Will Alyx be the game that finally brings VR to the mainstream?

Will Alyx be the game that finally brings VR to the mainstream?

Attached: alyx3.webm (600x338, 3M)

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>see webm
>"oh shit this actually looks kinda good"

That looks so awkward but then again i never touch a VR
But don't they have a joystick control for moving? why didn't they just do that

What is wrong with you? Why do you keep spamming this shit you know to be untrue?

multiple options of movement for sickies

Play Boneworks, incels. Now THAT'S revolutionary VR.

Boneworks is boring as fuck and quite literally a techdemo. No style, no substance, no originality of its own. Now go shill elsewhere.

Technology simply isn't there yet.
Can you even imagine pushing a thumbstick to move your character? That's some sci-fi shit, I hope we live long enough to experience it one day

>Boneworks is boring as fuck and quite literally a techdemo
Ironic youd post that in a half-life thread, a game series literally dedicated to being a techdemo.

kek bonefags acting like their game invented every VR mechanic ever.

it does you lying fat nigger
fuck you fuck you fuck you
eternal poorfags

HLfags acting like their glorified techdemo wont get stomped out by week 1. Do you forget that HL:A's development team didnt even CONSIDER actual movement until BW released, right? Deal with it faggot, it will forever be in the shadow of much better VR games.


The following gameplay trailer showed actual movement options.

It's a big step
But VR is intrinsically impossible to market since the uninitiated literally cannot visualize what it actually might feel like to be "in" that video. It just looks like another FPS to them but with some funny interactions.
It'll be a slow but steady battle driven largely by word of mouth.

HL will outsell BW 5 to 1 and you know it

it doesn't need to be marketable
people who like video games will buy it and poorfags will seethe
simple as

>HL will outsell BW 5 to 1 and you know it
O I am laffin'. People will eat up anything valve shits out, the amount of people that paid for Artifact's microtransactions alone outweighs Boneworks. So of course Pcbros will buy it and it will outsell, but it won't ever even come close to the amount of gameplay and fidelity Boneworks has over HL:A.

VR is inevitable sure, but dismissing these issues just makes you an brainlet fanboy with nothing worthwhile to say. Actual people who matter will be thinking about it a lot because it's important.

The fidelity of Boneworks holds it back.

I don't think you know what that word even means. Quick-- better google it so you can argue against me properly!

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>I don't think you know what that word even means
do you?

thinking about what? lol
spending money on your hobby? being mad you have to share half your income with a female who hardly lets you enjoy your hobbies? seething poorfag simps I cannot even imagine

why does VR movement have to be this crap teleport shit.

Couldn't they make something like the leg strap for ring fit adventure and have you jog in place to move?

>Couldn't they make something like the leg strap for ring fit adventure and have you jog in place to move?
That's a Steam application you can use

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Good lord, you have the intelligence of a dog but none of the personality. I feel bad for you.

>no u
great argument there, pal.

Well you are being deliberately obtuse here by not understand that by fidelity I mean the full body physics.

I'll enjoy the games coming out while you "contemplate" vr marketability lmao

I think the reasoning is that a metric shitton of people bought VR for this game, and will probably need to use teleport before they get their vr legs.
Which is probably why they released three different videos to show that it's not just teleport.
That's just a theory, though.

Could both of you stop being retarded

duuuude lmaooooo

This looks like "gameplay" they show at E3.

>VR is intrinsically impossible to market
I'll fix that one for you:
because nobody but the biggest neckbeards wants to strap 2 monitors to their head and pay $400 for that pleasure.

I feel like pricing is the largest barrier for most people to get into VR gaming that and the variety of games. Nobody wants to keep buying and playing the same titles over and over again just because "VR". Create new games for the medium, drop the prices to utilize the medium and VR will become a household standard.

Valve probably showed teleport because they want VR noobs to start the game in teleport instead of being macho and going full smooth locomotion and traumatizing themselves.
Valve has always had that overbearing-mother attitude, it can't be helped. Looking through internet comment sections its clear most people need to be coddled.

