Alright, time for Megaman III gameboy mosaic.
>How does this work?
Claim a tile, edit it, submit it, wait for final result. Tiles that are too low effort will be rejected.
>Tile size?
Alright, time for Megaman III gameboy mosaic.
>How does this work?
Claim a tile, edit it, submit it, wait for final result. Tiles that are too low effort will be rejected.
>Tile size?
Other urls found in this thread:
Have a bump.
Claiming C3
C3 claimed
Thanks for the bump
Here you go.
Claiming A1
You're in
A1 claimed
claming d4
working on b4
Is there something wrong with the mosaic booru?
I can't upload anything.
D4 claimed
B4 claimed
You know this isn't just about exactly redrawing tiles right? Still taking it.
I can't upload anything either, no idea why.
claiming C5
Claiming A3
claiming E5
Give me E3
I also did b5
d4 spot
E5 done
C5 claimed
A3 claimed
E5 claimed
E3 claimed
well those two would look good together but let's try to keep it at one tile per person ok? I'm taking B4 but not B5
You're in
You're in too
nice flip
forgot to rotate back to the correct orientation
posting a classic
b1 but not goofed this time
ill do a5
Someone add "Episode 1 of 10"
That's a lot of dogs.
That'll be four bucks, baby. You want fries with that?
I've resized your A4 tile to be at the right size but next time don't forget that you should upload tiles at a specific size, here 300*300
You're in
A5 claimed
Sorry lads, but my power went out and I lost what I was making. Unclaiming A3.
A3 is free again
You're in
Claiming D2
Claiming B5
Claiming C1
E3 here.
D2 claimed
B5 claimed
C1 claimed
You're in
literally the only good megaman handhled game is megaman zero on the gba
claiming D3
someone maked d1 say gay and get it over with
bitch has (YOU) never played mega man x maverick hunter?
D3 claimed
Claiming E2
t. filtered
III and IV are masterpieces. Hard as balls though.
E2 claimed
I thought I had something but I now I don't think I should have B5 so someone else can have it.
D2 tentatively done
C1 coming in
You're in
You're in too
We're more than halfway there btw. 10 tiles left to claim.
Finished E2
Oh boy this ought to be good. I'm at work so can't spend that much time in MP Paint though.
You're in
Btw I'll host another mosaic thread in exactly one week but there's no cover planned so I'm open to suggestions
any Castlevania will do for me
More megaman. I fucking love megaman
can I has B5?
I don't mind any of those but you have to be more specific. Like post the cover you want to do
Yes you can, go ahead
Halo CE PC port just came out.
We can make a mosaic with the OG cover.
Take an abstract one.
D3 done
I can't wait to see what happens with that banshee in the top right
It's already been done so I'd rather do one that hasn't been done yet
Yeah this could be nice.
You're in
did i do it right? b2 btw
Claim A3
Do you have a site or archive where you post all of these?
Yes you're in
A2 claimed
A3 claimed
Check the vidya mosaic booru.
A3 Done
You're in
Here is A2
Gimme gimme gimme B3
i nominate Comix Zone
>Tracks from Danzig for a K-A game
Haha what
I'm sure you can do better than this
Got it
B5 reporting for duty
Claiming B3
You're in
Already claimed
ED1 should be GAY
Claiming D1
Claimoreing C2
Sega was rad back then
D1 claimed
C2 claimed
You know the rules.
Claiming E1
>I'm sure you can do better than this
Not with ms paint
claiming e4
you can do better, user
think of electric retard, a total genious