It was never good

It was never good

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Other urls found in this thread:

then why did I enjoy playing it

You like nu fun

seething zoomer living in a world in which the iconic games are still boomer games

I just replayed it
Still holds up

Literally iconic when it was released and everyone wanted to hang with the kid who got the game first. You are too young to know it though.

>nu fun

Attached: cockatielbanginghead.gif (218x218, 171.13K)

Tripfags don't have real opinions

>iOS filename
Every time

Replayed the original trilogy recently, was pretty good

Your right.
[/spoiler] It was much better than that [/spoiler]

It was always good and it's still the best game ever made.

ok zoomer

haha that bird looks like he is having fun :)

nothing but non arguments

same goes for you

Fuckin newbie, just highlight your desired text and press ctrl+s. If you’re phoneposting then remove the slash from the first spoiler.

>nothing but non arguments

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have you considered making substantive threads instead of tanking what little board quality remains by posting low effort clickbait



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Pick a side.

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>It was never good

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I pick the one that looks less ugly.

Right, obviously

I can barely see a difference. Right though

Zoomers don't understand that you had to play it when it came out to truly understand it

Whoever puts this in greentext likes underage boys

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Much like your thread.

No filter

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>preferring visual artifacts
But why?

I know. It happens sometimes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Never understood why Half-Life got more praise than the original Deus Ex. Deus Ex was far better than half life 1. Half life 1 was shit even back in 1998 still shit now.

It’s not quite that. It’s not necessarily impossible for a zoomer to still get it even though they haven’t lived in those times. All they have to do is be detached from their own spacetime-bias and see it from an infinite chronoscopic lense.

No Filter: Reality
Filter: How my eyes see reality

I feel sorry for zoomers since you don't have any good collective memories of your childhood.
You're an empty generation, a void of pleasures, a hollow statistic.
You were born with a cellphone in one hand and a TV remote in the other.
You will never know happiness because you overdosed on it before 10 years old.
Now you shit on the good memories of older people because you're angry and desperate.
What a terrible fate.

> In the November 1999, October 2001, and April 2005 issues of PC Gamer, Half-Life was named Best Game of All Time/Best PC Game Ever. In 2004, GameSpy held a Title Fight, in which readers voted on what they thought was the greatest game of all time, and Half-Life was the overall winner of the survey.

Because Half Life doesn't really require much in the way of planning or brainpower so journalists love it

"Whoever puts this in greentext likes underage boys"

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>you like poo poo i like goo goo
wow such an intellectually stimulating discussion about art

Both of those were pc oriented retard

Why does everyone love chess then, inlcuding any vidya version of it?


Because Deus Ex was still level oriented. Transitions between levels happens via cutscenes that were in 3rd person and sometimes didn’t involve your character at all. These narrative/rhythmic elements were present in games already. What Half Life introduced was a sense of real time continuity that wasn’t seen before in the FPS genre specifically. And that made its already pretty cool narrative (reminiscent of the relatively recent events at Chernobyl which people were still worried about), even cooler.

Not to mention it had game design that’s still impressive to this day when you play it. It’s still an all around good game. And remember that came out in 1995.

I was going to discuss how they're just different genres but...
>Half life 1 was shit even back in 1998
You're unintelligent so why bother.

What journalists you stupid child?
Do you really think videogame journalism was a thing TWENTY years ago?

Fucking imbeciles at least you make me laugh.

Story was far more better, was a bit cheesy but was apart of the charm. JC was more likeable than a mute who kills everything without saying shit. They say they want you to be Gordon Freeman, but if they wanted that why the freak make the main protagonist an established character with a clear past and a name. Gordon is still based tho

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it literally was you retard, it's been around since the 80s, fucking zoomer

I played it and enjoyed it.

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so when are we getting a non VR bullshit Half Life, or even Valve game?

Dota is Valve’s best IP. Ass-Wipe can eat shit.