I doubt you know what anybody wants, much less yourself grugg. Just stick to making low-effort internet posts while technology whizzes by your vaguely dome-shaped head.

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nice rebuttal poindexter
*flicks your glasses off your faggot face*

we're already about as intelligent as people were in 17th century and it's only going to get worse so soon you'll be strapped to all sorts of tech but dumber than grug

No, but when VR gets dirt cheap HL:Alyx will be a must buy, a cornerstone for the platform.

Yeah...i don't think so buddy

until you've done it yourself you're just a seething poorfag
it's the same story for everyone who doesn't own vr, maybe your mom will buy it for you for christmas if you do enough chores around the house

Can you fuckers just post this every time that same autist shitposts about Alyx supposedly lacking smooth locomotion.

Attached: alyx smooth.webm (720x405, 3M)

the game has every kind of movement, teleport, smooth movement and everything in between

>Will a $1000 demo of House of the Dead change gaming?


>why are you calling out teleportation, you can turn it off!
Yes, and many games let you turn off quest markers, fast travel, aim assist and chromatic aberration. But when they're on by default and they're prominently featured in promotional material then it's pretty clear that's how the game's meant to be played. Even if that wasn't the case, time and money was invested in developing those features rather than something else.
>it's just there in case you get sick!
Maybe they should address the motion sickness issue before pushing VR into the mainstream if it's so big an issue you need teleportation to counter-act it.
>they just wanted to show all movement options
And it just so happens that in both action scenes it's teleportation that's being showcased.
Face it, that's just the intended way to play and if you don't teleport, you're just handicapping yourself.

Cornerstone more like cornbread am I right

no, because that doesn't show any combat, which is the problem. smooth locomotion in VR cant be used anywhere that requires any kind of running movement (ie, firefights)

Says literally fucking who?

Attached: quakevr.webm (620x465, 3M)

>most of the people complaining about how HL:A isn't faithful to the originals don't even recognize the Xen infestation because they experienced HL secondhand through youtube game analysts

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HLVR, retard. That's the game im talking about.

Valve is retarded for making promo material with highlight on teleportation.
There's so desperate to make sure nobody gets sick playing this I won't be surprised if they send a Valve exec to watch over you when you play.

Becoming Eloi is a better fate than our species deserves. Choosing to be a luddite won't save you though.

And what evidence do you have to substantiate your claim that
>smooth locomotion in VR cant be used anywhere that requires any kind of running movement (ie, firefights)

Boneworks was a shitty tech demo. It did a bunch of things other games did already, and spammed a record amount of shitty phys props, which turns out is enough to make VRlets impressed.

the fact that there's no VR games with fast paced gameplay and smooth locomotion.

If you're retarded maybe. Contractors rewards you for playing fast.


VR is good for arcade

why do you care so much? you don't have a headset. are we playing make believe? "I-IF I HAD A VR HEADSET, I WOULD PLAY WITH NO TELEPORTATION, BECAUSE I'M NOT A FILTHY SISSY STOMACHED CASUAL". jesus christ dude contain yourself. it's literally optional.

What's your problem pal

>time and money was invested in developing those features rather than something else.
It's pointing at an area and teleporting the player there, you sound as dumb as the people saying it's on rails if you turn it off.
>if it's so big an issue you need teleportation to counter-act it.
It's an issue for a few hours until you get used to VR, strangely enough moving around a 3D space without your physical body moving is disorienting.
>you're just handicapping yourself.
It's the other way around, dumbass, especially if you end up getting surrounded

Literally every multiplayer VR shooter

Not gonna pay for piece of junk that will maybe be fine for one game or two. I recall trying early occulus out on some event and I my basic reaction to it was that it's a waste of time for gaming outside of few very specific niches like simulators, where it's surely great, you just can't marry it with good gameplay.

>VR mod

But I have VR?

Like I'm smooth motion 4lyfe but holy fuck, VR needs options not retarded tribal battles over this shit.

So you have no evidence, then. Okay.

