this:

>A human alien hybrid in disguise joins the human military so they can aid in the war effort against aliens.
>She’s a lonely, lonely soul who hasn't ever had any friends ever. Anyone who knows what she is has shunned her for existing, due to her alien species of origin being the most warlike assholes in the god damn galaxy, which has led to her having extreme self hatred. However, her battlefield performance is amazing.
>She’s capable of competing with the local genetically modified human super soldiers, for example. Yet, each victory feels hollow to her. She sees the human soldiers recovering from their wounds, being carried by friends to safety. She’s killed so many aliens she’s lost count, and yet, she doesn’t feel any stronger for it
>Unlike most monster girls (Especially in her world), she's not that attractive. She's tall, extremely skinny and gaunt (Yet oddly toned), is washboard flat, has bone instead of keratin for nails, has horns, and is frankly kind of hard to look at. She looks like fucking Javier Botet, body proportions wise
>She’s been called by many names. Traitor. Freak. Abomination. Heretic. Outsider. Yet, she’s not even sure she has a real name. She never even knew her parents.
>She’s a woman who joined the army not out of a desire for glory or to help her side, but simply because she wants something resembling validation. A chance to smile about something. To see that people can value her. Which leads to my ultimate question:

Would you be able to look past her appearance and hug her?

what's her opinion on tag-team duos? surely working with a sidekick would be more fun than normal work, right?

Hell no. Ain't gay.

I'd play it

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Why the fuck do I still live???

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Hey, not her choice. Didn't decide to look the way she does.

So you have chosen RAPE

I used to spend my days watching all sorts of gore videos and other kinds of fucked up shit
But for some reason, that one live-action picture of kuchisake-onna was one of the most unsettling things to me for many years and would send a slight chill down my spine whenever I saw it

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>that one live-action picture of kuchisake-onna
C'mon user you can't just make claims without posting sauce.

This one, you get a million results of this if you google her, dummy
It's from some movie

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you're not gay, which is exactly why you should go for the tomboy.
>option a) she's just a girl with boyish interests aka a bro you can fuck but with less "hairy man-ass" and more "perfect toned tomboy butt" present, shit's so cash, etc.
>option b) you fuck the bro out of her turning her into the pretty princess she never knew she could be, shit's so cash, etc.
either way you win

Attached: traps vs tomboys.jpg (1080x1370, 356.62K)

She deserves hugs, so yes

you come home from work to find your bat gf playing your dark souls.

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That just looks like terrible 3DCG from a B-tier horror movie.

Hot as fuck

She looks like she'd be handy around the house. Excellent house wife material.

Tomboys and traps are a mistake.

It looks like the jumpscare image from that maze game

Shit doujin.

>tomboys are gay
Are you fucking retarded?

Big hugs. Tomboys can be based and heterosexual, unlike traps.

>Abusing bat gf

I'd reenact the gargoyle fight and jerk off her tail until she wraps me with her wings.

but i don't have a dark souls

Yeah no problem
I don't fuck ugly women cause they's still w*men and are rotten inside

Looks like MKX Mileena who ripped her tarkatan teeth out and now tries to become a trad gf
although we all know she rode Barakas dick like there was no tomorrow

tfw no cow wife

I hope so

source pls

Yeah which is why it's weird that I was so unsettled by it for so long
Even grabbing that image made me uneasy. Maybe I have some sort of undiagnosed glasgow smile phobia.

Poor taste

She's not a tomboy, personality wise. She's actually really shy.

Have you played the Resident Evil remakes? There's tons of more-realistic ripped apart faces on zombies
>that police officer in RE2

it's literally written in the image. learn to look up key words


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For me it's Hakishakusama

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>Shit talking one of our best chances at survival
Ignore the brainlets, proceed to breed an platoon of hybrids with attitude to combat for the fate of the world, the leader of whom (the oldest) will inevitably seduce the daughter of the Alien Queen and so on.


Don't leave your umbrella at home anons

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See that's the thing. I'm not bothered by ripped apart faces or whatever. I used to watch gore shit all the time but stopped because it was probably making me into an even bigger sociopath and even that shit rarely phased me as much as that stupid woman


I'd like to know too.


The correct play here is to shout at her while looking at your wristwatch, asking her if she really wants to have a fight with you that early in the morning/late in the evening and that if you didn't like her character and her looks, that you would have left her by now.
Thank me later, niggas.

fuck these things
no not in that way you faggot

You don’t, she’s one of those weird fish that absorb their mate into them, slowly turning them into a set of balls that constantly keeps her pumped full of cum as they fuse with her body, you just sorta hump her, maybe bite down, and let nature do the rest

take a hike dude, she's taken

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>Page 6
>"She sucked me off like a bat out of hell"

jun/rojiura jack

no one gonna post that one where the umbrella is a cute girl, but if you look up you'll ##############?


saucenao is a website made literally so retards like you stop saying "sauce? sauce?" all over like fucking seagulls

I'm fucking sold.

This is someone's oc who protects children that live in abusive households or something

see any video games?

>mother fucker actually delivers
This is the Yas Forums I used to know and love

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How about instead of acting like an uppity nigger you just post the fucking link?

I would

Begone, zoomie.

user are you okay?

why would i post it when you could find it yourself in 3 clicks and 0 letters typed on the keyboard?


Why is there such a lack of good monster/inhuman girl VN's?

Most is kusoge with awful attempts at comedy.

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well i did give you the artist but jun is my favorite so ill just give you the link gotta share his stuff everywhere

japs don't consider kuchisake-onna and sadako are yokai tho


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This is the fucking coolest thing I've seen in weeks.

Uhhh do you like megaman?

Well la abominacion romance with cannibalism and apocalypse is like in top5 VNs

get in the box

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do doll joints count as Yokai?

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>They are all feminist sjws and hate people that love them because of their exotic looks
>They are all blue haired fucking freaks

now this is a horror game

>tfw no big tiddy monstergirl gf
Pour me another one, Sam.

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move over

>pic related
my meat has been the same since... can you give me the name tho i forgot

I'm pretty sure the correct answer for living and not getting cut up is giving her some candy, but I forget.

In that same doujin she gets addicted to Dark souls, pretty good wank


Now this is my kinda thread.

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I wanna lick the cracks in her mouth

it is tho



what japs call yokai is basically weird creatures noted in old times. it's kinda like pokemon. artifacts and ghosts are rarely called yokai.
no one really cares about the definition, though.

i dedicate my life to spreading wholesome stuff


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General capability wise, she's like Master Chief.

>triggers Yas Forums autists

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What a fool you are, you trust the chemical reactions in your brain to tell you love is a chemical reaction
I can't remember where I put the image I'm referencing

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