What do you expect me to argue about? The soundtrack? The pacing? How the weapons feel? The AI? Sure, we could discuss the pros and cons of Half Life’s gameplay, storytelling and impact on the industry at large, but that would get us nowhere. The fact that it’s been discussed quite literally for decades and you still made this thread is a testament to that fact. And that’s because trying to insist a video game like Half Life is objectively bad is retarded.
What makes the game good for one person might ruin the experience for another. It’s just going to boil down to “I like it” vs “I don’t like it”, which are two opinions of equal value, which is to say none whatsoever.
I’m gonna go play Opposing Force now, have fun trying to prove the unprovable.

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Half Life 2 did everything better

Holy based

kys moba third worlder

Valve released a new non-VR game last week.

go away tripfag

Guess it's just my opinion that's all. I dont understand the fact it didnt have cutscenes was a seller. Deus Ex at least tried to get the player to try different things in a big open level upgrading your character down multiple paths. HL1 just requires you to hold M1 agaisnt a bullet sponge enemy until their dead, sorry it's just not fun. HL2 is good tho but did get ridiculously tedious but yes Im not going to deny that they both changed the industry forever.

Go back to /vr/ with this faggotry

The Baitfag payed to shitpost about Half-Life is back?
Yeah I'm thinking this is a TF2 Thread now.

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They changed it for the worse, and proved that people don't want exploration in fps games, they just want to move from room to room and shoot

They're not really different genres, Deus Ex is Half-Life with some RPG elements.

Fuck off, esl.


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replaying it right now and i gotta say you're wrong-o, punk fucker

Half life 2 has the lambda locator achievement for minor exploration atleast

Pretty much all valvefans are poor third worlders.


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Never, Half-Life belongs to us VRchads now. Fuck off, you're unnecessary-- nay you're an eyesore.

The first one was OK, anyone saying it was bad or shit is legit trolling. I've played actual bad games and HL1 isn't even in the same universe.
HL2 is a steep drop-off, though. It's where valve's lazier and more shady practices started to creep in.

You're so insecure it's almost cute.
What are you, 18? It's obvious you don't want to think of yourself as a zoomer, but you are.
Videogame journalism was made by true players that loved the medium, not by greedy rats trying to get fame as it is nowadays.
Even in the early years of the new millenium videogames were despised and looked down.
I'm not going to waste my time trying to make you understand how different things were back then, because you can't even grasp the surface of it.
Now go be a waste of aire somewhere else, faggot.

Did find this incredibly annoying in Half Life. They have no cutscenes but in its place they have dialouge sections you can't skip. I'm sick up suiting up with Kleiner for the 5th time, let me skip goddamit. The prison levels were abysmal with the turret defense stuff. I liked City 17, the citadel, ravenholm and surpisingly i didnt mind the boat sections.

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Can we have new weapons? Please?

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shady practices? it didnt have lootboxes or anything

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"We absolutely see Half-Life: Alyx as our return to this world, not the end of it."


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>players that loved the medium
>like g4 wasn't to push hot women with tits playing games


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He diddnt say anything about cutscenes

The only good valve game is L4D, prove me wrong


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Half-Life: Alyx just seems way too gimmicky to me. Instead of making a good game, it seems they just want to make a VR demo where you get half way through the game and then pick up as Gordon Freeman arriving at City 17 and it ends on Eli dying. Cool concept but nobody asked for Valve to make a VR game, gimme HL3.

How so?


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Have some new taunts and some shitty hat.

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No, but I think Valve and especially Newell were more interested in steam than they were in the game. I'm opposed to drm on principle so that sort of bundling together has never sat well with me.


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ok zoomer

Ouuuuuuuuuuch, nooo he did it.

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Speak for yourself, I'm very happy HLAlyx exists. After Epistle 3, any sort of HL3 would have felt awkward. Taking the series in a different direction was the right call.


bro...update when, this game is not in a good place right now. balance sucks, matchmaking sucks, and the game runs worse than it did years ago


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No it wouldnt, faggot.

>Deus Ex and Half Life are not different genres.

This board is dying real fast.


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It depends on your definition of genre

Nobody cares jackass. Valve isn't interested in making Half-Life 2 again. HL:A is as big as a departure as HL2 was from HL1.
Yas Forums doesn't realize that it has sunk so deep into low-IQ nitpick culture masquerading as critique, nothing will ever be good enough and devs don't want to deal with your shit when people who actually like games still exist out there
get rekt

> (You)

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Please show me before Half-Life Alyx was announced, anyone who asked for a VR Half-Life game.