The 3 videos are made to showcase the different locomotion options fren

>you just can't marry it with good gameplay.
outside of these niches*

and what VR controller are you using to play that?

It's not a VR game

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We also don't have any 'immersive sims' or GTA-clones for VR yet either despite the medium being perfect for those. Doesn't mean a thing.

I am fucking dying for someone to port Thief or Dishonored to VR

I know, but majority of the IGN one, 2 out of tree of them are teleport (dash and teleport is same shit basically). And they made the most boring one smooth locomotion.
They should have made everything smooth and made a separate one showing teleportation.

Jet Island 3 is pretty fast.

Someone tried to port Darkmod but it proved to be too much, and VorpX just isn't quite right for Dishonored (still neat though)
I wish someone would port Arx Fatalis, it's open source.

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Dead Effect 2
All the Serious Sam VR
Seeking Dawn
Zero Caliber VR
The countless mods for older shooters

you ever wonder why they didnt show any firefights in the smooth locomotion video, retard?


>Dead Effect 2
Oh that's a good one. I tried to play it like a survival horror at first but it's impossible. You have to play it run n gun and it gets hectic as fuck.

I don't fucking get it. How come apple is the most valuable company with millions of fags buying their overpriced crap every year and yet somehow every HLA thread is full of Yas Forumsirgins shitting on a game that has yet to be released because somehow they can't afford it. Is $250-$500 really that fucking much? . HLA trailer has been released over 3 months ago, by the time game comes out it will be 4 months. Plenty of fucking time to acquire cash and it's hardly a waste of cash cuz if you are not a complete sperg you can sell off your headset and get most of your money back.

I don't shit on people for being poor. Because even poor people who have more than 2IQ points to their name can figure out how to get enough cash.

If you hate on HL for the sole reason of not being able to play it on release day, you are proving to everyone around you that you are incompetent useless loser and shitposting on Yas Forums is literally the only thing you are good at. For gods sake there are 12yos making nice chunk of hobby money via trading in TF2. literally no excuses

the voice acting is horrible holy shit

>GTA-clones for VR
There's a VR mod for GTAV that recently fixed the cutscenes

FPBP. Embarassing railshooter as predicted.

>buying used headsets
do you also buy used underwear? what the fuck

Do you even know what railshooter means.

Just kids mad that they can't play this even if they pirate it
Yas Forums is so compromised now, people who buy/play games are outnumbered by people who watch games on twitch/youtube

>not buying used fleshlights
You're missing out

Maybe I've just missed it but I'm honestly surprised there hasn't been a bunch of backports to HL2 yet. When portal 2 got announced the mapping community had just about everything shown off running in portal 1 by the time 2 was released.
Guess source modding really is pretty much dead at this point.

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Yes. Apparently you don't as you continue to seethe and damage control.

Attached: 1583254166873.webm (640x360, 2.77M)

I don't think you do

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Speaking of rail shooters, panzer dragoon in VR would be nice
Maybe there's a chance after Space Channel VR?

I'm more excited for all the VR mods that will (hopefully) start getting made, even more so when Source 2 drops soonâ„¢

>Maybe there's a chance after Space Channel VR?
Doubt it, that was pretty disappointing

Honestly if that takes off in any serious capacity it will be worth the price of entry alone.

Valve doesn't make stuff like that easier with un update that ruins everything every couple of years. Pretty sure even The Specialists 3.0 is unplayable because of SteamPipe update or some shit.

>when Source 2 drops soonâ„¢
They've already said they have no plans to release the full SDK

They said they are focused on trying to get Alyx out but want to work on getting a SDK out afterward, where'd you get your fake news? Tyler?

>they have no plans to release the full SDK
when Alyx drops like they previously said*

Come on user.

