What will you name your island, Yas Forums? *Thinking face*

What will you name your island, Yas Forums? *Thinking face*

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Nigger island


The Island

Princess Beach

rocket launcher

Ive always named it after Kerning city from maplestory

10 characters or less. Learn to read.


I always named my town Brill after the starting town for the Undead in WoW. I always thought Brill was a rather comfy name for a town. With the new game being an island though I'm not to sure.


>braindead racist can't read


Change it to “Brine”, like the type of shrimp.

I was thinking of naming my island Pelican Island after Pelican City from Stardew

Do you have to name it right on the spot in game? It’s gonna take me a million years to think of a name

thats why they're telling you now

I like this, I might steal it. Brine Island sounds cool.

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>10 characters of less
Well, i guess i get my wish of calling mine Twatshire.

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more importantly, what suffix will you pick?

Isle e621





Better read some books user

Here's a (you) because you seem to really want one

>he thinks you can be racist to animals

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I was huge into Kirby when the first one came out and named my town Cappy in reference. I have kept up the tradition in all AC games.

I was thinking of naming it Yggdrasil Island because it fits

Mata Nui

My sister did this in Wild World.

... Bridget?

Pen Island

I'm a novelist. I'll probably be a sperg and name it after my fictional island.

Gaynigger Island?!

Poopoo island

Oh, good idea. Wacko Island for me, then.

Pen Island Dot Com

I want to name is something cute like MapleSyrup

Ok now this is freaking epic fellow channer

Butt Pirate Cove?

If you're really so curious you can buy my books faggots.

Epstein Island

The Cult


Does The Flaming Adventures of Captain Rainbowbeard and his Seamen come with a nondescript book jacket? I'm a crossing guard so the only time I get to read is when their are kids around.


coolguy island

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I always call my towns Aniville, so this island is going to be NewAnivile





I'm pretty sure that residents will say island my default.

Little Saint James

I think coolsville sucks

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Didn't laugh until I saw the seething redditors in the replies.


this but unironically






This and I will only accept brown villagers

i cant fucking decide im too good at coming up with names

You didn't come up with those names, you stole them from already existing towns.

If you don't name it Pen Island, I'm sorry, you're fucking gay.

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The Village

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true, but it doesnt change the fact that i cant decide

That's fair enough.
Call it Ogygia

If you put every player's island on a map, half the islands would be called Pen Island. It would make navigation extremely confusing.

Mallet Island

I don't read homo erotica, but I'll probably buy it for support


I will be giving it the same name as the fourth largest island of the phillipines

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Kaczynski Island

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Holy based

I like it


>10 characters or less
What is this the fucking Famicom?

Same name I've always had for my towns, Qwerty.

"Pen. haha"
Everything is going to be suffixed with Island, so just write Nigger.

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Callin' moine Norf London for Norf FC. Simple as.

*takes screenie*

UMM, yeah this is hella HECKIN poggers and redpilled af, gonna have to reply a few more times so I can make a montage of the reactions to this one! The boys on my discord are gonna love this!

>people sperging over a book reference

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>Everything is going to be suffixed with island,
Is this true? I can't go with a Port __ or __ Bay name then because it'll sound retarded with Island taked on?

Do you really get upboats for saying nigger on reddit, mr. reddit expert?

>gets censored to Ten little indians
>indian becomes a slur too
Ruh roh

might as well re-censor it to something harmless like "Ten little Italians"

Grand Isle

If the entire island is a port, then naming it a port would be redundant.
Bay is the shape of the inlet on the coast, so naming an entire island after a bay is also nonsense.

It is unclear. Japanese version has shown additional suffixes

how many levels of irony are you currently working from rn

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ummm hello, is this the BASED DEPARTMENT?

Candied Island

>all replied to the post are literally upvoted
>get called out and try to say it's not

>low effort joke
This site has fallen so far.


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read a book

Callahan, based on the character of the same name from ||Legally Blonde.||


>If the entire island is a port, then naming it a port would be redundant.
If the entire island is an island, then naming it an island would be redundant. You're fucking retarded. It makes even more sense to name the island a port if the whole thing is a port. It would make less sense if only half the island were a port. Retard.
>Bay is the shape of the inlet on the coast, so naming an entire island after a bay is also nonsense.


ur wrong


Nowhere, just like I've always named my Animal Crossing towns.

UAC Base

>Kien is a type of tree
>Insel is german for island
>Kiesel is german for pebble

City 17.

I don't care if it doesn't make sense, I always name locations in games City 17, because I've gone by some variation of Dr Breen for over a decade now.


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came here to post this, based

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criminally underrated post

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That man just fucking died.

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Did he died?

Unfortunately won’t be possible but absolutely based

pls be real

Anyone have tips on what to name my town after?
Favorite places in books or movies is a little too naive for what I am looking for.
Picking real places is going to break my immersion a little.
Hopefully something that's taking inspiration from real things would be nice.

Robot Pirate Island.

Yas Forums is reddit, so yes.

Party Van

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just name your island "Hell" or some silly stuff. maybe name it after your favorite food

reminder that chad, niger, nigeria and virgin island is already taken. in real life.


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Yas Forumsillage


That's a woman under there, I'm fairly sure

yes tell us the name of the book so we can find you and throw poop at your house

>Those starting villagers

fuck the name, throw it in the trash.


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Guaranteed kino names:
>DK island
>isla nublar

Guaranteed cringe names:
>waifu anything

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Didn’t realize Chuck Tingle posts on Yas Forums

You forgot Kitchen Island (Wario Land)

>ten little esteemed persons of colour

My fucking nigga! Rick Mayall was a legend!

>That one island from gulliver's that literally translates to "The Whore"in spanish
imma try that one to see if im allowed to use it.

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La Rapet

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The Black Citadel.
My dude is gonna be named Rhapthorne

Too many letters my nigga

black citadel is a no can do but Rhapthorne is on the character limit my dude

Oh shit you're right.
My island is gonna be called Petalburg then.

whats a good bloodborne name for my island name

>paper mario Petalburg
based user
>pokemon Petalburg
thats gonna be a yikes for me.

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Was thinking Paper Mario.
I don't even play Pokemon.


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Laputan Machine

Is either Yharnam or swamp because every single name in that game has 30 characters and two adjectives.

Cunny Command

maybe dream island
alternatively, what about a berserk name?

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Ram Ranch



>DK Island Island


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answer me something, i saw at the direct a bunch of dialogue were they refered at the example island as "ninten" but never saw the "island" added anywhere, has there been examples of this?

>chris chan sweater is confirmed in
based. Im planning a bunch of characters to dress up as already. game's gonna be fun.

I'm still waiting for them to show up Sonichu. Mr. Miyamoto said he's gonna be in for sure but they still haven't show him!


Should I Ask Magichan so I Can finally See my Creation Sonichu?


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I just want to have Dragaux as a villager

Huh, hello?? Based department??

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Old Rock probably, I like simple comfy names.

I want to give it a Sonic related name. Do you think Stardust Island sounds retarded?

I'm guessing Angel Island is too basic for you?


Pingas islands radiates pure raw strenght

>Bitterblack is too many characters



>no one making the Agatha Christie reference
I'm disappointed.

so Much win

Too generic. Sounds like the username of an edgy FPS player

Sticks n Stones

In that case, South or West Side Island could also work then. Green Hill is 10 characters and SA2 has it as its own island. Prison Island is also an option.

>gonna take me hours to come up with a name
>even more hours to design my character
>even more hours to decide layout

its already paid for itself

Incel Isle