>> (You)

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Yes it would. It would have been compared to oblivion and if they copied it people would have shat over them for letting the script be posted online. A side, full fledged game is precisely what they needed so the "Half Life 3" baggage isn't there anymore.


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I still will never forgive Valve for removing quickplay (pubs) in favor of the rancid matchmaking they put in. TF2 runs like ass on my 1080 as well.

Remember sprays in Quickplay?

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All Deus Ex has going for it is the story and early redpills. They're great but the gameplay is pretty bad. It's supposed to be a stealth game but the option isn't really valid. Enemies and their patrols are placed at complete random with zero regard for how a stealth orientated player could sneak through it. Unless you're an autistic savant of Deus Ex who knows every inch like the back of your hand, stealth is not a valid play style. 99% of the levels devolve into gunfights.

I (and people) have been asking for a AAA VR game for a while, it's even better that it is a Half Life game that might have a chance of reviving the series for flatscreen too.

Stories dont have to subvert your expectations to be good, literally just release Half-Life 3 or say you're not making it, I dont understand why valve wont say anything, it's utterly pointless and only creates frustration. All Gaben has to say is "We dont plan on announcing HL3 at the moment." or "It's never coming". Boom all these youtube clickbait videos die.

Post them:
>Class you play to have fun
>Class you play to win
>Class you play in Medieval Mode

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they wanted to chase the overwatch craze. fucking morons.

I said show me, not tell me.

The entire VR community? Why do you think you matter compared to people who actually buy shit and are still enthusiastic about games? Do you understand how the industry works?
Being ignorant about gaming advancements isn't a superpower.

nigga wat? it's not that hard and i'm dogshit at stealth games

>Heavy, Sniper, Spy
>Scout, Demo, Soldier
>Demo, Spy

>muh redpills

Just standard conspiracies americans eschatologically spew every day. It’s not really impressive if you’re not American.

I don't know user. I always figured it was to make TF2 more like CS:GO. Problem is that TF2 is not really meant to be taken that seriously.

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just show him retard

>I dont understand why valve wont say anything,

It doesn't take more than 2 braincells to know why they don't want to commit to anything. Making promises and not delivering is what makes people truly frustrated.

Compfags did kinda fuck up the game, sucking fun out of the game by getting weapons nerfed.

Yes, the game is easy as fuck if you don't mind the combat. If you want to try and play it as a stealth game getting through the majority of the levels without alerts is basically impossible.


Fuck off you little retard, you know how to use a search engine. Sitting on your ass squalling for validation is exactly why nobody wants you as a demographic.


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The real eyesore here is the retinal damage you willingly subject yourself to every time you strap a screen three inches from your face.


I just like easy wins, all the time.

played it for the first time ever last week.

I really enjoyed it but was taken back by how overwhelmingly sort of empty the game was. Its mostly just walking through vents and hitting switches, turning vents and pushing boxes. Id barely even define Half Life as a shooter. Its more an adventure game than a straight fps. Kinda like Metroid Prime. Shooting shit is not the main focus at all.

Even like 70% of enemy encounters are just slow and weak headcrabs and zombies and those cute little dog things you can literally just walk past them most of the time. Sure theres some big action set pieces like marine fights and helicopter fights but theyre scattered only a handful of times in a 10 hour campaign.

Its a pretty solitary much more grounded game than I was expecting.

What's the next game we're gonna hate? Deus Ex? I wanna make sure I'm ahead of the curve so I can fit in with my epic Yas Forums bros.

Snipin's a good job mate.

Don't worry bro, we're all going to die from braincancer anyway from cell towers, while being rendered gay and infertile from water additives. also autistic from vaccines.
Might as well enjoy what time we have left

>I really enjoyed it but was taken back by how overwhelmingly sort of empty the game was
What do you really expect from a game that's over 20 years old?

>what is Doom

Todd Howard announced a new Elder Scrolls and didnt say anything about it, he just said "yep it's coming but not for a long time" this puts everyone at easy. They just like the HL3 memes to generate attention to Valve.