VR already mainstream since Pavlov came out I FUCKING DARE YOU TO PROVE ME WRONG

Please play BAM so it has players

>They said they are focused on trying to get Alyx out but want to work on getting a SDK out afterward
Not a full SDK, a partial one.
>We're not currently planning on shipping a full SDK. We'd really like to release one at some point, but it's a ton of work because Source 2 is a new toolset, much of which hasn't been previously released. Any time we spend on it now is also time we could be spending on polishing the game itself, which we think is more important. As a result, we thought it wasn't appropriate to promise anything before release.
>Generally, this is how we've done SDKs in our previous Source 1 titles as well - making the game takes precedence, and after that's done, we start looking at what's next.

It's abandonware, which is a shame because it still offers more content that Shitlov.

>Just got email from Valve confirming the Monday restock
here we go

"and we found, through play-testing, that we really needed that for the players who, eh, really fumbling with their, learning how to use their bodies and getting the reloading down with the time they have."
Goddamn Valve play-testers doing it again.

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Without brainlet playtesters you'll have problems like the hour long levels with no save points in Boneworks.

Now make their shots damage you
Getting shot in the head should mean instant death in a game this slow with no recoil and this much control of your bodyparts

lmao did you watch the IGN vid
no amount of foolproofing helps

>We'd really like to release one at some point
So, Source 2 soonâ„¢

Oh boy up and coming genius game developer right here folks
Every game should be Rainbow Six, every single one

>Source 2 soonâ„¢
probably not until they release a new flat Source 2 game.
For now it's just level editing stuff

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Well at least they didn't make reloading an automatic thing, so they might have at least a little back-bone left. They also mentioned headcrabs do go for your face.

buying one and refunding it right away to spite redditards.

I heard there was a option setting to make them go for your torso instead
Not that I care about options that much but that's funny

I'd be surprised if there were applefags on Yas Forums. They don't strike me as kind that wants to remain Anonymous when stating their opinions, they're probably going to Reddit.

What will those 80 valve employers will work on next after they are done with alex? I hope at least 1 goes to work at tf2

I'm not an applefag but a iPhone is definitely better than a Android.

I also have a first batch Index though, so I don't fit in whatever the other retard said.

Fuck poor people anyway.

If you gameplay is slow and calculated then it shouldn't be forgiving when you step outside of those bound as well. Else where is the challenge

Hopefully an SDK. If they think I will be replaying their game and listen to the same Marvel Quips over and over they're probably right because VR has nogames

>no mung image
Are you even trying?

Phones are kind of gay so I never cared much about them as long as it didn't work like shit.


Valve has 3 VR projects going on at the moment, Alyx being one of them
they'll have plenty of work available

If you die in game you should die irl prove me wrong

Isn't it obvious that I'm not

You’ll finish the tech demo in 4 hours and then realize you spent 1000$ and have nothing but mobile shovelware to play.

Pcbros are just that retarded.

Have fun clicking to teleport lmao

Same people who throw tissys about baby difficulty modes existing in singleplayer videogames when it makes literally zero tangible impact on anyone but the user who selects them, gatekeeping in gaming is hilariously pathetic.

>consolefags don't have disposable $1000 to throw away at any moment
poorfags lmao
i suppose it makes sense considering your "gaming" devices are like $300
a VR set costs less than an oil change in my Porsche lmao

Anyone else relieved that VR is still an epic meme?

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*20 hours
*Moving with your thumbstick

Fixed that for you, retard

I mean as controversial as it is, it keeps it from going into the shadow realm and being forever forgotten.

Haha once it fails the gaming industry well magically revert back to the golden age
Any day now

Who's your favorite VR/robot girl?

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But you're not wrong

bottom left :^)

The limits of what is considered mainstream are always changing so it's hard to really put it in that perspective. However, this has already boosted interest in VR on an investment and speculation front. I know I am interested in buying one now.

Just a reminder, the Alyx pre-order bonuses will be activated as soon as you purchase an Index so even if it's scheduled to arrive after the game's launch you'll still get the bonuses

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Hmmm is HL;A going to have paid gun skin mtx?

so how exactly does this work?
do you need to buy, say, the Index controllers from Valve to receive all that stuff?
Would buying them from 3rd party make you unable to get the bonuses?
A friend of mine bought a set of Index controllers for his Vive, so theoretically would i get that content by just connecting that to my PC/logging into my account on his PC?

