

Attached: Final-Fantasy-7-remake-barret-cover.jpg (1710x900, 150.71K)

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why did they whitewash barret?

I always assumed it was "mah-ko"

only retards pronounce it may-ko

I figured May-ko, and it's been 20 years so it's really triggering me

It was always muh ko
cringe retards were pronouncing it as may ko or something

Hes a parody of Mr. T's personality. It works for the era.

Would you prefer magic light instead?

English is a retarded language that borrows words with their original spelling instead of correct pronunciation.

Barret is so dramatic and over the top that every time he speaks it gets me motivated. Meanwhile Cloud looks like a chad but speaks like an incel.

That makes English flexible so any blithering retard can be understood by native speakers. Not by design, but still an advantage.

You got it backwards.

>ay sound in Japanese

>ayylmaos saying ayy

Meiko is a Japanese name

So is Mako and it's pronounced Mah-ko

It's not pronounced MAY

the great thing about Japanese is that vowels always make the same sound.
it's pronounced MAH-ko.

it's closer than Mako that's for sure :^)

Attached: klk.jpg (600x337, 60.21K)

>not knowing the correct pronunciation of Japanese words

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Shit character

except the game isn't set in Japan and Barret isn't Japanese

50 iq argument my friend

>black undershirt
Barret is ruined.

Cloud is a lame nerd pretending to be an absolute badass to cope with the horrible things he's seen and avoid a complete mental breakdown.

It's not really that amazing.
Consistent vowels is a common feature in majority of languages.

Anglos pronunciation is fucked up.
Every other language can pronounce jap stuff just fine.

Not black men like to steal and care about their own bling

If I hear one fucking yo...

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it's a great thing about those languages too.

Eat your irregular verbs, user.

This. This is how I always saw it. Thanks, Anime.

I'll fucking fight you

The visuals definitely got worse. It looks quite bad.

This is some low tier thinking user

is Cloud Strife pronounced Claude Striffee?

President Shinra isn't Japanese either and it's his company, checkmate weabs


Vowel sounds that get romanized from Japanese make one sound. A=Ah. This is why fan translators for manga often mistakenly romanize English words the wrong way from Japanese. Like Naruto translators initially writing Pain as "Pein"

I bet you pronounce it Tiddus instead of Tide-us

It's Teedus because i is used to romanize the Japanese ee sound. Did you not read the post? Or are you assuming that because people associate it with the English word tide, and you're mixing up the points made in the post?

>has a white daughter

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mah-ko is the Japanese way to pronounce it

Japanese pronunciation. If it was 'May-ko' then they would have wrote it as 'maeko' not 'mako'.



I fucking love Barret in the Remake.

So is his arm a gun or does he just have a gun strapped to it?

It's a gun arm

I guess all these years I was right in how Mako is said. So it is said the same as his name.

Attached: Makopicture.jpg (360x286, 13.76K)

Except his name isn't even Tidus in Japanese you moron, it's Tida.

I knew a guy that legit believed Cloud was pronounced Claude. Another guy would rant and rave that Caet Sith was pronounced “cat smith” and that everyone else was retarded.

>American weebs can't pronounce まこう
I always find it fucking funny how weeaboos can't even pronounce the language they eat up so much.

I can't believe retards actually called it may-ko. I fucking hate Americans. Say this character's name

Attached: Mako_Mankanshoku_Profile.png (340x191, 88.47K)

Well that's a Maykoo Mahkehnshowkoo if I've ever seen one.

The Shinra Electric company has a damn Kanji as its logo, it is by japanese design, get over it.

>people were so scared of fira, firaga, bilzzara, etc that they changed them to Fire 1, 2, Blizzard 1, etc

No it would be meiko

What is sociolinguistics

/mækoː/ is now canon

/meJkoː/ should be top tier

And Nobou is Nob-oh

Mako shark, checkmate

It's mostly Americans who fuck up Japanese pronunciation

They are the ones always resorting to an "ay" sound when a word has "e" in it. I don't know why they do that

I have heard actual japanese people pronounce e as ‘ay’ occasionally. Might be a regional accent thing

It's a japanese word. Fucking americans can't understand shit beyond their baby ass phonetic rules.

Can you give an example? Mae in Japanese said quickly is basically ay. It's "ah eh" sped up so it sounds very similar to the Japanese "ai" sound.

I think that's cause if you drag out an "e" sound it becomes a slight "ay" sound

ay as in may not to sound like aye or eye

That's how it's pronounced you EOP baka

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