Can we all agree

Can we all agree

Attached: Ricotta cute.jpg (800x800, 105.79K)

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look how fucking flat she is

agree on what, the her tummy looks very lickable? Sure

what's with the japanese and using random italian words to name things

yeah its kinda cheesy


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the Italians really like nubile little girls, if you know what I'm talking about

>asian basedboy

Funny enough here in Italy 'ricotta' is a nickname for smegma

Japs want little brown lolis but in most of the world that means making them part nigger, turk or spaniard so they have to settle for pastalolis. They also like Italian food.

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I really, really want to make out with her

>ywn bend her over your knee and blow raspberries on her tummy

very cute

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Yeah, fucking delicious

Ma dove coglione? Tra i tuoi amici delle medie?

that brown lolis are superior?

that she would be raped constantly the moment she stepped out of town? absolutely


Agree on what?

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Does she need any help?

not from a fat loser like you, honestly. Imagine how fat and ugly those kids would be.

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esta ricota la nena si


Cool cunny

Do people unironically like loli’s? I cannot wrap my head around that fad like she’s a literal child wouldn’t a full grown woman be more pleasing

>boohoo stop liking something I don't like :(

Cute and somewhat funny

Si, esa niñita esta bien ricota.

nice try pedo

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babies really are ridiculously cute

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Why live?

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hola redditbro

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nice try third world pedo


pedo detected

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Thin reminded me I couldn't fully take seriously parte 5 because of the ridicoulous names

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god I love loli tummies

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This post almost made me kill myself. Almost.

this picture, i need to see who became Dio.

You seem to be on edge

redditfag detected

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>she’s a literal child
>wouldn’t a full grown woman be more pleasing

Big Chungus: lol

you were staring

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And he still is

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haha.. I love cunny.. Haha.

there's something really aesthetic about their brown legs.

Riccota is fina and all but where the fuck is Ys 9

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Ricotta fishing!

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Maybe the date will be revealed tomorrow at NISA's last day at PAX, if they know to choose the better Falcom series and won't horrendously fuck it up like last time.