HL1 was a real departure back then for being "immersive" and relatively realistic in a field full of densely packed monster arenas with the barest of deliberately bad plots. It's almost impossible to really understand how huge and mindblowing that was at the time if you weren't there and its innovations have become so standardized most people don't realize how much originated here.

>Comparing a game made by idsoftware, who had a few years of experience to Valve's first game ever

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I mean empty in a sort of not a lot of shit going on way not really in amount detail.

Like Duke Nukem and Doom and Quake is often chaos. Theres always shit going on. In Half Life you can easily spend half an hour to an hour at times going through some section of platforming, puzzle solving, switch hunting and encounter maybe only a dozen enemies most of whom would be headcrabs or maybe some turrets.

>no experience
You do realise everyone on the team had lots of experience, I mean Gabe had lots of experience under his belt, if they didnt, they wouldnt attempt HL1.

Based Demolition's Man

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Todd is also a fucking liar.

good fps but less than mediocre story

True, but at least he isn't a cock tease like gabe newell.

low effort bait retard

Im fine with this. I appreciate the fresh approach they took and they did it well im just saying I went into it not knowing the game was like that and I was like woah ok ive done nothing in 2 hours but swim around turning valves and jumping over lasermines. Im not saying thats bad its just not what I was expecting.

Its also why I wouldnt even list it in my top 20 fps like with Metroid Prime. Its a different style of game. Its not a shooter.

Why is goldsrc so comfy? I even started hl mapping because of it

You realize idsoftware had more experience when making Doom than Valve did when making Half-Life, and that I never said Valve had no experience, right?

Oh yeah I wasn't scolding you or anything, just talking. There's a lot of stuff I can't enjoy because I wasn't there to experience it in its original context and don't have nostalgia to sweeten the deal.


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>nothing will compare to HL2's gritty atmosphere

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Half Life was amazing on release but I can see why it isn’t impressive today

Still the best

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I was super impressed with the AI though. They are better than AI in most games today which is kind of fucked up.

>Half Life
>Good AI
dont make me laugh

This, Thief shit all over it in 98

Yeah, AI has been horribly neglected.
Oddly the AI in HL2 is technically way more advanced but for whatever reason it seems a lot dumber, I still don't know why.
Valve said that they went back and looked at the HECU AI for HL:A, hopefully it pays off.

name one thing HL1 did better

I hate how they fucked that up in Half Life Alyx. Looks kinda cartoonish now.

Half-Life 2's AI was total garbage compared to HL1. This is disingenuous.


as if your "it was never good" was an argument you retard


more gun variety

STALKER and Metro have their moments and arguably have equal staying power

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But I cannot deny they were influenced by Half Life 2's success.

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I played it last week for the first time and loved it.

looks cartoonish

You mean OoT was never good.

Deus Ex is a strong contender for my favorite game, but it's definitely more of a niche title. A simple FPS done very well had more mass appeal at the time than a game that merges several genres and has a ton of dialogue/a fairly intricate plot. Plus, Half-Life's graphics were top of the line on release, while Deus Ex looked pretty jank even at the time (both games had stellar art direction though). That makes a pretty big difference to the average consumer.

So does Half Life 2 in many ways. It all depends on your idea of "cartoonish" which you can stretch in many ways to your fitting (like ur mum).

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It's much better than Quake. At least feels finished and much better than playing glorified map packs without any actual sense of progression.

It's the same shit they did in Counter-Strike.

I was being facetious, it's a stupid talking point. HL2 wasn't gritty, it just had really ugly photosourced textures and weak material shaders that quickly lagged behind the rest of the industry.

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What's with this "Half Life is shit narrative" you faggots keep pushing

Deus ex plays like garbage. That's why.

it's literally just one small angry brain doing this
what was he called again, the barneyfag?

HL2 was gritty though. It had a very rust-punk industrial aesthetic. The slav concept designer even got hired for Dishonored later which had a similar aesthetic.

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Sounds pretty cartoonish to me bro

Just like ur mum

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Cartoonish in an environment that is meant to bear a sense of realism seems to describe a combination of flat lighting, cel shading or phong shading made to look like plastic, and lack of distinct details among textures and the scenery.