>do you need to buy, say, the Index controllers from Valve to receive all that stuff?
Yes, either the headset or controllers
>Would buying them from 3rd party make you unable to get the bonuses?
Yes, the content is added directly to your steam account
>A friend of mine bought a set of Index controllers for his Vive, so theoretically would i get that content by just connecting that to my PC/logging into my account on his PC?
No, it's account-based

sooo why are we not using analog stick type movement? teleporting is the dumbest shit ever.

t. Miguel Quesadilla

Because VR is inherently flawed and an overall terrible way to play video games.

Been thinking of taking the plunge and ordering the Valve Index when it comes back into stock, but all this negativity I'm seeing on Yas Forums is giving me second thoughts. What should I do?

Valve Index warrenty is pretty leniant so you can refund it if you don't like it


There is an option for both you fucking mongoloid

Get better genetics.

>but all this negativity I'm seeing on Yas Forums is giving me second thoughts
If Yas Forums ever influences you on anything you should seriously rethink your life.

>why yes I'm a faggot retard with no knowledge of what I'm talking about

>t. can't afford it
get a job incel

I get motion sickness just watching this webm. Yuck.

>taking autistic screeching on /v seriously

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guys should i buy a index kit?

Because you're looking it through camera on players head. When you're in VR, you see it through your eyes, just like IRL

he's right and you know it

Attached: well.jpg (1280x720, 164.44K)

You can't get an Index even if you wanted to
Also you sound like a weak willed retard with no soul so you should probably join a cult or something

Now that I think on it how many people are going to break their VR headset when they instinctively try to protect their face when a headcrab pounces.

I wish we had a House of the Dead VR game.
Imagine HOTD Overkill or that new Scarlet Dawn game ported to VR

They really fucked up by not showing the game off with the smooth movement exclusively.
Teleporting just turns people off of VR games.

I'm using an Odyssey+ personally, can't wait for HL Alyx.

Great analysis, thank you for your contribution on the topic that you're obviously an expert at.

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Agreed, but it's Valve and they're fucking awful at publicizing their shit efficiently

Look at this fast paced action.

kek Valve showed up all 3 locomotion methods, you retards just watch 15 seconds of a video and go on screeching.

Yes and it was stupid of them to put teleport first
Do you have any idea how many people stopped watching after three seconds and started screeching autistically? Way more than if they had put the smooth in first. So shut the fuck up you retarded little fanboy, Valve screwed up there.

It only upset autistic retards who don't matter, such as yourself.
Nobody cares if you misunderstood the game, and it won't affect it's sales or reviews whatsoever. You just exposed yourself as a brainlet, that's all.

Absolute cringe reddit-tier post my dude, good job wasting your energy screeching autistically at VR enthusiasts. Maybe gaben will give you a medal.

It isnt mainstream to puke your guts while being "entertained".

So no.

Do you retards realize because it has teleportation and all these scrub tier movement types for brainlets means that this game is going to be gimped by default to cater to normies?

go back

>its revolutionary to move the camera with your head

Might as well use TrackIR.

Nice none-reply, you useless faggot

okay normie

is this satire or is this really what flatniggers believe

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I still they still haven't fixed the AI from HL2 where soldiers just stand around in the open or suicidally rush towards you. What the hell happened to the AI since HL1? Why is it so downgraded?

>"my dude"
>"screeching autistically"

>kek Valve showed up all 3 locomotion methods
There's 4, and they showed by far the most of teleport, which, again, was a fuck up on their part.
Especially showing off the big shootout with fucking teleporting.

Because when you create decent AI, it usually trashes most casual players too hard. The main audience for shooters are the braindeads these days. Why do you think COD games play either two ways in difficulty? Either you are an unstoppable juggernaut that can soak bullets so you can play it like an action movie, or you die in 1 scratch from a pixel you couldn't see because "muh realism."