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>One stationary enemy being exploited somehow makes a point about how the AI is and acts as a squad when people play the game properly

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that's possibly the least gritty dirt I have ever seen, even Minecraft is grittier

O I got gritty dirt

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check out this gritlord

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It was the start of heavily scripted linear shooters and it stagnated the genre into the call of duty fuckfest that is present to this very day. When I watch the new alyx trailers I get triggered just as much as I do looking back at the first two games. It's literally a long hallway with a lot of cool stuff happening. It's the same thing as a carnival ride, once you see it you're more then fed up with it. Half life was always a glorified walking simulator and it will never evolve. You mock Todd and his VR skyrim release without realising that the new half life game is literally the same as the old ones, except in VR. Fuck Valve, fuck gabe and fuck all of you simpletons, keep on consuming

cartoonish !

It's not Half Life's fault not everything can be as good as it. Just like how it's not your dad's fault you turned out so shitty.

Attached: vladivostok night.jpg (1920x1080, 438.95K)
Then come back.

Whoa, this guy seems like he's super smart and everyone should make games that appeal to him even if it loses them money because he buys even less games than feminist critique scam artist.
Incredible...I am in awe of his dignity and wisdom such an ubermensch.

because the game sucks dick


Who /excited for tomorrow/ here, Halfbros?

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Also why are Half Life menus so kino? Is it the minimalism? The sounds? Who knows.

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go back to Yas Forums, you're a stain on this board

HeXen was more fun

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Stop seething you central asian. So what I exposed your non European ancestry and shat on Anglonobyl? I have also been a member of Yas Forums for longtimes. It is my second home. Oh and /x/.

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no wonder you're mentally ill


>much better than Quake
Valve drone

Esoteric illiteracy is a plight which affects certain groups. Which groups? I won’t say...

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Okay, this is epic.

Don't try to frighten me with your sorcerer's ways

Boogity Boogity Boo!

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How would the Xen creatures fare on Pandora?

Pandora would be wiped out in a week.

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what the fuck is this fern gully shit

You're gonna take this Xen and love it, yboi

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>one does not simply walk into Xen

That's right you gotta use the jump boost.

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It's never been bad

You tell em John Locke

just because I like half life doesn't mean I like you tripfag

The Alien a.i. is about as braindead as fps a.i. gets. And the marine a.i.tricks iyou nto thinking they're good because they callout and have a cool personality. You figure out quickly they can't even move and shoot at the same time. And their movements don't make any sense either.

Black Mesa > City 17

I didn't say you have to like me.

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whats up my stinky tripnigger, is that remake out yet? i heard it had a release date a while back

Black Mesa? It's out tomorrow my angloid.

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To be honest Valve should just sell the rights to Crowbar Collective and let them finish episode 3... everyone wins

o shit, just in time for the weekend, nice, been holding off playing for years so I could experience the final thing

Considering how long it took them to finish a fucking shitty remake of 1 game, how about fuck you idiot

Fuck those pieces of underwater shit.

Out fucking skilled

diverse enemy types
every gun served a purpose, unlike the mp7 and usp match which are useless halfway across the game
every chapter's setting looked distinctive despite being set in the same facility (well okay ravenholm was pretty epic ngl gonna lie)
no bullshit exposition unskippable forced monologues where having a silent protag loses its purpose in the first place

i just played it through recently and it was fantastic opposing force is 2x better though


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Wish they had done HECU-zombies. HEV-Zombies were best part of Xen.

Yeah I don't have a screenshot of it but that part where you're inside those dilapidated field bunkers with whiteboard scribblings full of xenobiology and physics theorems while zombies roamed around was absolute kino. Great addition to the Xen atmosphere that totally works with the old atmosphere and narrative.

Also Black Mesa's final explosion is a worthy explosion to match HL2's ending now

Attached: explosions.jpg (1920x1080, 286.05K)

Imagine if they redid Opposing Force next

Attached: Opposing force ending.jpg (1280x720, 43.74K)

only the first and last point are valid, the rest is typical hl1 fanboy wankery (such as the game having nearly half of its arsenal only serve as garbage fluff). it's solid but it's just as horribly flawed as its sequel is.

Left. That's how I played it years ago, also the floor and the lamps look better.

Was this sarcasm?

Bro, please don't try to correct the record, he's got an understandable opinion.